The opportunity cost of making a component part in a factory with no excess capacity is the




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D incremental cost to buy is less than the total cost to manufacture the part. 3 The opportunity cost of making a component part in a factory with excess capacity for which there is no alternative use is: A the variable manufacturing cost of the component.

Video Transcript

The opportunity cost is the nut benefit foregone from the best alternative views of the capacity here. It's mentioned the there's no alternative use four, the excess capacity, um, the fact that the factory and there is no gain or profit, hence the answer zero.

8 Product A-2071 is one of the joint products in a joint manufacturing process. Management is considering whether to sell A-2071 at the split-off point or to process A-2071 further into Xylene. The following data have been gathered:

I. Selling price of A-2071
II. Variable cost of processing A-2071 into Xylene.
III. The avoidable fixed costs of processing A-2071 into Xylene.
IV. The selling price of Xylene.
V. The joint cost of the process from which A-2071 is produced.

Which of the above items are relevant in a decision of whether to sell the A-2071 as is or process it further into Xylene?

A I, II, and IV.
B I, II, III, and IV.
C II, III, and V.
D I, II, III, and V.

Sets with similar terms


B)fixed manufacturing cost of the component. C)total manufacturing cost of the component. D)net benefit foregone from the best alternative use of the capacity required.

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What is the opportunity cost of making a component in a factory with no excess capacity?

Explanation: The opportunity cost of making a component part in a factory with excess capacity for which there is no alternative use is zero.

Is excess capacity an opportunity cost?

Capacity in place gives the firm an option to produce. When capacity is not available, the firm has an option to invest. The true opportunity cost of using the excess capacity is the change in the value of the firm's options that is caused by diverting capacity to some other purpose.

What is opportunity cost in manufacturing?

Opportunity cost is defined as a benefit that could have been received, but was given up in order to take another course of action. How does this apply to manufacturing cost performance? To answer this question, we need to connect operational and monetary metrics on a detailed level—daily or shift operations.

Which of the following costs are relevant to a make or buy decision?

Hence, the cost of production is considered for 'make or buy' decision.


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