The supply curve measures quantity ______ on the horizontal axis and ______ on the vertical axis.

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In a market system, the allocation of scarce goods involves the consideration of

what must be sacrificed in using a resource for its next-best use.

Suppose a city block was going to be used for a parking lot in both New York City and a small town. The opportunity cost would be

greater in New York City because the alternative uses of the city block are more valuable.

A student will decide to attend class when

the marginal benefit of attending exceeds the marginal cost of attending.

Self-interest helps achieve society’s economic goals because

as consumers and producers exercise their freedom to act in their own self-interest, markets will produce the desired goods at the lowest possible cost.

There is such a wide variety of desired goods and services in a market system because

individual wants are diverse.

What is produced is ultimately determined by

consumers, because if the goods offered are not what consumers want, consumers will not buy them.

The meaning of the phrase “invisible hand" is that

market prices coordinate the economy by rationing resources and output and by providing incentives to produce the goods and services most desired by society.

Which statement is consistent with the law of supply?

An increase in market price will lead to an increase in quantity supplied.

Why does the supply curve slope upward? To answer this question, use the choices below to identify the characteristics of an upward-sloping supply curve.

Check all that apply

Increasing opportunity costs

Increasing marginal costs

Diminishing marginal utility

A decrease in resource prices

An increase in resource prices

Increasing labor productivity

Increasing opportunity costs

Increasing marginal costs

How is the market supply curve derived from the supply curves of individual producers?

By adding up the quantities supplied by all individual producers for each price

In which of these two statements are the terms "supply" and "demand" used correctly?

A. "In the corn market, demand often exceeds supply, and supply sometimes exceeds demand."

B. "The price of corn rises and falls in response to changes in supply and demand."

All competitive markets involve which of the following?

Multiple select question.





government regulators





The concept of demand can be summarized by a schedule or curve showing the quantity of a product that would be ______.

consumed at various possible prices

Reason: Product purchased or consumed represents the demand curve described here.

According to the law of demand, which of the following statements are true, all other things being equal?

As price decreases, quantity demanded increases.

As price increases, quantity demanded decreases.

A demand curve shows the ______.

inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded for a product

All the following are the determinants of demand except ______.

price of substitutes in production

(do not confuse this with "price of related goods" on the demand side. This clearly states substitutes in production which hint to the supply side of the market)

Which of the following are the characteristics of a competitive market?

-standardized products

-a large number of buyers and sellers

Which of the following is likely to cause an increase in the demand for a good or service?

an increase in the number of buyers

Which of the following specifically refers to demand?

The buyer side of any market

Reason: The seller side refers specifically to the supply side.

A change in demand is represented by a ______ the demand curve while a change in quantity demanded is represented by a _______ the demand curve.

The relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity demanded of that good or service described by the law of demand is

The inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded can be graphically illustrated by ______.

Which of the following has the greatest effect on the quantity supplied?

Which of the following are determinants of demand?

- consumer taxes

- number of buyers

- consumer expectations

- prices of related goods

- consumer income

In general, a firm will (increase/decrease) the output of a good or service if the price of the good is rising.

A change in the number of buyers is a determinant of market _

The supply curve illustrates the relationship between ______.

price and quantity supplied

A ______ the demand curve represents a change in demand while a ______ the demand curve represents a change in the quantity demanded.

When drawing a supply curve, _____ is labeled on the vertical axis.

According to the law of demand, which of the following statements are true, all other things being equal?

- As price increases, quantity demanded decreases.

- As price decreases, quantity demanded increases.

Market ___ is a schedule or curve showing the various amounts of a product that producers are willing and able to make available for sale at each possible price during a specific period.

Which of the following are determinants of supply?

- resource prices

- technology

- taxes and subsidies

According to the law of supply, price and quantity supplied have a(n) ______ relationship.

True or false: Resource costs or changes in these costs to production are responsible for shifts in the supply curve.

The supply curve is ______ sloping curve.

A change in ___, rather than a change in the quantity supplied, means a change in the schedule or a shift of the supply curve.

The supply curve measures quantity ______ on the horizontal axis and ______ on the vertical axis.

What determines market price and equilibrium output in a market?

the interaction of buyers and sellers

The relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity demanded of that good or service described by the law of demand is

The equilibrium price where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied is otherwise known as the ___-clearing price.

The determinants of the supply of a good are any factors other than the product's ______ that cause the supply curve of the good to shift.

The ability of the competitive forces of supply and demand to establish a price at which selling and buying decisions are consistent is called ______.

the rationing function of prices

If costs of production rise, the producer has an incentive to produce __ (one word) output.

The production of a good or service in the least costly way is known as ______ efficiency.

On a simple supply model, a change in quantity supplied is illustrated by a ______ and a change in supply is illustrated by a ______.

movement along the supply curve; shift of the supply curve

A decrease in demand while holding supply constant results in _______.

a decrease in both equilibrium price and quantity

The interaction between buyers and sellers determines the equilibrium price and the ___ quantity. (Answer in one word.)

A decrease in supply while holding demand constant results in a(n) ______ in equilibrium price, and a(n) ______ in equilibrium quantity.

What is the price where the intentions of buyers and sellers match?

The effects on equilibrium price and quantity due to an increase in supply and a simultaneous decrease in demand are shown by ______.

a decrease in equilibrium price and an indeterminate change in equilibrium quantity

The rationing function of prices refers to the ability of the competitive forces of supply and demand to establish a price at which ______.

buying and selling decisions are consistent

Competition among corn producers forces them to use the best technology and right mix of productive resources; otherwise their costs will be too high relative to the market price and they will be unprofitable. This is best described as ______.

A decrease in demand while holding supply constant results in ______ in both equilibrium price and quantity.

______,while holding demand constant, results in an increase in the equilibrium price of the good, but a decrease in the equilibrium quantity of the good.

A decrease in the supply of a good

Reason: A decrease is illustrated as a shift of the supply curve upward or to the left.

A decrease in equilibrium price and indeterminate result on equilibrium quantity is a result of which of the following?

An increase in supply and a simultaneous decrease in demand

When drawing a supply curve is labeled on the vertical axis?

supply curve, in economics, graphic representation of the relationship between product price and quantity of product that a seller is willing and able to supply. Product price is measured on the vertical axis of the graph and quantity of product supplied on the horizontal axis.

When drawing a supply curve we always place on the vertical axis and?

The supply curve is a graphic representation of the correlation between the cost of a good or service and the quantity supplied for a given period. In a typical illustration, the price will appear on the left vertical axis, while the quantity supplied will appear on the horizontal axis.

Which way does a supply curve slope and why?

🤔 Understanding the Supply Curve The supply curve slopes upward because as a product's price rises, the business would tend to be more willing to make it. Also, since businesses are efficient and would exhaust the cheapest production inputs first, the cost of production tends to rise as output increases.

Which graph shows an increase in quantity supplied?

A supply curve shows the quantity supplied at each possible price, again holding constant other factors that influence supply decisions. Like demand curves, supply curves are graphed with the price per unit on the vertical axis and the quantity on the horizontal axis.


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