What is the most frequent parental reaction to sibling conflict between the ages of 2 and 5 quizlet?

Taught parents to mediate their children's conflicts

(1) Does mediation promote more positive behaviors during conflict process?

(2) Does mediation help children learn to negotiate their conflicts more constructively without parental intervention?

(3) Does mediation improve children's perspective taking?

48 families

Older siblings were 9.1 years
Younger siblings were 6.5 years

Randomly assigned to:

Siblings in each group did not differ in terms of their relationship quality

(1) Home visit
Taught parents how to record sibling conflict
What happened during conflict?
How severe was it?
How did you intervene?
What did your children do?
What type of resolution did they reach?

(1) Home visit:

Mediation condition only

Taught parents how to mediate their children's disputes

Children make final decisions about the resolution

(1) Lay down ground rules and have children agree to them

(2) Ask children to describe what happened and identify points of agreement and disagreement

(3) Encourage children to discuss goals and feelings

(4) Encourage children to brainstorm ideas and reality check them

(2) Follow up lab visit
Children negotiated a conflict
Answered questions about it
(a) What do you want/what does your sibling want
(b) How do you feel/how does your sibling feel


Kids in mediation group were reported to be engaging in more positive behaviours during conflict
- Complain
- Talk calmly
- Share perspective
- Listen
- Explain
- Apologize
- Suggest Solutions

Parents in mediation group reported that there was an increase in compromise

In lab, mediation group engaged in more process (negotiation behaviours) and more likely to state and clarify issues

Do we see agreement between child's report of siblings' goals and feelings and siblings' report?
Agreement was greater for children in the mediation condition

(1) Does mediation promote more positive behaviors during conflict process?

(2) Does mediation help children learn to negotiate their conflicts more constructively without parental intervention?

(3) Does mediation improve children's perspective taking?

1. Microsystem (home/school/peer-groups/community)

2. Mesosystem (relationship between microsystems)

3. Exosystem (outside system that affects the microsystem; dad gets fired from work and gets angry at kiddo)

4. Macrosystem: All distant pepole that significantly affect the child (cultural patterns, values, ex: warzone kiddo vs peacetime kiddo)

5. Chronosystem: Transition shifts in one's lifespan, and socio-historical contexts that may influence a person (Divorce; big events)

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