What is the term for the inner reasons or driving forces behind human actions?

Presentation on theme: "Motivation and Emotion: Driving Consumer Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation and Emotion: Driving Consumer Behavior

2 Motivations “ Motivations are the inner reasons or driving forces behind human actions as consumers are driven to address real needs. Motivations are the impetus toward providing the intended reasons for a consumer’s actions.”

3 What Drives Human Behavior? Homeostasis –refers to the fact that the body naturally reacts in a way to maintain a constant, normal bloodstream. The aim of homeostasis behavior is to maintain an individual in a current acceptable state. Self-Improvement –aims at changing a person’s current state to a level that is more ideal and not simply maintaining the current state of existence.

4 Simple Classification of Consumer Motivations Utilitarian motivation - A drive to acquire products that consumers can use to accomplish things Hedonic motivation - Involves a drive to experience something personally gratifying


6 Regulatory Focus Theory Consumers orient their behavior either through a prevention or promotion focus –Prevention focus - Orients consumers toward avoiding negative consequences –Promotion focus - Orients consumers toward the pursuit of their aspirations or ideals

7 Consumer Involvement Degree of personal relevance a consumer finds in pursuing value from a given consumption act Types of involvement: –Product –Shopping –Situational –Enduring –Emotional


9 Emotions Psychobiological reactions to appraisals –Psychobiological - They involve psychological processing and physical responses –Visceral responses - Certain feeling states are tied to behavior in a very direct way

10 Cognitive Appraisal Theory Describes how specific types of thoughts can serve as a basis for specific emotions Cognitive appraisals: –Anticipation –Agency –Equity –Outcomes

11 Measuring Emotion Autonomic measures – Automatically record visceral reactions or neurological brain activity Self-report measures –Less obtrusive than biological measures

12 PANAS and PAD PANAS –Positive-affect-negative-affect scale –Assesses a person’s emotional state PAD – Pleasure-arousal-dominance – Used to study retail atmospherics

13 Understand how different consumers express emotions in different ways.

14 Differences in Emotional Behavior Emotional involvement –The type of deep personal interest that evokes strongly felt feelings associated with some object or activity

15 Differences in Emotional Behavior Emotional expressiveness –Extent to which a consumer shows outward behavioral signs and otherwise reacts obviously to emotional experiences Emotional intelligence –Capture one’s awareness of the emotions experienced in a situation, and an ability to control reactions to these emotions

16 Emotion and Cognitive Learning Interplay Semantic wiring –Consumers link concepts for memory retrieval –The active process and storage of knowledge is influenced by emotions –When marketing presents a product that evokes emotions, consumer recall is likely to increase

17 Emotion and Cognitive Learning Interplay Mood-congruent recall –Events are associated with moods –When a mood can be controlled by marketing, consumers evaluations of a product can be influenced

18 Schema-Based Affect Emotions become stored as part of the meaning for a category


20 Self-Conscious Emotions Specific emotions that result from some evaluation or reflection of one’s own behavior –Include pride, shame, guilt, and embarrassment

21 Emotional Contagion //www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN8YQVM 1GQI //www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN8YQVM 1GQI Emotional contagion - Represents the extent to which an emotional display by one person influences the emotional state of a bystander Emotional labor - Workers have to overtly manage their own emotional displays as part of the requirements of the job

22 Video //www.cengage.com/marketing/book_content/babin_9781133629689/videos/ch05/index.html

Chapter 11. Emotions and Motivations

Grace under Pressure

On June 27, 2014, 13-year-old Gavin England saved his grandfather from drowning when their prawning boat took on water and sank off the Saanich Peninsula on Vancouver Island (CTV, 2014). Gavin’s grandfather Vern was not a strong swimmer, and though both were wearing life jackets, they would not have survived for long in the cold Pacific ocean waters 300 meters from shore.

Gavin recounted the event, explaining how he suffered sharp cuts to his bare feet when climbing the embankment where he had dragged his grandfather. He attributed his ability to overcome the pain of the cuts to adrenalin. Upon finding an old truck with keys in the ignition, and despite the high emotions he was experiencing, he then had the wherewithal to learn to drive on the spot and make it up a three-kilometer hill to get help. Gavin explained that his knowledge of driving a dirt bike served him well: “I knew that clutch in meant drive.” Vern described the young boy as “tenacious” and calm throughout the event. He was giving his grandfather words of encouragement as he pulled him to shore.

Stories such as Gavin’s are rare and unpredictable. We hope we will act with the same clear-headed tenacity in emergency situations, but the heroic response is not assured. Gavin’s ability to abate panic, and recognize and regulate his emotions was central to his actions in this emergency situation.

The topic of this chapter is affect, defined as the experience of feeling or emotion. Affect is an essential part of the study of psychology because it plays such an important role in everyday life. As we will see, affect guides behaviour, helps us make decisions, and has a major impact on our mental and physical health.

The two fundamental components of affect are emotions and motivation. Both of these words have the same underlying Latin root, meaning “to move.” In contrast to cognitive processes that are calm, collected, and frequently rational, emotions and motivations involve arousal, or our experiences of the bodily responses created by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Because they involve arousal, emotions and motivations are “hot” — they “charge,” “drive,” or “move” our behaviour.

When we experience emotions or strong motivations, we feel the experiences. When we become aroused, the sympathetic nervous system provides us with energy to respond to our environment. The liver puts extra sugar into the bloodstream, the heart pumps more blood, our pupils dilate to help us see better, respiration increases, and we begin to perspire to cool the body. The stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine are released. We experience these responses as arousal.

American pilot Captain”Sully” Sullenberger  (Figure 11.1, “Captain Sullenberger and His Plane on the Hudson River”) was 915 metres up in the air when the sudden loss of power in his airplane put his life, as well as the lives of 150 passengers and crew members, in his hands. Both of the engines on flight 1539 had shut down, and his options for a safe landing were limited.

Sully kept flying the plane and alerted the control tower to the situation: “This is Cactus 1539…hit birds. We lost thrust in both engines. We’re turning back toward La Guardia.”

When the tower gave him the compass setting and runway for a possible landing, Sullenberger’s extensive experience allowed him to give a calm response: “I’m not sure if we can make any runway…Anything in New Jersey?”

Captain Sullenberger was not just any pilot in a crisis, but a former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with 40 years of flight experience. He had served both as a flight instructor and the safety chairman for the Airline Pilots Association. Training had quickened his mental processes in assessing the threat, allowing him to maintain what tower operators later called an “eerie calm.” He knew the capabilities of his plane.

When the tower suggested a runway in New Jersey, Sullenberger calmly replied: “We’re unable. We may end up in the Hudson.”

Figure 11.1 Captain Sullenberger and His Plane on the Hudson River. Imagine that you are on a plane that you know is going to crash. What emotions would you experience, and how would you respond to them? Would the rush of fear cause you to panic, or could you control your emotions like Captain Sullenberger did, as he calmly calculated the heading, position, thrust, and elevation of the plane, and then landed it on the Hudson River?

The last communication from Captain Sullenberger to the tower advised of the eventual outcome: “We’re going to be in the Hudson.”

He calmly set the plane down on the water. Passengers reported that the landing was like landing on a rough runway. The crew kept the passengers calm as women, children, and then the rest of the passengers were evacuated onto the rescue boats that had quickly arrived. Captain Sullenberger then calmly walked the aisle of the plane to be sure that everyone was out before joining the 150 other rescued survivors (Levin, 2009; National Transportation Safety Board, 2009).

Some called it “grace under pressure,” and others called it the “miracle on the Hudson.” But psychologists see it as the ultimate in emotion regulation — the ability to control and productively use one’s emotions.

An emotion is a mental and physiological feeling state that directs our attention and guides our behaviour. Whether it is the thrill of a roller-coaster ride that elicits an unexpected scream, the flush of embarrassment that follows a public mistake, or the horror of a potential plane crash that creates an exceptionally brilliant response in a pilot, emotions move our actions. Emotions normally serve an adaptive role: We care for infants because of the love we feel for them, we avoid making a left turn onto a crowded highway because we fear that a speeding truck may hit us, and we are particularly nice to Mandy because we are feeling guilty that we did not go to her party. But emotions may also be destructive, such as when a frustrating experience leads us to lash out at others who do not deserve it.

The Surrey School District in British Columbia has incorporated “emotional regulation” into the curriculum (Wells, 2013). In six schools, educators are piloting a program that helps teachers look for what may be stressing children, making them unable to  pay attention, lethargic, hyperactive, or out of control. The children may be impacted by too much noise in the classroom, too little sleep, or too much junk food in their lunch. The teachers help the children recognize what they need to do to make themselves calm and productive in class. The program ultimately places the motivation for behavioural control within the hands of the children.

Motivations are closely related to emotions. A motivation is a driving force that initiates and directs behaviour. Some motivations are biological, such as the motivation for food, water, and sex. But there are a variety of other personal and social motivations that can influence behaviour, including the motivations for social approval and acceptance, the motivation to achieve, and the motivation to take, or to avoid taking, risks (Morsella, Bargh, & Gollwitzer, 2009). In each case we follow our motivations because they are rewarding. As predicted by basic theories of operant learning, motivations lead us to engage in particular behaviours because doing so makes us feel good.

Motivations are often considered in psychology in terms of drives, which are internal states that are activated when the physiological characteristics of the body are out of balance, and goals, which are desired end states that we strive to attain. Motivation can thus be conceptualized as a series of behavioural responses that lead us to attempt to reduce drives and to attain goals by comparing our current state with a desired end state (Lawrence, Carver, & Scheier, 2002). Like a thermostat on an air conditioner, the body tries to maintain homeostasis, the natural state of the body’s systems, with goals, drives, and arousal in balance. When a drive or goal is aroused—for instance, when we are hungry—the thermostat turns on and we start to behave in a way that attempts to reduce the drive or meet the goal (in this case to seek food). As the body works toward the desired end state, the thermostat continues to check whether or not the end state has been reached. Eventually, the need or goal is satisfied (we eat), and the relevant behaviours are turned off. The body’s thermostat continues to check for homeostasis and is always ready to react to future needs.

In addition to more basic motivations such as hunger, a variety of other personal and social motivations can also be conceptualized in terms of drives or goals. When the goal of studying for an exam is hindered because we take a day off from our schoolwork, we may work harder on our studying on the next day to move us toward our goal. When we are dieting, we may be more likely to have a big binge on a day when the scale says that we have met our prior day’s goals. And when we are lonely, the motivation to be around other people is aroused and we try to socialize. In many, if not most cases, our emotions and motivations operate out of our conscious awareness to guide our behaviour (Freud, 1922; Hassin, Bargh, & Zimerman, 2009; Williams, Bargh, Nocera, & Gray, 2009).

We begin this chapter by considering the role of affect on behaviour, discussing the most important psychological theories of emotions. Then we will consider how emotions influence our mental and physical health. We will discuss how the experience of long-term stress causes illness, and then turn to research on positive thinking and what has been learned about the beneficial health effects of more positive emotions. Finally, we will review some of the most important human motivations, including the behaviours of eating and sex. The importance of this chapter is not only in helping you gain an understanding the principles of affect but also in helping you discover the important roles that affect plays in our everyday lives, and particularly in our mental and physical health. The study of the interface between affect and physical health — that principle that “everything that is physiological is also psychological” — is a key focus of the branch of psychology known as health psychology. The importance of this topic has made health psychology one of the fastest growing fields in psychology.


CTV. (2014). Heroic act (video broadcast). Toronto, ON: CTV National News. Retrieved July 24, 2014, from //toronto.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=389519

Freud, S. (1922). The unconscious. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 56(3), 291.

Hassin, R. R., Bargh, J. A., & Zimerman, S. (2009). Automatic and flexible: The case of nonconscious goal pursuit. Social Cognition, 27(1), 20–36.

Lawrence, J. W., Carver, C. S., & Scheier, M. F. (2002). Velocity toward goal attainment in immediate experience as a determinant of affect. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(4), 788–802.

Levin, A. (2009, June 9). Experience averts tragedy in Hudson landing. USA Today. Retrieved from //www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-06-08-hudson_N.htm.

Morsella, E., Bargh, J. A., & Gollwitzer, P. M. (2009). Oxford handbook of human action. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

National Transportation Safety Board. (2009, June 9). Excerpts of Flight 1549 cockpit communications. USA Today. Retrieved from //www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-06-09-hudson-cockpit-transcript_N.htm.

Wells, K. (2013). Self-regulation technique helps students focus in class: Teachers try new approach to improving students’ behaviour. CBC News Posted: Nov 30, 2013 Retrieved 2014 from //www.cbc.ca/news/canada/self-regulation-technique-helps-students-focus-in-class-1.2440688

Williams, L. E., Bargh, J. A., Nocera, C. C., & Gray, J. R. (2009). The unconscious regulation of emotion: Nonconscious reappraisal goals modulate emotional reactivity. Emotion, 9(6), 847–854.

Image Attributions:

Figure 11.1: Sully Sullenberger by Ingrid Taylar (//www.flickr.com/photos/taylar/435061088) used under CC BY 2.0 license (//creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/); Plane crash into Hudson River by Greg L., (//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Plane_crash_into_Hudson_Rivercroped.jpg) used under CC BY 2.0 license (//creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en).

What can be described as the inner reasons or driving forces behind human actions that drive consumers to address real needs '?

Motivations are the inner reasons or driving forces behind human actions as consumers are driven to address real needs. Motivations are the impetus toward providing the intended reasons for a consumer's actions.”

Which term refers to the driving force that causes a person to take action to satisfy specific needs?

Motivation = The driving force that causes a person to take action to satisfy specific needs or wants. Example: Maslow's hierarchy.

What are the 4 types of cognitive appraisals that are especially relevant for consumer behavior?

There are four types of cognitive appraisals that have direct applications to understanding consumer behavior:.
Outcomes Appraisal..
Anticipation Appraisal..
Agency Appraisal..
Equity Appraisal..

What two orientations are driven by consumer motivation?

Different consumers have different motivations that lead them to make their purchases, which is also affected by the two orientations that drive consumer motivation. These two orientations are equilibrium and improvement.


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