What is it called when an investor buys a life policy on an elderly person in order to sell it for a life settlement?

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What are life settlements?

A life settlement is the sale of your life insurance policy to a third party for less than the full death benefit. The buyer becomes the new owner and/or the beneficiary of the life insurance policy, pays all future premiums, and collects the entire death benefit when you die.

Befor​e you sell your life i​nsurance, ask:

  • Do I still need my insurance?
  • Have I discussed all my ​choices with my financial adviser and my insurance company or agent? For example: Do I have cash value in my policy that I can use to pay premiums or an accelerated death benefit? Can I get a loan to pay premiums, or will my beneficiaries help with making premium payments to protect their interest?
  • Will this limit my ability to buy additional life insurance in the future?
  • If I sell my policy, how much cash will I get?
  • Is my life insurance provided by an employer or other group policy? Can I sell my policy? Am I really the owner or just a certificate holder in a group policy?
  • If I sell my policy, who will be the legal owner? Will the policy be resold?
  • If my policy is resold, what personal or medical information can be shared with the purchasers? How often will they request my medical information? Will I be required to sign releases allowing them to contact my medical providers or family members for my health information?
  • Is the broker or company I plan to work with licensed to do business in Oregon?​

If you sell your life insurance, know that:

  • You may have to pay state/federal income taxes on some or all of your settlement money. It is important to consult a tax professional.
  • Creditors may be able to make claims on the proceeds from your life settlement.
  • A cash settlement may affect your eligibility for some government programs, such as food stamps or Medicaid.
  • Your policy could be resold multiple times and future owners may have the ability to track your health.​

How do life settlements work?

  • You can contact life settlement companies directly or choose a broker to help you shop for the highest cash settlement.
  • You complete an application and sign a release allowing the potential buyer to use your medical records to evaluate your life expectancy.
  • You select the best offer.
  • Once you accept an offer, an escrow account is set up. The account holds the purchaser’s money and your life insurance policy until the documents that change ownership of the policy and the beneficiary have been received and processed by the insurance company. This protects you and the buyer of your life insurance.
  • You will get your cash within three business days after the life settlement company gets written proof that the changes in policy ownership and beneficiary have been processed by the life insurance company.
  • You can change your mind about the settlement within 60 days from the date of the life settlement contract or 30 days after you are paid, whichever is earlier. If you cancel the settlement, you must return the cash settlement plus any premiums the buyer paid. If you die within this period, the life settlement sale is off. Your beneficiaries receive the death benefit. They must return any cash settlement funds received plus any premiums the buyer paid.
  • Your contract may require you to allow future owners of your policy to regularly contact you to check your health status.

Tips if you sell​​​

  • If you don’t use a life settlement broker to sell your policy, you should contact more than one company.
  • You do not have to accept any life settlement offer. It is your contract; it may be worth more if sold when you are older.
  • If you learn that you are terminally ill, your estate (instead of investors) could benefit from the tax-free death benefit provided by life insurance. This benefit would not be available under a life settlement contract.
  • If you are terminally or chronically ill, Oregon law requires that buyers of your policy pay you a minimum amount based on your life expectancy and the face value of your policy. Contact the Insurance Division at 1-888-877-4894 (toll-free) to learn more.
  • Check all application forms for accuracy, especially personal and medical information that you provide. Truthfully answer all questions.

Loans to buy insurance

Be wary, also, of offers to loan you money to buy life insurance. For example, someone may offer you “free life insurance” for five years. Find out what strings are attached.

What happens after the five years? Will you have to repay the loan with interest to keep the policy for your beneficiary? If you can’t pay back the loan, will someone else own your life insurance and get the death benefit?


Find a missing life insurance policy

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What is a life settlement transaction?

A life settlement is the sale of a life insurance policy to a third party called a life settlement provider. The owner of the life insurance policy sells the policy to the life settlement provider and receives an immediate payment in return.

What is life settlement investing?

What is a life settlement? In a life settlement, a senior policyowner sells his or her life insurance for more than its surrender value. The buyer in this transaction is an investor who realizes a return when the insured passes away and the policy's death benefit is paid.

Who can buy life settlements?

Candidates for life settlements typically are 65 or older or have one or more underlying health issues. Most own policies with face amounts exceeding $100,000, also according to LISA.

What is a life insurance settlement option?

Definition: Under a settlement option, the maturity amount entitled to a life insurance policyholder is paid in structured periodic installments (up to a certain stipulated period of time post maturity) instead of a 'lump-sum' payout. Such a payout needs to be intimated to the insurer in advance by the insured.


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