Was bedeutest abg

an asian girl who's typically identified by tattoos, revealing clothing, fake eyelashes, heavy makeup (strong arched brows), long nails and long dyed hair.

normally seen at raves, parties, and clubs.

ABG culture is very predominant in California.

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An acronym for an "aznbbygirl" meaning an asian female gangster. ABG's like to hang with gangsters and wear thin (slutty) clothing. They like to jump other girls who talk shit and make out with their boyfriends 24/7 (maybe even have sex.) Usually own side kicks who also like to text frequently. ABG'S also normally have a "ride or die" homie, someone who is always down for them, or die trying. ABG's are also known for dying their hair alot. From blonde to black. They have many piercings: multiple on the ears, and stomach/lip. They probably have teased hair, bangs, and have had extensions at one point or another. Could also have painted nails and tatoos. ABG's are super hot, but you would probably get jumped if you tried to hit on them. They also loiter and hang out past curfew.

"Oh shit look at those hotties at that boba house.."
"Watch out, see those gangsters next to them? Their obviously ABG's."
"Damn..still hot."

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Acronym for Asian Baby Girl. Asian gangsta girl who likes to hang out with Asian b-boys and parties all night long. Puts a lot of makeup on and is usually a slut. Have teased hair and also die their hair often. Fake eyelashes and thick eyeshadow is also relatively common. Are stereotypically hot and wear revealing clothing. Like to make out with their boyfriends and jump on girls who talk crap about them. Most Asian girls do not appreciate being called an "ABG".

She has so much makeup on. And she's like all over her boyfriend. She's definitely a full-on ABG.

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Acronym for Asian Baby Girl. They are also known as Boba Baddies. There are different types of ABG’s, and all of them are bad asf. The most common are the ones who are obsessed with fashion and shopping, drink boba, wear fake lashes and nails, and their makeup and outfits are always on point. Their Instagram is POPPIN and you’d think they’re famous on TikTok or something. Some are luxury bitches and some aren’t. They are all GLAMOROUS, they’ll make you laugh, and they are sweet if you are. If emojis could describe an ABG they’d be


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ABG는 "Asian Baby Girl" 아시안 베이비 걸 뜻입니다 ㅋㅋㅋ

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@Ryan002 아.....🤨 감사합니다!ㅋㅋㅋ

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@Ryan002 저도 처음에 arterial blood gas 인 줄 알았어욬ㅋㅋㅋ 동영상까지 첨부해 주시다니 너무 감사해요! 완전히 이해했어요👍

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