Wer ist cameron boyce

20-Jähriger erliegt Krampfanfall Disney-Star Cameron Boyce ist tot

07.07.2019, 16:42 Uhr

Insgesamt drehte Cameron Boyce sieben Filme und hunderte Serienfolgen.

(Foto: imago images / Starface)

Er ist einer der größten Stars, die der Disney-Channel in den vergangenen Jahren hervorgebracht hat. Jetzt stirbt der erst 20-jährige Cameron Boyce überraschend. Offenbar war er schon länger schwer krank.

US-Schauspieler Cameron Boyce ("Descendants - Die Nachkommen") ist tot. Der Disney-Channel-Star starb im Alter von nur 20 Jahren. Seine Familie bestätigte die Nachricht von Boyces Tod dem US-Nachrichtensender "ABC". Demnach starb Boyce an den Folgen eines Krampfanfalls.

"Aus tiefster Trauer müssen wir berichten, dass wir Cameron an diesem Morgen verloren haben", sagte ein Sprecher der Familie zu "ABC". "Er starb im Schlaf an einem Anfall." Mit Boyce habe die Welt eines ihrer hellsten Lichter verloren, aber sein Geist werde in der Güte und dem Mitgefühl weiterleben, die er seinen Mitmenschen entgegengebracht habe, schreibt die Familie.

Einem größeren Publikum wurde der Schauspieler durch seine Rollen in den Filmen "Mirrors" und "Eagle Eye – Außer Kontrolle" bekannt. Außerdem spielte er in "Kindsköpfe" und "Kindsköpfe 2" an der Seite der Hollywood-Stars Adam Sandler und Kevin James. Boyce drehte 2007, im Alter von nur acht Jahren seinen ersten Film.

"Wir sind zutiefst betroffen und bitten um Privatsphäre in dieser äußerst schwierigen Zeit, da wir über den Verlust unserer kostbaren Sohnes und Bruders trauern", teilte die Familie darüber hinaus mit. Boyce hatte sein Leben in den letzten Jahren der Wohltätigkeitsarbeit gewidmet. Für seinen Einsatz war der 20-Jährige ausgezeichnet worden, etwa im vergangenen Jahr, als er für ein Brunnenprojekt in Swasiland, im Süden Afrikas, 30.000 Dollar an Spendengeldern eingesammelt hatte.

Quelle: ntv.de, joh/spot

  • Disney
  • TV

Cameron Boyce was an American actor. He rose to fame as a child actor in the films Mirrors (2008), Eagle Eye (2008), Grown Ups (2010) and Grown Ups 2 (2013). He was best known for his roles on Disney Channel's Jessie (2011–2015) and the Descendants franchise (2015-2019). Boyce died in 2019 due to sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, also known as SUDEP.

Cameron Mica Boyce was an American actor born May 28, 1999. Boyce began his acting career as a child actor and is best known for his starring role in the Disney comedy series “Jessie.” As an actor, Boyce was talented. As an individual, he was full of life. His bright smiles, easy-going attitude, and bright-eyed nature endeared him to fans worldwide. He is greatly missed. Join us in celebrating his birthday today!

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Cameron Mica Boyce

Death date:

July 6, 2019 (age 20)


Cameron Mica Boyce was a great actor and entertainer. He was born on May 28, 1999, in Los Angeles, California. Boyce was a Gemini, and of African-American and Jewish descent. He loved the theater and wanted to be an actor from a young age. He lived in his hometown with his family before branching out in his career.

Boyce made some television appearances in “General Hospital Night Shift” in July 2008. But it was in August that he made his debut in a feature film. Boyce had starred in “Mirrors” and “Eagle Eye” by Fall 2008. In June 2010, he played Keith in “Grown Ups,” and in April 2011, he made a guest appearance on “Good Luck Charlie.” Boyce was an adorable child actor, and by September 2011, he got his breakout role on Disney’s “Jessie.” Boyce starred in this series for four years. In 2015, he was cast as Carlos in “Descendants” by the Disney Channel. He reprised this role for the sequels “Descendants 2” and “Descendants 3.”

Boyce starred in more movies and projects, including “Runt” and “Mrs. Fletcher.” He was a kind, funny, and sweet child individual. He was found unresponsive in his L.A. home on July 6, 2019, following an epileptic seizure. Boyce was cremated, and his ashes are with his family. He was a generous and phenomenal actor who blessed the world with his talent. He shared his success with his friends and family, who miss him every day.

Career timeline


His Feature Film Debut

Boyce stars in the horror film “Mirrors.”


Grown Ups

Boyce plays the son of Adam Sandler’s character in the 2010 movie “Grown Ups.”


Boyce Stars in Jessie

He plays Luke Ross in the Disney show “Jessie.”


Boyce Is Cast in Descendants

He plays Carlos in this adventure-comedy film “Descendants.”



Boyce stars in the movie “Runt,” which becomes his last film role.

Why We Love Cameron Boyce

  1. He was a philanthropist

    Boyce contributed to fundraising for the Thirst Project. He helped bring clean water to underdeveloped countries.

  2. He helped in the quest to end homelessness

    Homelessness was another cause Boyce was passionate about. He helped raise money for the 2015 HomeWalk.

  3. He was a talented actor

    Boyce had the type of talent that cannot be taught. He was a natural-born entertainer.

5 Surprising Facts

  1. He could dance

    Boyce was trained in different dance forms from ballet to jazz, tap dance, modern dance, and breakdance.

  2. He was in a music video

    Boyce’s earliest work was as the younger version of Ryan Ross in “That Green Gentleman.”

  3. He was supposed to be Hiro

    Boyce auditioned for Hiro on the comedy series “Jessie,” but impressed the casting directors so much they created another role for him.

  4. "Descendants 3" was released posthumously

    Boyce had already passed by the time the film premiered.

  5. He had a clothing line

    Boyce co-founded a clothing line, Archives, which was released posthumously.

Did Cameron Boyce date Dove Cameron?

Both parties never confirmed their relationship.

Where is Cameron Boyce’s grave?

Although he was cremated, his death certificate cites the Forest Lawn Cemetery as his final resting place.

Who did Cameron Boyce move in with?

In 2019, Boyce moved in with his co-stars, Sophie Reynolds and Karan Brar.

Cameron Boyce’s birthday dates

2023 May 28 Sunday
2024 May 28 Tuesday
2025 May 28 Wednesday
2026 May 28 Thursday
2027 May 28 Friday

Wieso ist Cameron Boys gestorben?

6. Juli 2019Cameron Boyce / Sterbedatumnull

Warum hatte Cameron Boyce einen Krampfanfall?

Der Schauspieler erlitt einen Krampfanfall im Schlaf, der durch eine Krankheit ausgelöst wurde. Der Krampfanfall, an dem Cameron Boyce im Schlaf starb, war demnach eine direkte Auswirkung der Krankheit. Der junge TV-Star erkrankte schon vor längerer Zeit an Epilepsie.

Was ist mit Dove Cameron passiert?

US-Schauspielerin Dove Cameron (24, "Descendants - Die Nachkommen") hat die Trennung von Kollege Thomas Doherty (25, "Legacies") bekannt gegeben. "Im Oktober haben Thomas und ich entschieden, getrennte Wege zu gehen", schrieb Cameron in einer Instagram-Story und auf Twitter.

Wie alt wurde Cameron Boyce heute?

Der Disney-Star Cameron Boyce starb am 6. Juli vergangenen Jahres im Alter von nur 20 Jahren an einem epileptischen Anfall. Boyce befand sich aufgrund der ihm bekannten Erkrankung bereits seit Jahren in medizinischer Behandlung.


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