What is the difference between linear communication and interactive communication?

An interactive model of communication is a method of communication in which the sender and receiver exchange ideas, messages, and information within physical and psychological contexts. The interactive non-verbal or verbal communications occur between humans and machines in a give and take manner.

This is a non-linear model of communication that is also known as the convergence model. Rather than depicting communication as a one-way, linear process, this system represents feedback, making communication more engaging and two-way. This is a pretty modern communication system for new technologies such as the web.

What is an Interactive Model of Communication?

Definition: An interactive model of communication is defined as an exchange of ideas or information or message from a sender to a receiver and then vice versa. The interactive model suggests that participants alternate positions as sender and receiver. This model allows for feedback which is absent in the linear model of communication.

The incorporation of a feedback loop is one of the most prominent elements of the interactive communication model. It leads to a better knowledge of the function of the transmitter and recipient in the communication process, and the decryption of verbal and nonverbal communication.

Understanding Interactive Model of Communications

There is one message, sender, and recipient in a linear model of communication, but in an interactive model of communication, there is a sender and a recipient for meaningful message exchange that involves sending a message and receiving feedback.

Because the interactive model is concerned with communication as a whole, it focuses more on engagement and less on message. The model recognizes that many messages are sent accidentally or are never acknowledged.

The interactive model of communication, also known as the convergence model, is all about giving and take, as opposed to the linear model’s one-way, straight-line kind of communication. It is based on a communication exchange between the sender and the receiver, as well as from the sender to the recipient and back. The interactive approach allows for feedback, which the linear model does not.

Components of an Interaction Model of Communication

Interactive models revolve around four components Encoder-Source-Decoder, Message, Feedback, and Field of Experience.

When a source or sender transmits a message to a receiver in the Interactive model, the source first encrypts the message. The recipient then receives the encoded message, which is decoded to obtain the original data. The receiver serves as a source once more, encoding and sending another message to the sender.

1. Encoder-Source-Decoder

The basis of this type of interactive communication is the individual who sent the information in the first place, and the encoder and decoder are the same people.

Encoder and decoder are terms used to describe the second source. When transmitting a message, the origin will operate as an encoder, and when receiving a message, it will act as a decoder.

The message will be decoded by the second source of communication, which will then send out another message. After that, it will encode it and send it to the initial source. When decryption takes place, the source is referred to as the encoder and decoder.

2. Message

Messages are the pieces of information that are transmitted and received throughout the interactive communication process.

3. Provide Feedback

After receiving the first message, the decoder will generate a second, which is referred to as feedback. A patient might, for example, ask you a question in response to the health data you provide.

A feedback system allows for a more complicated understanding of the roles of people involved in a communication exchange.

This paradigm contains two sender-receivers who exchange messages instead of one sender, one message, and one receiver. To keep a communication interaction flowing, each participant switches roles as sender and receiver.

You switch between transmitter and receiver roles rapidly and often without thinking about it.

4. Field of Experience

In the interactive communication process, the area of experience refers to the source’s prior knowledge and experience. It has a direct effect on how the message is created and received. Consider how a person’s behavior, values, psychology, and culture influence their understanding of a message.

Field of Experience is a factor that alters communication patterns, such as culture, society, psychology, situation, and communication methods employed. Both sources’ message formation is influenced by their “field of experience.” Dialogue is sparked by overlapping fields of experience, and conversation, in turn, widens the communicator’s area of experience. All of these characteristics have an impact on how people interpret messages.

The model also includes a concept of noise and communication hurdles such as language, network issues, and other factors that affect the communication process. In the multiple communications model, there is an open channel of communication. Interactivity is regarded as a critical component of effective communication.

Physical and Psychological Contexts of Interactive Model of Communication

1. Physical Context

The environmental variables of a communication interaction are referred to as physical context. Your communication is influenced by the size, style, climate, and illumination of a location. Consider the various physical settings in which the nurse-client encounter occurs and how this may impact communication.

You might be trying to have an emotionally charged conversation with a customer in a room with simply curtains separating the beds. You might be examining a client in a low-light environment. It’s critical to examine the importance of physical context in communication, whether it’s the size of the space, the temperature, or other environmental aspects.

2. Psychological Context

In a communication contact, the psychological context encompasses the mental and emotional components. Psychological variables that might alter communication include stress, anxiety, and emotions, to name a few. In the emergency room, for example, you might be speaking with a client who is in pain and scared. You may be addressing yourself to one client while worrying about a mourning client. You could also be communicating with groups of customers and families who are going through a range of emotions.

For example, a student is about to take his final exams when he learns that his grandfather, whom he adored, is gravely ill. This will affect his emotional and mental health, causing anxiety and tension. As a result, he will be unable to maximize his ability and fully complete his examination paper.

Examples of Interactive model of Communication

Even in newspapers and books, the Internet might be considered the best form of interactive communication because the receiver can provide comments.

The Internet has expanded the possibilities for interactive communication, and it continues to do so. Computer-human interaction will be another example of the interactive model. Every time a message is delivered in this circular type of interaction, the senders are switched.

Social media platforms, chat rooms, online commerce, ATMs, and other common examples of computer-human interaction.

Because the model is circular and the senders interchange every time, human-computer contact is now referred to as interactive communication. Other interactive communication models include social media, product promotion, and user-generated content, ATMs, online commerce, chat sessions, and so on.

Interactive vs Linear Vs Transactional Models of Communication

In an interactive model of communication, the process of communication occurs in a two-way system in which the information and feedback keep on going back and forth between sender and receiver. Linear communication is also understood via the lens of each participant’s context.

While in the linear or transmission models of communications, the process of communication occurs in a linear fashion in which a sender sends a message to a receiver.

Another popular model is a transactional model of communication in which participants create and negotiate the meaning of communication simultaneously. The transactional model does not just exchange messages, instead this form of communication is useful in creating relationships that are useful in forming intercultural alliances, developing our self-concepts, and interacting with others in dialogue to create communities.

The transaction model is considered useful in shaping our realities beyond individual communication encounters. In a transactional model of communication, instead of being labeled as sender and receiver, the participants involved in a communication are referred to as communicators.

Unlike an interactive model, in which participants of communication alternate their positions as sender and receiver, in the transaction communication, participants simultaneously act as senders and receivers.

The interactive model is often less focused on the content and more on the interaction. The linear model was more concerned with how a message was conveyed and if it was received or not, whereas the interactive models are more inclined towards the process of communication.

Advantages of Interactive Model of Communication

Some of the notable upsides of interactive ways of communication are-

  1. Both parties can voice their opinions
  2. It has a dynamic nature
  3. Sender and recipient interchanges are equally active
  4. Semantic noise helps in the interpretation of messages
  5. Interpretation makes communication effective
  6. Psychological context helps in understanding the communication process

Disadvantages of Interactive Model of communication

The notable downsides of interactive communication are

  1. The interactive model of communication is a type of interaction that is widely utilized on the web and the internet. In such cases, the feedback is slow, indirect, and non-simultaneous, which is concerning.
  2. Because it expects communication to follow the same pattern every time, the interactive model of communication is not considered dynamic.
  3. The sender and recipient are not always engaged in the interactive communication process.
  4. We switch between the roles of sender and receiver relatively fast and often without conscious thinking, even though it appears to be a detectable and deliberate activity.
  5. It is unconcerned about the social, political, and economic factors that influence communication.


Communication is more interaction-focused under the interactive models.

Such types of communication are all about giving and taking. It is considered effective because it allows for feedback which is not seen in linear communication.

How effective do you consider the interactive communication model in comparison to other models of communication? Share your opinion with us in the comment section below.

Table of Contents

  • What is an Interactive Model of Communication?
  • Understanding Interactive Model of Communications
  • Components of an Interaction Model of Communication
    • 1. Encoder-Source-Decoder
    • 2. Message
    • 3. Provide Feedback
    • 4. Field of Experience
  • Physical and Psychological Contexts of Interactive Model of Communication
    • 1. Physical Context
    • 2. Psychological Context
  • Examples of Interactive model of Communication
    • Interactive vs Linear Vs Transactional Models of Communication
    • Advantages of Interactive Model of Communication
    • Disadvantages of Interactive Model of communication
    • Conclusion!

What is the difference between linear and interactive communication?

While the linear model focused on how a message was transmitted and whether or not it was received, the interactive model is more concerned with the communication process itself. In fact, this model acknowledges that there are so many messages being sent at one time that many of them may not even be received.

What is the major difference between linear models of communication and the interactive and transactional models is that?

Unlike the linear and the interactional models, the transactional model shows that the sender and receiver roles are swappable between the communicators. In the end, all three models do add to our understanding of the communication process.

What is the difference between transactional communication and interactive communication?

Unlike the interaction model, which suggests that participants alternate positions as sender and receiver, the transaction model suggests that we are simultaneously senders and receivers. For example, on a first date, as you send verbal messages about your interests and background, your date reacts nonverbally.

What is communication as interactive?

Interactive communication is an exchange of ideas where both participants, whether human, machine or art form, are active and can have an effect on one another. It is a dynamic, two-way flow of information.


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