What are the names of the autonomic nerve plexuses in the body? check all that apply.

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Plexuses (networks of interwoven nerve fibers from different spinal nerves) may be damaged by injury, tumors, pockets of blood (hematomas), or autoimmune reactions.

  • Pain, weakness, and loss of sensation occur in all or part of an arm or a leg.

  • Electromyography and nerve conduction studies help doctors locate the damage, and magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography helps identify the cause.

  • Sometimes treating the disorder causing the problem improves nerve function.

A plexus is like an electrical junction box, which distributes wires to different parts of a house. In a plexus, nerve fibers from different spinal nerves (which connect the spinal cord to the rest of the body) are sorted. The fibers are recombined so that all fibers going to a specific body part are put together in one nerve. Damage to nerves in the major plexuses causes problems in the arms or legs that these nerves supply.

The major plexuses are the

  • Brachial plexus, which is located in the neck and shoulders and which distributes nerves throughout the arms

  • Lumbosacral plexus, which distributes nerves to the pelvis and legs

The lumbosacral plexus includes the

  • Lumbar plexus, located in the lower back

  • Sacral plexus, located in the pelvis

Nerve Junction Boxes: The Plexuses

A plexus is like an electrical junction box in a house. In a plexus, nerve fibers from different spinal nerves are sorted and recombined, so that all fibers going to a specific body part are put together in one nerve.

Four nerve plexuses are located in the trunk of the body:

  • The cervical plexus provides nerve connections to the head, neck, and shoulder.

  • The brachial plexus provides connections to the chest, shoulders, upper arms, forearms, and hands.

  • The lumbar plexus provides connections to the back, abdomen, groin, thighs, knees, and calves.

  • The sacral plexus provides connections to the pelvis, buttocks, genitals, thighs, calves, and feet.

Because the lumbar and sacral plexuses are interconnected, they are sometimes referred to as the lumbosacral plexus.

The spinal nerves in the chest do not join a plexus. They are the intercostal nerves, which are located between the ribs.

The most common causes of damage to a plexus are

  • Physical injury

  • Cancer

An accident that pulls the arm or severely bends the arm at the shoulder may damage the brachial plexus (located near the shoulder). In newborns, the brachial plexus can be damaged during birth if the delivery requires pulling or other maneuvers. A fall can injure the lumbosacral plexus (located near the hip).

A cancer growing in the breast or upper part of the lung can invade and destroy the brachial plexus. Cancer of the intestine, bladder, or prostate can invade the lumbosacral plexus. Other masses, such as a noncancerous (benign) tumor, an abscess, or a pocket of blood (hematoma), may cause plexus disorders by putting pressure on a plexus.

Diabetes or radiation therapy for breast cancer, which can damage nerves throughout the body, may also damage nerves in a plexus.

Malfunction of the brachial plexus causes pain, weakness, and loss of sensation in an arm. All or part of the arm (such as the forearm or biceps) may be affected. If the cause is an injury, recovery tends to occur slowly, over several months. Some severe injuries cause permanent weakness.

Acute brachial neuritis causes severe pain in the upper arms and shoulders. Usually, the arm becomes weak and reflexes are impaired as the pain resolves. People may not be able to make an ο with their thumb and index finger. Weakness develops within 3 to 10 days. Then people typically regain their strength over the next few months.

Malfunction of the lumbosacral plexus causes pain in the lower back and leg as well as weakness and loss of sensation in all or part of a leg (such as the foot or calf). Recovery depends on the cause.

  • Electromyography and nerve conduction studies

  • Magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography

Doctors suspect that a plexus is involved when symptoms are located in a part of the body supplied by a specific plexus. The location of the symptoms indicates which plexus is affected.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) can help determine whether a cancer, another mass, or an injury is causing the plexus disorder.

  • Treatment of the cause

  • When cancer or injury is the cause, sometimes surgery

Treatment of a plexus disorder depends on the cause. Cancer near the plexus may be treated with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or both. Occasionally, a cancer or another mass that is damaging the plexus must be removed surgically.

When an injury is the cause, time for healing may be all that is needed, but sometimes surgery is required.



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What are the names of the autonomic nerve plexuses in the body?

The autonomic plexuses include the cardiac plexus, the pulmonary plexus, the esophageal plexus, the abdonimal aortic plexus, and the superior and inferior hypogastric plexuses. Autonomic plexuses are formed from sympathetic postganglionic axons, parasympathetic preganglionic axons, and some visceral sensory axons.

What are the 5 nerve plexuses?

Cervical plexus..
Brachial plexus..
Lumbar plexus..
Sacral plexus..
Coccygeal plexus..

What are the 4 plexuses of spinal nerves?

Of the four major nerve plexuses (cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral), only the brachial plexus and sacral plexus can be assessed satisfactorily in the EDX laboratory.

How many autonomic plexuses are there?

Autonomic Plexus The five autonomic plexuses include: Celiac plexus (also known as the solar plexus): This plexus sits behind your stomach and innervates organs of your abdomen. Auerbach's plexus: This plexus innervates your gut and functions as part of your digestive system.


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