Which of the following is an appropriate definition of organizational performance quizlet?

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Terms in this set (116)

Which of the following is an appropriate definition of organizational performance?

It is a measure of how efficiently and effectively managers use available resources to satisfy customers and achieve organizational goals.

A manufacturing company is said to be effective if it ________.

sets appropriate goals and achieves them

Which of the following is true of low efficiency/high effectiveness situations?

They arise when managers choose the right goals to pursue, but do a poor job of using resources to achieve these goals.

What must one do to perform the essential managerial task of controlling in achieving organizational goals?

Establish accurate measuring and monitoring systems to evaluate how well the organization has achieved its goals

Which of the following describes the essential managerial task of leading in achieving organizational goals?

Motivate, coordinate, and energize individuals and groups

Which of the following refers to a cluster of decisions concerning what organizational goals to pursue, what actions to take, and how to use resources to achieve these goals?


The process of structuring working relationships so that organizational members interact and cooperate to achieve organizational goals is known as ________.


Which of the following describes first-line managers?

They are also known as supervisors

We watched a video by Simon Sinek in class. He spoke about TiVo and why that product failed. Simon said that TiVo failed because:

TiVo did not explain the "Why" of their product to the customer

People who tend to be sociable, outgoing, and friendly are said to:

be extraverts

The tendency of a person to feel bad emotions and moods, to feel distressed, and to be critical of oneself and others is called:

negative affectivity

Which of the following is not one of the primary targets for understanding personality traits at work.

your lost customrs

People who have ________________ believe they themselves are responsible for their own fate; they see their own actions and behaviors as being major and decisive determinants of important outcomes.

an internal locus of control

One of the attributes that make Anthony an excellent manager is his ability to understand the moods of his subordinates coupled with his ability to manage his own moods. Anthony has a high level of:

emotional intelligence

Which of the following is important?

We understand and accept who we are and what our personality is.

Organizational ________________ comprises the shared set of beliefs, expectations, values, norms, and work routines that influence how members of an organization relate to one another and work together to achieve organizational goals.


The process by which newcomers learn an organization's values and norms and acquire the work behaviors necessary to perform jobs effectively is known as organizational:


Penelope is a manager with Quick Pizza. She is very good at understanding the feelings of her subordinates and takes time out for all of them. She listens to their problems, sympathizes with them, and tries her best to give them solutions regarding the same. From this information, it can be said that Penelope is:

high on agreeableness.

Which of the following steps to making an ethical decision follows the fact-gathering step?

Define the ethical issues

Which of the following steps toward making an ethical decision includes utilizing checks such as the Platinum Rule test and the Mom test?

check your instincts

Utilitarianism theory of ethics says

an ethical decision is one that results in the greatest good for the greatest number

true or false It is uncommon to find false information on someone's resume


To help managers and employees make ethical decisions and behave in ways that benefit their stakeholders, they can use four ethical rules or principles to analyze the effects of their business decisions on stakeholders, the: ________________ rules.

utilitarian, moral rights, justice, and practical

Why is it so important that managers, and people in general, should act ethically and temper their pursuit of self-interest by considering the effects of their actions on others?

Because giving excessive importance to oneself with no consideration of societal interests leads to disaster for each individual and for the whole society because scarce resources are destroyed.

The set of forces and conditions that originate with global suppliers, distributors, customers, and competitors and affect an organization's ability to obtain inputs and dispose of its outputs is the ________________ environment.


Heartz Ltd., provides Glayton Technologies with input resources that it needs to produce its products. In this context, which of the following categories does Heartz Ltd., belong to?


When a company contracts with suppliers in other countries to make the various inputs that go into its products or to assemble the final products to reduce costs, _________________ occurs.

global outsourcing

Economies of scale, brand loyalty, and government regulations that impede access can lead to ______________.

barriers to entry

Building customer awareness of the newcomer's product is very costly in which of the following sources of barriers to entry?

brand loyalty

Changes in the work patterns of women result in a larger percentage of mothers with children under the age of five working outside the home. In the context of general environment, this is an example of which of the following forces?


Deregulation and privatization are a part of which of the following forces in the general environment?

political and legal

Karen, an executive at Brandon's Department Store, finds that the median age of the population in the chain's region is increasing by about three years every decade. This is an example of which type of force in the general environment?


In an organization's general environment, inflation is an example of a(an) __________________ force.


Organizations that help other organizations to sell their goods to customers are known as:


When doing creative brainstorming, which of the following is NOT necessarily part of the equation to be successful according to Eureka Ranch which they do creative ideation?

Carefully critque and evaluate ideas immediately during the brainstorming process

Decisions that have been made many times in the past and for which managers have rules and guidelines about how to make similar decisions in the future are known as ________________ decisions.


An organization's finance department decides to go to the company's usual bank and take out a loan because the company's revenues for the month are projected to be less than its expenses. What type of decision does this represent?


The classical model of decision making assumes that:

managers have access to all the information they need to make the optimum decision.

When the meaning of the information available to a manager is unclear and can be interpreted in several ways, the information is:


With reference to the steps of decision-making process, which of the following is the last step in the managerial decision-making process?

learn from feedback

The marketing managers of Rudolf Ltd., strive so hard to agree on an important decision to launch a product that they ignore information that a similar product already exists in the market and that the barriers to entry into the market are high. This refers to which of the following decision-making processes?

group think

After one person shares an idea, the next thing that should happen in a brainstorming session is:

the sharing of other ideas.

A manager who takes "ownership" of a project and provides the leadership and vision that takes a commodity from the idea stage to the final customer is a product:


Individuals who pursue initiatives and opportunities to address social problems and needs in order to improve society and well-being, such as reducing poverty, are known as:

social entrepreneurs.

The cluster of decisions that managers make to assist an organization to achieve its goals is known as:


A broad declaration of the organization's overriding purpose, which is intended to identify the organization's products and customer base, as well as to differentiate the organization from its competitors, is known as a ____________ statement.


The strategy that explains the methods that a division or organization will use to compete against its rivals in the industry is a ______________-level strategy.


While managers at ABC Manufacturing were conducting a SWOT analysis, they concluded that their product line is obsolete and narrow. Their product line would be categorized as a:


Ace Real Estate conducted a SWOT analysis, and their managers believe that this year's local market growth will be slower than in the past. The predicted slow market growth is a(n):


Arrow Corp. attempts to gain a competitive advantage by driving down its production costs per unit below those of its competitors. Arrow is pursuing a(n) ______________ strategy.


BMW produces cars exclusively for high-income customers. BMW is pursuing a ______________ strategy.

focused differentiation

Firestone Tire and Rubber Company set up a chain of Firestone retail stores to sell its tires to American consumers. This is an example of:

forward vertical integration

The least complex global operation is _____________.


Unilever sells different products using a different marketing approach in England than it uses when marketing these products in the United States. This is an example of a(n) _______________ strategy.


The greater the level of uncertainty in the organization's environment, the:

more likely managers are to design a structure and a culture that are flexible.

A Place for Pizza established a basic division of labor among "chefs" and "food servers" in which chefs perform all tasks involved in actual cooking and food servers carry out all tasks involved in giving food to the customers. A Place for Pizza implemented:

job design

Compared to a salesperson of a prescription drug store, a doctor who works with people suffering from malignant diseases has _______________.

higher task significance

In the design of an organization, another name for "market structure" is __________________ structure.


The organizational design in which employees are correctly referred to as two-boss employees is a _________________ structure.


Rusty is a project manager who has 15 executives reporting directly to him. The number 15 is Rusty's:

span of control

Organizations can keep their hierarchy flat by:

decentralizing authority.

Xpress Delivery Corporation organizes its managers according to the different regions of the world in which the managers work. This is an example of a ________________ structure.


A manager redesigns the job of a subordinate so that the subordinate has more responsibility over her job. This is the process of:

job enrichment

Compared to an order taker at a restaurant, a sales executive who is given the authority to choose the prospective customers he will visit on personal sales calls has ________________.

moe autonomy

The formal target-setting, monitoring, evaluation, and feedback systems that provide managers with information about whether the organization's strategy and structure are working efficiently and effectively are known as _____________ systems


Managers at Zeppel Construction Company set up a stringent job interview process by which management applicants are carefully screened at different levels of the organization before they are hired, attempting to increase the chance that newly hired managers will have the knowledge and skills they need to be successful within the organization. By using this process, Zeppel is using _____________ control.


Brennan Manufacturing monitors the number of customer returns for each product model to track when the organization is producing a large number of defective products. In this case, Brennan Manufacturing is using _____________ control.


Ben, the production manager of Pace Shoes, sets a production target of 220 shoes to be distributed among 20 employees in a week. In the context of the control process, Ben is:

establishing the standards of performance.

Danny, the manager of Wader Shoes, installed new machinery to speed up the production process after the assigned targets were not achieved for the third week of the month. With regard to the control process, Danny is:

initiating corrective actions.

The most immediate and potent form of behavior control is:

direct supervision

The component of an HRM system that focuses on attempting to attract and hire employees who have the abilities and experiences to help the organization to achieve its goals is known as:

recruitment and selection.

The information that managers need to make good human resources decisions about how to train, motivate, and reward organizational members can be obtained through ___________.

the performance appraisal

When managers hire contract employees who are not regular employees of their organization to produce goods and services, it is known as:


Tests that measure the personal characteristics of job applicants that are relevant to successful performance on the job are known as _______________ tests.


A performance appraisal, which includes an employee's peers or coworkers, subordinates, supervisors, and sometimes even clients, is a _______________ appraisal.


Negotiations between labor unions and managers to resolve conflicts and disputes about important issues, such as working hours, wages, working conditions, and job security, is known as ____________.

collective bargaining

The newest role often found at the c-suite level reporting to the CEO is the:

Chief People Officer (CPO)

The management of any aspect of production that transforms inputs into finished outputs is known as:

operations management

The amount of input that is required to produce a given level of output refers to


In the production process, when the workers are stationary and a moving conveyor belt takes the product on to the next workstation so that it is assembled in a fixed sequence, this is known as:

mass production

James calculates the average number of hours it takes an employee in his plant to produce a product. He is calculating the:

labor productivity

In the production process, a mainframe computer assembly line is an example of a ______________ facilities layout.

fixed position

Behavior that is performed by an employee "for its own sake" is referred to as:

intrinsically motivated behavior.

An example of an employee's input with an organization is:


William, a manager at Space Solutions Ltd., makes sure the outcomes that are offered to subordinates for their good performance are rewards that they will value. William is working on:


An employer can attempt to meet the employees' safety needs by providing:

medical benifits

Establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations and being liked are characteristics of individuals who can be rated high on the need for:


Thomas, an engineer, gets paid more than his colleague, Chris. Thomas has more years on the job than Chris, and works more hours. Thomas thinks he and Chris are paid fairly, but Chris thinks that he should be paid the same as Thomas because his degree is from a better university and he is more creative. Thomas is experiencing _______________ and Chris is experiencing _______________.

equity; underpayment inequity

Maria, a middle manager, enjoys talking over work situations with Daniel, her subordinate, who is a first-line supervisor. However, she notices that Daniel frequently brings problems to her that he expects her to solve, rather than solving them himself. Since Daniel has been a supervisor for a significant length of time, he should be more independent in his actions. She stops acting interested in the problems Daniel brings to her and makes her responses brief. Maria is practicing:


Paul sets a goal of completing the design for a new display box for a major customer by the end of the week. He decides to reward himself by playing golf over the weekend if he is able to complete the project on time. This is an example of:


Austin was often late to work, despite his manager, Ben, warning him against it several times. As a last resort, Ben reduced Austin's salary in proportion to the hours he missed at work by being late. It turned out to be the right thing to do, as Austin was never late to work after the incident. This scenario is explained by:

negative reinforcement

James, a production manager at a growing company, has mastered the processes and procedures of overall management of the ongoing production operations by walking around and watching other managers as they work. This is an example of:

vicarious learning

Effective managers are leaders


Which of the following is a common leadership myth?

Leadership exists only at the top

When articulating a vision it is important for a leader to:

Explain the signficance of the vision

John Maxwell would agree with all of these statements except:

It is important for a leader to hire people like themself to grow into future leaders

Which of the following is NOT true of great leaders?

they don't need a high EQ, because that is unimportant in today's business world

If you were lost in the middle of the Atlanta Ocean on small raft with 5 other people and were hundreds of miles away from land, which of the following would be most important to your survival?

A make-up mirror

Which of the following is least important to having an effective team meeting?

That all topics brought up at the meeting are fully discussed

Active Appliances, an electrical appliance firm, forms a group to design a new software application. This group consists of a systems designer, a programmer, and a user representative. This is an example of a(n):

cross-functional team

Teams that are empowered to take responsibility for acting autonomously in order to complete identifiable pieces of work are referred to as:

self managed work teams

The members of a particular group are getting to know one another and attempting to reach an understanding of how each of them should act within the group. This stage of group development is known as:


Bryan took over as manager of a group of medical transcribers about a month ago. While the employees' performance is satisfactory, he has noticed that the group seems to squash any new ideas about how they might do their work more effectively. What should Bryan do to increase tolerance for deviance?

Set up an incentive system for employees' suggestions about changes to procedures.

The tendency of group members to exert less effort when they work in groups than they would exert if they were acting alone is known as:

social loafign

A manager of a group encourages members of the group to take on additional responsibilities as they see the need. This is an example of:

role making

In terms of group performance, the idea that "the whole is more than the sum of its parts" is the fundamental point in the concept of:


Data that is organized in a meaningful way is referred to as:


Blue Bay International maintains its travelers' records through the process of documentation. It includes the date of travel, the specifications of the travel package, and so on. Blue Bay's method of recordkeeping is known as a(n) _______________ system.

management info

Mark, the sales manager at Lance Motors, has called for a meeting with all his sales representatives. He wants to give them feedback and set new guidelines regarding their annual targets. In the transmission phase of communication, Mark plays the role of a:


The media of communication with the highest information richness is ____________.

face to face communication

Workers who are employed by an organization but who work at home are known as:


A bank that uses a computer system to record deposits and withdrawals from its customers' checking accounts is using a(n) _______________ system.


A system that gives managers a model-building capability and provides them with the ability to manipulate information in a variety of ways in order to make nonprogrammed judgments is a(n) _______________ system.

decision support

The best way to communicate a company layoff would be:

Meet with all affected employees in personal meetings then have a company meeting to announce why the company is having layoffs and who was affected.

Which of the following is not likely to be an information communication technology that will greatly affect the future of business:

The evolution of which is the most popular social network

The form of communication which is the lowest in information richness is

impersonal written communication

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What is an appropriate definition of organizational performance?

Organizational performance is the ability of an organization to reach its goals and optimize results. In today's workforce, organizational performance can be defined as a company's ability to achieve goals in a state of constant change.

What are examples of organizational performance?

Examples include financial ratios such as return on assets, return on equity, and return on investment. Other common financial measures include profits and stock price.

Which of the following is an appropriate definition for the term competency?

: the quality or state of being competent: such as. : the quality or state of having sufficient knowledge, judgment, skill, or strength (as for a particular duty or in a particular respect)

Which of the following is the best definition of an organization?

Which of the following definitions best describes the characteristics of an organization? An organization is a consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that functions on a continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.


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