What are the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam quizlet?

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-Unlike Christianity, Islam is not well understood in the Western world; this is most likely because we are taught that our history is the history of Christianity in Europe, when it is actually the story of the people on the planet.

-The Qur'an acknowledges Abraham, Jesus, and Moses as prophets, but the Qur'an is different than the Hebrew and Christian bibles because it is much less narrative and is seen as the actual word of God.

-Unlike Muhammad, Jesus never had to run a country, but Muhammad did almost from the beginning. So while Muhammad was busy being this holy, sacred prophet, he was also kicking butt as a general.

The prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca around the year 570. Orphaned by six, raised under the protection of his uncle Abu Talib. Worked as a merchant and became known for his trustworthiness. He married Khadija, a wealthy widow whose status elevated Muhammad's position in Meccan society at age 25. Age 40ish had visions and hear mysterious voices, sought solitude in a cave on Mount Hira on the outskirts of Mecca. One night during Ramadan, an angel appeared to him in the form of a man and ordered him to;

Recite in the name of thy lord who created,
Created man from a clot;
Recite in the name of thy lord,
Who taught by the pen,
Taught man what he knew not.

Muhammad, fearing that he was being attacked by an evil spirit, fled down the mountain in terror. The voice called after him, "O Muhammad, you are the messenger of God, and I am the angel Gabriel." This revelation was soon followed by others about the one true God. Eventually, the angel told Muhammad to begin proclaiming God's message.

was the political leader of the Muslim community as well as a prophet. Follwing years of persecution, he led the Muslim community from Mecca to Medina in what is now Saudi Arabia in 622 C.E. For the next eight years, there was intense and often violent conflict with the people of Mecca, who sought to destroy the new religion. Mecca was taken in 630 C.E. and Islam rapidly became the religion of almost all Arabs.

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What's the difference between Islam and Christians?

A key difference is that Christianity is founded on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and those who follow this are called Christians. Whereas, Muslims believe that the word of God and the teachings of Islam are sharedby the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

What is the main difference between Islam and Christianity quizlet?

Muslims believe Jesus is a prophet; whereas Christians worship Jesus as God. Muslims believe Jesus ascended into heaven, but did not die on the cross. Christians believe in both the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Muslims believe in the sin of Adam and Eve, but not the idea of inherited sins for all.

What similarities and differences exist between the belief systems of Islam and Christianity quizlet?

What similarities and differences exist between the belief systems of Christianity and Islam? They are both monotheistic religions and believe in the works of the old testament and Jesus. However, Islam thinks of Jesus as a prophet, and not gods sun. They also believe in the prophet Muhammad.


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