What is the difference between an answering service and an answering machine quizlet?

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  • When answering the office phone the medical assistant should?
  • How should the MA answer the office telephone quizlet?
  • How a medical assistant should not answer the phone?
  • When answering the telephone What is the best question for the medical assistant to ask to find out a caller's name?

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which characteristic is observable in a medical assist whose objective is to maintain good relations with others or to prevent offense?


The definition of tactfulness is having a sense of what to do or say to maintain good relations with others or to prevent offense to others. This includes choosing words carefully. Clarity means to be clear. Tediousness means tiresome because of length or dullness. Warmth is a way to express a welcoming attitude.

Text Reference: p. 197

which action would the medical assistant take to follow regulation required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?

Ensure confidentiality during the conversation

Confidentiality, not sharing patient's information, is required by HIPAA. Although speaking clearly and directly, varying the pitch of the voice, and answering the office phone with a smile are all important, they are not part of HIPAA.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which member of the healthcare team is ultimately responsible for notifying the patient of abnormal laboratory results and providing instructions for follow-up?

Healthcare provider

The healthcare provider is ultimately responsible for revealing abnormal laboratory results in a patient. The results are often accompanied by instructions, clarifications, and answers to questions. Receptionists greet patients in a person or on the phone and gather information but do not notify patients of results. Office managers are not involved in any issues related to the clinical area. They are responsible for the management of office staff and supplies. Medical assistants may reveal results with the provider's authorization, but the patient must consult the provider to have questions answered.

Text Reference: p. 206

Which technology is considered the lifeline of a medical practice?


The telephone is considered the lifeline of the medical practice. It is also a powerful public relations tool. Headsets are telephone accessories and cannot be used alone. A fax machine only serves in the transfer of documents. The speaker phone is a telephone feature used when more than one person would like to hear a caller.

Test-taking tip:
Do not panic while taking an examination! Panic will only increase your anxiety. Stop for a moment, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and resume review of the questions.

Text Reference: p. 197

which strategy would the medical assistant use while communicating with a patient over the phone?

behave in courteous and tactful way

The medical assistant should communicate with the patient in a friendly tone and should be courteous and tactful while communicating. The medical assistant should know what to say to maintain good relations with the patient. The medical assistant should try not to speak quickly and should use a monotone while speaking, as the patient may not understand the message. The medical assistant should avoid repeating assistant is not interested in the patient and may not build a friendly relationship.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which action provides the highest level of security when giving test results over the phone?

having a code word for the patient

For the highest level of security, the patient should call and state a code words that matches the code word in the patient's record. Trusting that the patient is telling the truth or having the patient state his or her correct name can lead to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) breaches because there isn't any proof that they are telling the truth. When calling the patient back at his or her number, there is no guarantee that the person answering is the patient.

Text Reference: p. 206

How would the medical assistant handle an angry caller?

Assure the patient that every attempt will be made to find the answer.

If answers are not readily available when an angry caller calls, a friendly assurance that the situation is important and that every attempt will be made to find the answer quickly usually calms the angry caller. Do not put the caller on hole or give a defensive response to an angry caller. Explaining that it is not their job and forwarding the call may increase the caller's anger. Remain calm and do not hand up until the call is finished. Offer to help the angry person and ask questions to gain control of the conversation, moving it forward resolution.

Text Reference: p. 207

Using a headset provides which advantages to the medical assistant?

Hands are free to access computer information.
Good ergonomics for the body.
The volume can be adjusted for caller with hearing difficulties.

The use of a headset can be an advantage to the medical assistant answering phones because their hands can be free to do other tasks including accessing information or charts on the computer. Two other advantages are that headset is ergonomically good and the volume can be adjusted for those callers with hearing difficulties. The speakerphone allows multiple people to listen to the conversation and caller identification (ID) lest the medical assistant know who is caller before answering.

Text Reference: p. 197

Which action would the medical assistant take if an unauthorized person calls the healthcare provider's office and asks for a patient's information?

Respond politely that the patient's information cannot be disclosed.

The medical assistant would respond politely but refuse to disclose the patient's information when an unauthorized caller asks for it. Unchanging pitch, increased volume, and use of medical terminology are all techniques not appropriate for use in professional telephone calls, but they do not relate to unauthorized callers asking for patient information.

Text Reference: p. 207

Which term defines professional jargon?

Technical terms

Professional jargon is the technical terminology used in a particular profession. For instance, the word otalgia in reference to an earache. A medical assistant should avoid the use of professional jargon during a conversation as this may not be understandable to the patient. Professional jargon does not refer to complex grammar, repetitive phrases, or a monotone voice. Use of a monotone voice while communicating may make it difficult for the patient to understand the message. A medical assistant should avoid repetitive mechanical phrases while speaking to the patient. A medical assistant should mind his or her grammar during a conversation.

Text Reference: p. 200

which pages are used to find business listings in a telephone directory?

yellow pages

In a telephone directory, the yellow pages contain listings related to businesses. The white pages include listings of phone subscribers. All listings are in alphabetical order. Introductory pages provide basic information regarding telephone services in the area.

Text Reference: p. 209

When a medical assistant receives a radiography report marked as STAT for a patient suffering from a herniated disk, which scenario is indicated?

The physician needs the reports immediately.

If the test is marked STAT, it indicates that the reports should be sent immediately to the physician. The reports can be faxed to the physician, or the results can be communicated over the telephone. STAT does not indicate that the patient has a medical emergency to be treated. The physician assesses the reports and evaluates the health status of the patient. STAT does not indicate that the test should be repeated. Laboratory personnel would have performed any required retesting before sending the reports. Patients' information is confidential and should never be disclosed to any third party unless the third party has written permission from the patient.

Text Reference: p 197

Which technology should the medical assistant use to avoid missing emergency calls when he or she is away from the telephone?

Call forwarding

Call forwarding prevents the medical assistant from missing any emergency calls when he or she is away from the main telephone. It allows the user to forward calls to another designated number, such as a cell phone. Fax machines need a person to safeguard the confidential information sent by other healthcare providers or organizations, and they are useful in emergencies. Caller identification helps identify the caller. Therefore if is not useful during an emergency. Automatic call routing has an automated operator's message. It does not help the medical assistant attend to emergency calls.

Text Reference: p. 198

When interacting with patients on the phone, which action may inadvertently convey the message that the clinic does not value patient privacy?

Answering the phone on speaker mode

If a healthcare facility has a staff members answering phones using speaker mode, it will likely convey an inadvertent message that the office does not value patient privacy. The speakerphone function should not be used in areas where a conversation can be overheard. Having staff members use headsets that is Bluetooth technology or that have a quick-disconnect feature conveys the message that the office values patient privacy, because these are both ways that a medical assistant can ensure patient privacy. Using a phone system with automatic call routing can help with an office's efficiency, and would not convey the message that an office does not value patient privacy.

Text reference: p. 198

Which action by the medical assistant would indicate the need for further teaching about telephone techniques?

Uses medical jargon while talking with the patient

The patient generally faces difficulty in understanding medical terms and may misinterpret the message. Therefore medical assistants should not use medical jargon while talking with patients. Monotone can result in a lack of interest on the pat of the patient, so medical assistants should avoid monotone while talking with patients. Talking directly into the mouthpiece helps the patient hear the medical assistant's voice clearly. The patient may feel boredom after hearing repetition of mechanical words, so the medical assistant should avoid repetition of such words.

Test-Taking Tip:
Be alert for grammatical inconsistencies. If the response is intended to complete the stem (an incomplete sentence) but makes no grammatical sense to you, it might be a distractor rather than the correct response. Question writers typically try to eliminate these inconsistencies.

Text Reference: p. 200

What information is collect from a patient while taking a call to refill a prescription?

Pharmacy name, address, and phone number
Medication and dosage
Any issues with the medication

The pharmacy name, address, and phone number, medication and dosage, and any issues with the medication are information obtained from the patient to check if the patient really needs the refill. Additional treatments used and the patient's history of previous health conditions are not relevant to refilling a prescription.

Text Reference: p. 204

For which reason does the medical assistant identify the office and the provider when answering the telephone in a healthcare facility?

To identify the provider to the patient who called
To assure the caller that they have reached the correct number

The medical assistant identifies the office and the provider to identify the physician to the patient who has called and to assure the caller that he or she has reached the correct number. This action of the medical assistant does not convey any interest in the patient's concerns. This action of the medical assistant does not inform the patient about the provider's availability. Answering the call with the name of the office and the provider does not improver relations with the patient.

Test-Taking Tip:
Be alert for details about what you are being asked to do. In this question type, you are asked to select all options that apply to a given situation or client. All options likely relate to the situation, but only some of the options may relate directly to the situation.

Text Reference: p. 201

Which goal would the medical assistant focus on while taking calls in the office, even when juggling several duties?

Listen to the caller with full attention

The medical assistant should focus on listening with their full attention, even if he or she is juggling several duties. The medical assistant must give the caller their full attention to create a pleasant, friendly, and professional image of the healthcare facility. To reduce a patient's extreme anxiety or distress, the caller's concerns and complaints must be understood properly; therefore the medical assistant must listen with their full attention. Agitated calls do not typically come regularly; these are rare. Even in that case, listening to the patient's complaint with full attention is important. Addressing the patient politely is a general practice, but the focus should be on what the caller is saying.

Text Reference: p. 200

When the medical assistant is taking a phone message from a patient that is to be given to the physician regarding the adverse event, what is the first step in the process?

Verify that all the information was recorded accurately.

The medical assistant collect all the detail necessary before taking the message. After taking the message, the assistant verifies that all the information was recorded accurately by repeating the message to the caller. Later, they provide an approximate date and time that the patient can expect a return call, showing consideration for the patient's time. After hanging up the phone, they address the important issues in a timely manner by following up on the message. The medical assistant then delivers the phone message to the appropriate person in the office.

Text Reference: p. 211

What strategy would the medical assistant use while communicating with a patient over the phone?

Behave in a courteous and tactful way.

The medical assistant should communicate with the patient in a friendly tone and should be courteous and tactful while communicating. The medical assistant should know what to say to maintain good relations with the patient. The medical assistant should try not to speak quickly and should not use a monotone while speaking, as the patient may not understand the message. The medical assistant should avoid repeating mechanical phrases such as uh-huh and you know. These phrases may make the patient feel that the medical assistant is not interested in the patient and may not build a friendly relationship.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which action would the medical assistant avoid when taking telephone messages?

Using small scraps of paper for messages

Telephone messages should not be recorded on small scraps of paper because it is very likely that such small pieces of paper will get lost. While recording the telephone message, it is important to not the time and date of the call and the name of the caller. This helps communicate the message completely with the required information to the physician. By writing the message using impression-sensitive message pads, a copy of the information can be retained even if the top piece of paper is lost or forgotten.

Text Reference: p. 203

For which reason would the medical assistant not address a caller by name when discussing medication side effects?

All communication must maintain patient confidentiality

The medical assistant uses discretion while referring to the patient to maintain confidentiality about the patient's information. As the healthcare provider's office is often crowded, there is a chance that someone may overhear the information about the patient. This would be a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Using discretion while referring to a patient may avoid this. The healthcare provider's office may have another patient with the same name. However, discretion is not used to avoid confusion of identity; it is used to maintain confidentiality of the patient's information. Discretion is used irrespective of the aggressiveness of the caller to promote the confidentiality of the patient's information. The patient is not calling about a prescription refill.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which will prevent a message from being lost in an office that uses paper messages?

Using a pressure-sensitive log to write the message

Pressure-sensitive message pads, which provide a copy of each page, are the best way to keep track of handwritten messages. Recording the patient's call and making a photocopy of the written message are not authorized and are unethical. The medical assistant should not disclose the patient's message to other colleagues, as it is against professional ethics.

Text Reference: p. 203

Which feature of the multiple-line telephone can be utilized to discuss information between multiple clinics?

Conference call

The feature of a multiple-line telephone that can be used when it is necessary to communicate with multiple sites is a conference call. The intercom allows for two-way communication in a healthcare facility. A speakerphone allows for speaking and hearing without using the handset or headset. Call forwarding allows for forwarding calls to another designated number.

Test-Taking Tip:
Many times the correct answer is the longest alternative given, but do not count on it. Item writers (those who write the questions) are also aware of this and attempt to avoid offering you such "helpful hints."

Text Reference: p. 198

The senior medical assistant teaches a new medical assistant the technique for managing phone calls. Which statement by the new medical assistant indicates a need for further teaching?

"I should answer the call by saying 'please hole' if I'm engaged in another call."

The new medical assistant should not answer a call by saying "please hold" if he or she is engaged in another call; the second call could be an emergency. The medical assistant should determine whether the new call is an emergency and respond accordingly. If the call is an emergency, the medical assistant should give priority to this call. Lengthy conversations can waste time, so the medical assistant should keep phone conversations short and effective. Answering the telephone on the first ring provides better service to the patient. Medical assistants should answer the phone with a smile on their face because it is as if the caller can hear the smile and this makes a positive impression.

Test-Taking Tip:
Read the question carefully before looking at the answers: (1) determine what the question is really asking by looking for key words; (2) read each answer thoroughly and see if it completely covers the material asked by the question; and (3) narrow the choices by immediately eliminating answers you know are incorrect.

Text Reference: p. 202

When speaking on the telephone, how is the medical assistant's attitude measured?

Through the tone of voice used upon answering

The tone used while communicating with patient should be very friendly. While communicating on a phone call, the patient is not able to see the facial expressions of the medical assistant, and the only factor establishing a good connection is the tone of voice used. Therefore this plays an important role in the patient's attitude and response. Identification of the facility is done by the medical assistant when answering the phone and shows professionalism. I dentification of the assistant when answering the phone is done before further communication and to convey professionalism. The instructions provided by the medical assistant may induce confidence in the patient but would most likely be done late in a conversation.

Text Reference: p. 200

For which reason would the medical assistant respond to an aggressive patient's phone call with "your concern is a valid and it will receive the full attention of the physician once I relay the message"?

Caller is insisting on immediate action

Aggressive callers often insist on immediate action. Hence, the medical assistant should reassure the caller that the concern being shared is valid and will receive the full attention of the provider. All patient calls should be taken with privacy issues in mind because of confidentiality. Having the provider handle the call may be the best way to resolve the problem, but it does not reassure the caller that their concern is valid. The medical assistant would be careful about getting defensive with an angry caller.

Test-Taking Tip:
Once you have decided on an answer, look at the stem again. Does your choice answer the question that was asked? If the question stem asks "why," be sure the response you have chosen is a reason. If the question stem is singular, then be sure the option is singular, and the same for plural stems and plural responses. Many times, checking to make sure that the choice makes sense in relation to the stem will reveal the correct answer.

Text Reference: p. 207

Which aspects of communication are important when speaking to a patient on the telephone?

Voice pitch

While speaking over a telephone, the vital factors are voice pitch, enunciation, and tactfulness. Enunciation refers to the act of speaking very clearly so that the listener at the other end of the phone may understand the speaker. Clear sounds are vital to communication. Varying the pitch of the voice is a way to show interest in the caller. Jargon is medical terminology, and it should not be used because it is difficult for the patient to understand. Monotone refers to the use of the same pitch throughout the conversation. This lacks expressiveness and sounds like a robotic, recorded instructions; it is best not to use a monotone while interacting with patients.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which strategy would be used initially when handling a caller with complaints?

Let the caller know that his or her concerns are important.

Let the caller know that his or her concerns are important to the staff and the provider. Remain calm and offer to help. Take a serious interest in what the call has to say. Find the source of the problem, and then present options to the caller as to how the situation can be revolved. Ultimately, you may determine the complaint needs to be referred to the office manager. All complaints need to be taken seriously.

Text Reference: p. 207

At which time is the medical assistant authorized to release medical records that have been requested for a court case?

After obtaining written permission from the patient

Patients' information should be kept confidential and should not be given to any third party. The medical assistant should give out a patients' records only if he or she has written permission from the patient. The medical assistant should not give out the patient's records without written permission even if he or she is required to do so in a legal issue. It is the patient who has the authority to request his or her own records for legal proceedings, not the physician. A witness' signature does not indicate that the patient permits the disclosure of information.

Test-Taking Tip:
Identifying content and what is being asked about that content is critical to your choosing the correct response. Be alert for words in the stem of the item that are the same or similar in nature to those in one or two of the options. For example, if the item relates to and identifies stroke rehabilitation as it focus and only one of the options contains the word stroke in relation to rehabilitation, you are safe in identifying this choice as the correct response.

Text Reference: p. 207

To which member of the healthcare team would a call be transferred if a patient needs to make a late payment?

Billing specialist

The call should be transferred to the billing office because they handle the financial affairs in the office. A payment request is not transferred to providers, the office managers, or the insurance specialist. Those team members give clinical advice, manage the running and staffing of the office, and take care of insurance billing, respectively.

Test-Taking Tip:
Be alert for grammatical inconsistencies. If the response is intended to complete the stem (an incomplete sentence) but makes no grammatical sense to you, it might be a distractor rather than the correct response. Question writers typically try to eliminate these inconsistencies.

Text Reference: p. 205

Which action would the medical assistant take when a patient calls the office and urgently wants to discuss with physician issues related to their sexual life?

Ask the patient to schedule an appointment

The medical assistant would ask the patient to schedule an appointment and discuss the problems with he physician in person. Calls should not be transferred to any staff member without proper reason. The assistant would not tell the patient to expect a call from the office late, because the patient has not shared his or her concern with the medical assistant. The patient needs confidentiality, which cannot be maintained over the telephone. Patients should no be referred to other physicians unless there is a strong reason.

Text Reference: p. 201

When a patient calls the healthcare office to report undesired side effects from a prescribed medication and the symptoms do not require urgent care, which guidance would the medical assistant provide to the patient?

"I have made note of your message and will give it to the provider."

If the patient is feeling side effect of the prescribed medication, the medical assistant should make note o f the message and contact the provider. The provider then decides whether to give further instruction or change the medication. The medical assistant should not refer the patient to another provider, because it creates a negative impression of the current provider and the healthcare facility. It is beyond the scope of the medical assistant to tell the patient to take the medication for a few more days. Only the provider should give the instruction to continue the medication. The medical assistant may convey messages between the provider and the patient if the symptoms do not require urgent care; in certain situations, the patient may book an appointment to consult the provider. A medical assistant should not instruct the patient to make an appointment before consulting with the provider.

Text Reference: p. 201

When a patient's results for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing are positive, which response is appropriate for the medical assistant to make when the patient calls about the results?

"You'll need to return to the office for the results."

The medical assistant would say, "You'll need to come to the office for the results." Because HIV is a serious condition, the physician should discuss such results in person. The medical assistant does not reveal the results, because he or she does not have the authority to reveal such serious results. The medical assistant should not defer making arrangements for the patient to get the results by saying the physician will contact the patient or lie to the patient by saying that the test results have not yet arrived.

Text Reference: p. 206

Which instructions might be given to a newly hired medical assistant at a healthcare provider's office regarding speaking on the telephone?

Vary voice pitch when speaking
Speak in a warm and friendly tone
Pronounce words correctly and enunciate clearly

While communicating with the patient, the medical assistant should speak confidently using a warm and friendly tone of voice. The medical assistant should ensure the use of clear pronunciation and enunciation and the vary the pitch of their voice while talking to the patient so that the conversation is understandable to the patient. Volume should not be increased; care should always be taken to ensure that a normal tone of voice is used while communicating on the telephone. The medical assistant should avoid professional jargon as the patient may feel that it is too complicated and might not be able to understand the intended meaning.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which action would the medical assistant take when a patient who is tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) calls for results?

Speak tactfully with the patient without using monotone.
Ask the patient to schedule an appointment with the provider to receive the results.

The provider should the one to inform the patient about unfavorable test results. The best policy for dealing with more serious abnormal test results is to schedule an appointment for the patient to see the provider. These results are best relayed in person instead of on the telephone. The medical assistant must handle the call with tact to prevent the patient from feeling that the office is concealing information. This caller is not requesting a referral. Most providers prefer that the medical assistant give only normal test results to patients. The billing specialist handles calls concerning the patient finances at the office, not test results.

Test-Taking Tip:
Be alert for details about what you being asked to do. In this question type, you are asked to select all options that apply to a given situation or client. All options likely relate to the situation, but only some of the options may relate directly to the situation.

Text Reference: p. 206

For what reason would the medical assistant speak with a smile while interacting with a patient on the telephone?

To promote good public relations

Speaking with a smile helps the patient to perceive the medical assistant, and thus the healthcare facility, in a positive light, and thereby it promotes good public relations. Confidentiality is necessary, but the smile does not ensure that. To calm down aggressive callers, the medical assistant should maintain a calm, poised attitude. A smile does not collect any information to screen incoming calls.

Test-Taking Tip:
Have confidence in your initial response to an item because it more than likely is the correct answer.

Text reference: p. 200

Which action is important for ensuring a telephone message contains the correct information?

Clarify any words or numbers that have not been heard clearly.

Be sure to get all the information that the physician will need to act. Repeat any words or number that were not heard clearly. Answering the phone on the first ring will not ensure the message is recorded accurately. The message should be completely written down so the provider can read it. Efficiently gather all the required facts. Accuracy is more important than speed when taking a message.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which qualities are characteristic of a pleasing telephone perona?

Having a smile on one's face
Enunciating clearly
Varying the pitch of the voice

Customer service is critical in today's medical offices, and a pleasing telephone persona is quite useful for medical assistants because they are likely to be the caller's first point of contact with the practice. The physical action of smiling affects how one's words sound. The caller can "hear you smile." Be sure to enunciate clearly (but not too loudly), pronouncing each word separately and distinctly. Diction, pitch, and clarity are also important. Avoid speaking in a monotone; instead, use inflection, or a change in the pitch and loudness of the voice. This helps the speaker emphasize certain points during conversation.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which nonvisual and nonverbal communication should the medical assistant be mindful of when speaking to patients on the telephone?

Pause after speaking

Nonvisual and nonverbal communication includes pausing after speaking and speaking at a moderate of speed. The tone of voice should be normal, and the medical assistant should speak directly into the mouthpiece. The length of the time on the phone is not a factor that affects nonvisual and nonverbal communication.

Test-Taking Tip:
Be alert for details about what you are being asked to do. In this question type, you are asked to select all options that apply to a given situation or client. All options likely relate to the situation, but only some of the options may relate directly to the situation.

Text Reference: p. 200

When a patient with a temperature of 102 F calls the physician's office, which term would the medical assistant use to refer to the patient's condition?


The medical assistant tells the patient that he or she has a fever with a temperature of 102 F. A temperature of 102 F is a symptom, not diagnosis. Pyrexia and febrile are medical jargon (terminology) for fever. Jargon makes it harder for the patient to understand.

Test-Taking Tip:
Do not select answers that contain exceptions to the general rule, controversial material, or degrading responses.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which techniques should the medical assistant use to convey a pleasing, professional telephone personality?

Enunciate words
Maintain a consistent pitch
Avoid using monotone voice
Avoid the use of medical jargon

Enunciating words and avoiding the use of a monotone voice or medical jargon reflects a pleasing, professional telephone personality. Tact and vary pitch should always be used when speaking on the phone.

Text Reference: p. 200

Which response should a medical assistant relay to a patient who calls and states, "I received my bill in the mail, and I am furious"?

"Thank you for sharing this information with me. I will make sure this gets reviewed and call you back within an hour."

When answers are not immediately available, a friendly assurance that the situation is important and that every attempt will be made to find the answer quickly usually calms the angry feelings. Thanking the patient for sharing the information and providing a time frame for an answer conveys respect for the patient's concern and time. Telling the patient that he or she has every right to be angry may reinforce the anger. Furthermore, telling the patient that he or she will be called back does not provide a time frame to address the concern. The medical assistant who tells the patient that this not his or her responsibility or conveys that he or she is going to attempt to "find out who sent the bill" is passing the buck. No matter whose fault the problem is, it is best to deal with it and find a solution instead of placing blame.

Test-Taking Tip:
Start by reading each of the answer options carefully. Usually at least one of them will be clearly wrong. Eliminate this one from consideration. Now you have reduced the number pf response choices by one and improved the odds. Continue to analyze the options. If you can eliminating the wrong choices, recall often occurs. One of the options may serve as a trigger that causes you to remember what a few seconds ago had seemed completely forgotten.

Test Reference: p. 207

Which action should the medical assistant take when speaking to a patient and another income call occurs?

Interrupt the current call by asking if you place the caller on hold.
After placing the first caller on hold, determine if the second call in an emergency.

The medical assistant should interrupt the current call by asking if he or she can place the patient on hold and answer the second call to determine if there is an emergency before putting the second call on hold. After placing the second call on hold, the medical assistant should return to the original call. An incoming call should not go to voice mail or be answer with, "Please hold." The medical assist should be capable of handling two incoming lines; therefore the medical assistant should not interrupt The current call to ask a colleague to answer an incoming call.

Text Reference: p. 201

Which initial response should the medical assistant provide a patient who calls and states, "I have health insurance, but I would like to know what the cost for my clinic visit will be"?

"Let me discuss this with the office manager."

The patient has a right to know what the estimated cost for a visit will be. If the medical assistant is unsure, he or she should consult the office manager and determine what price range will be quoted to the patient. The patient is then provided the quote with the statement that the fees vary, depending on the patient's condition and tests the provider orders. Informing the patient that the cost is based on the type of insurance he or she has does not address the patient's question. Requesting that a patient come in for a visit without providing some idea of the cos is unreasonable. Most health insurances require a copay on the day the service is provided, and while the patient will be informed of this, it does not address the immediate concern.

Test-Taking Tip:
Avoid spending excessive time on any one question. Most question can be answered in 1 to 2 minutes.

Text Reference: p. 205

What is legal and ethical issue when using telephones during business hours in the healthcare workplace?

Messages taken by the medical assistant should be complete and legible.
The telephone should be reserved for patients and others conducting business.
Telephone message should be saved according to the period of the statute of limitations.

The legal and ethical uses of the telephone in the healthcare workplace telephone included reserving the telephone for patients and others conducting business, documenting complete and legible messages, and saving the messages according to the period of the statute of limitations. Personal cell phones should not be used during business hours, and using patient initials to discuss patients information in an area in which it can be overheard is inappropriate.

Text Reference: p. 210

Which response should the medical assistant relay to a patient who is not comfortable with providing information over the phone?

"It will be best if you made an appointment to discuss this with the healthcare provider."

The medical assistant should request that the patient make an appointment to discuss his or her problem in person. Pressing the patient to disclose the information by stating, "I will be of better assistance if you will share the information," may further upset the patient. The healthcare provider's lines should be used to route emergency calls only unless otherwise notified. Placing the patient on hold to disrupt the healthcare provider is not appropriate.

Text Reference: p. 206

What is a benefit of using a multiple-line telephone system?

It allows calls to be transferred.
Patients will rarely get a busy signal.
A flashing button is an alert each line a call comes in.
When a caller is on hold, the button flashes a different rhythm.

The benefits of a multiple-line telephone system include the ability to transfer calls, patients will rarely get a busy signal, a flashing button is an alert each line a call comes in, and when a caller is on hold, the button flashes a different rhythm. A multiple-line telephone system does not offer a text messaging service.

Text Reference: p. 197

What is the primary reason for allowing the caller to hang up first?

To ensure the caller has no other questions

The primary reason for allowing the caller to hang up first is to ensure that the caller has no other questions. Displaying professional behavior, making sure he phone call is disconnected, and ensuring that a conversation that occurs after the call is ended is not overheard are not the primary reasons for allowing the caller to hang up first.

Text Reference: p. 2013

What describes the most significant concern when patients leave a voice mail?

The may not be returned due to a missed message.

If a voice mail is not returned, a potential lawsuit for abandonment could be filed. While there is always a concern that calls will not be returned promptly, a message may not be able to be understood, and patients may become frustrated when they cannot speak directly to a person, the most significant concern is a lawsuit.

Text Reference: p. 201

Which information should the medical assistant be mindful of with when utilizing the speakerphone?

Using the speakerphone in patient check-in areas
Informing callers they will be placed on speaker
Using a speakerphone in a room with an open door

To maintain patient privacy, the medical assistant should be careful using the speakerphone in patient check-in areas or in a room in which a door is open. The medical assistant should always inform callers they will be placed on a speakerphone prior to doing so. The medical assistant has the option of muting the call. Others are usually aware that a telephone call on speakerphone is in progress because the entire conversation can be overhead.

Text Reference: p. 198

Which question should the medical assistant anticipate asking when taking an incoming call for a request for a prescription refill?

"How many pills do you take a day?"
"What is the name of your prescription?"
"Do you have any issues with the medication?"

Questions the medical assistant can anticipate asking when taking an incoming call for an request for a prescription refill include how many pills do you take a day, what is the name of your prescription, and do you have any issues with the medication. Inquiring about insurance or if the patient understands why he or she is taking the medication is not typically included in the discussion when taking a request for a refill.

Text Reference: p. 204

Which action show the use of active listening while on the telephone?

Confirming what the speaker has said
Conveying respect and professionalism

Active listening includes confirming what the speaker has said and conveying respect and professionalism. An active listener does not interrupt a conversation, focuses solely on the conversation, and does not start forming a response before the person has finished speaking.

Text Reference: p. 199

Which scenario would be a reason for an emergency call?

Chest pain
Profuse bleeding
Loss of consciousness

Emergency calls could include such conditions or symptoms as chest pain, profuse bleeding, severe allergic reactions, cessation of breathing, injuries resulting in loss of consciousness, and broken bones. An urgent call could be an adult patient with a fever over 102 F, an animal bite, or an increasingly painful ear infection. Whereas emergency calls are life threatening, an urgent call requires prompt attention but is not life threatening.

Text Reference: p. 201

Which action should the medical assistant include to ensure that the caller's issues are addressed efficiently?

Request the caller's name
Document the action to be taken
Document the initials of the person receiving the call
Obtain the name of the person to whom the call is directed

Actions the medical assistant should take to ensure that accurate information ahs been obtained from a patient's telephone call include requesting the caller's name, documenting the action to be taken and the initials of the person receiving the call, and obtaining the name of the person to whom the call is directed. Documenting the telephone call in the patient's health record ensures the health record is kept up to date.

Text Reference: p. 213

Which response should the medical assistant use to accurately reflect active listening when a patient calls and reports not feeling well and vomiting?

"You are not feeling well and have been vomiting?"

Active listening involves listening to what the speaker is saying, interpreting what the message is and restating the message to make sure that the intended message has been received. The medical assistant can ask about how long the patient has been vomiting and about the exposure to illness after confirmation of what the patient has said. The question "Are you telling me you have been sick?" is not a restatement of the information the patient has provided.

Test-Taking Tip:
Read the question carefully before looking at the answers: (1) determine what the question is really asking by looking for key words; (2) read each answer thoroughly and see if it completely covers the material asked by the question; and (3) narrow the choices by immediately eliminating answers you know are incorrect.

Text Reference: p. 199

Based on reason given by a patient for a phone call, which patient concern would the medical assistant handle as a first priority?

Chest pain

The medical assistant should prioritize emergency calls. Chest pain is an emergency condition that requires immediate attention to prevent life-threatening effects. The calls of patients who have flu, knee pain, or anemia are of lower priority than answering the call of a patient with chest pain.

Test-Taking Tip:
Identifying the content and what is being asked about the content is critical to your choosing the correct response. Be alert for words in the stem of the item that are the same or similar in nature to those in one or two of the options.

Text Reference: p. 201

When it is 2:00 p.m. in Atlanta, what time is it in Los Angeles?

11:00 a.m.

The continental United States is divided into four standard time zones: Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern. Atlanta is on the Eastern Standard time. Los Angeles is on Pacific time, which is three hours behind Eastern Status time. When it is 11:00 a.m. Pacific time, it is 2 p.m. in Eastern time. When calling from Los Angeles to Atlanta, plan to make the call no later than 2 p.m. if the call is to a business or professional office. When it is 2 p.m. on the West Coast, it is 5 p.m. on the East Coast.

Text Reference: p. 208

When a patient calls the physician's office to report a rash around the neck, which action would the medical assistant take first?

Use the office telephone screening guidelines protocol.

Each office should have a written telephone protocol for handling urgent situations. This should give the medical assistant directions on what questions to ask and how to proceed. Giving the patient instructions, checking the chart, or transferring the call may be the given instructions, but the medical assistant would find those directions in the screening protocol.

Text Reference: p. 202

Which action would the medical assistant take first if unable to help a caller?

Transfer the call to the appropriate person.

If the medical assistant is unable to help the caller, the call would be transferred to the appropriate person. This may resolve the patient's queries. The medical assistant would terminate the call in a pleasant way only after resolving the issue or after transferring the call to the appropriate person. A message would be taken only when the question cannot be resolved immediately. The caller would not be kept on hold. The caller can be asked to expect a call back. Then, the physician would be contacted and consulted.

Test-Taking Tip:
Make certain that the answer you select is reasonable and obtainable under ordinary circumstances and that the action can be carried out in the given situation.

Text Reference: p. 202

how would the medical assistant handle an angry caller?

Assure the patient that every attempt will be made to find the answer

If answers are not readily available when a angry caller calls, a friendly assurance that the situation is important and that every attempt will be made to find the answer quickly usually calms the angry caller. Do not put the caller on hold or give a defensive response to angry caller. Explaining that it is not their job and forwarding the call may increase the caller's anger. Remain calm and do not hang up until the call is finished. Offer to help the angry person and ask questions to gain control of the conversation, moving it toward resolution.

Text Reference: p. 207

Which is answered by a recorded voice with a series of options, directing the caller to the right person for assistance?

Automatic call routing

In automatic call routing, a call is answered by an automated operator's message that presents a list of options, such as "If you are calling about your account, press 1; to make an appointment, press 2 and so forth. An answering service has someone answering the call after hours who assists the caller. Voice mail is an option for receiving messages. Caller ID is a phone feature where the caller's name or number appears on the phone.

Text Reference: p. 209



When answering the office phone the medical assistant should?

Answering the telephone in a professional manner involves answering within two to three rings, so the caller is not left waiting. If taking multiple calls, proper etiquette suggests that you give the first caller priority unless the second caller has an emergency.

How should the MA answer the office telephone quizlet?

The MA should identify the medical practice when answering the telephone and then give her or his own name. If the caller provides no identification, the MA can ask politely for the caller's name.

How a medical assistant should not answer the phone?

The new medical assistant should not answer a call by saying "please hold" if he or she is engaged in another call; the second call could be an emergency. The medical assistant should determine whether the new call is an emergency and respond accordingly.

When answering the telephone What is the best question for the medical assistant to ask to find out a caller's name?

What is the difference between an answering service and an answering machine multiple choice question?

A live voice can help capture and convert leads: An answering machine can't make a sale, but an answering service agent surely can. Operators can make outbound calls as well as answer inbound calls: If you're having trouble calling prospects back, an answering service can help with that.

What are two advantages of an answering service quizlet?

What are 2 advantages of an answering service? 1) It is less expensive to have an answering service than an automated voice response system. 2) There is only 1 advantage; a human being answers the phone. 3) A human being answers the phone and can triage the call.

What services can an answering service provide quizlet?

Answering service. A commercial service that answers telephone calls for its clients..
automatic call routing. ... .
call forwarding. ... .
Caller ID. ... .
conference call. ... .
emergency. ... .
Enunciation. ... .

What is the most appropriate action if a caller has been on hold for more than 30 seconds?

After placing your caller on hold, check back periodically (between 30-45 seconds). Give them the option to continue to hold if it will take longer to find information OR offer to call them back.


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