What are some of the factors that help you identify your personal brand quizlet?

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Terms in this set (34)

over their lifetimes, Americans will spend an average of _____ hours at work.


what will your first job give you?


what are three words to describe your role in your job?

know you role, accept your role, maximize your role

what are hard skills?

-technical skills (typically learned) demonstrated with a level of competency requiring IQ (intelligence quotient)
-are things you learn in school or with special training to help in your career

what are soft skills?

-character traits and interpersonal skills requiring EQ (emotional quotient) that guide how you interact with others
-are personality traits that either come naturally to you or are developed over time

what is a resumé?

record of information about an individual, from a French word meaning "to sum up" or a summary

what is an entrepreneur?

is a person who sees a problem and starts a business to solve that problem, someone who starts and runs their own business

what are the characteristics of a entrepreneur?

a visionary, disciplined, are passionate

what is your personal brand?

-a widely recognized perception or impression of an individual based on conduct, experience, skills, and actions
-based on your conduct, actions, and life experiences

what are the questions you need to ask yourself when finding your path?

what do you do best?
what do you love to do the most?
what are the results that matter the most to you?

what is the sweet spot?

the spot where what you love to do the most intersects with the things you do the best

what is discovery?

the act of finding something out

people + places = ?


what is the secret to opportunites?

the proximity principle

what is the proximity principle?

the idea that you should connect with people who are doing what you want to do and get in the right places in order to find new opportunities related to your dream job

how can you get experience?

entry level positions, job shadowing, internships, volunteering

what are 8 emerging jobs?

1) Artificial Intelligence Specialist
2) Robotics Engineer
3) DataScientist
4) Software Engineer
5) Customer Success Specialist
6) Behavioral Health Tech
7) Cybersecurity Specialist
8) Cloud Engineer

how can you make yourself a better person for getting a job later?

-develop computer literacy. Technology plays a vital role in most jobs today
-improve your communication skills. Verbal (even the ability to speak other languages) and written communication skills can set you apart
-become a team player. Chances are you'll work with a team of people, so it's important to be able to work together

what is the secret to life long success?

be a learner

what are the guidelines for a mentor?

mentors are accomplished, mentors are known for their wisdom, mentors need to care about you

what is a mentor?

-someone who supports, guides, and advises another person over a period of time
-someone who will guide you, motivate you, encourage you, and hold you accountable

what is your sweet spot?

is where your talents and passions intersect in a way that allows you to see the results you want

what is the first step to finding your dream job?

discovery- where you identify all the things that are important to you

what will most jobs want a copy of before interviewing you?

a resume

is it possible to make a living doing work you love to do?


in order to do what you want to do, you need to be around people who are doing it and in _______

places where it is happening

after identifying your talents, passions, and values, write _____

your purpose statement

a great way to gain valuable experience in a field that interest you even if you don't get paid for your time is ______


what of these is not considered a characteristic of an entrepreneur?


your social media posts, your style, and your speech all help to build what?

your personal brand

which of these is considered a soft skill?

a positive attitute

which of these is not considered a quality of a good mentor?


things don't always go right or as planned. Everyone can learn the value of what?


what should you do to win a job interview?

ask questions

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