The humanistic perspective has been criticized for promoting an excessive degree of:


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The _____ perspective emphasizes that personality is the result of interactions between people and their situations. The way one thinks about a situation affects one's behavior. social-cognitive
Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals who are open, spontaneous, and not paralyzed by the opinions of others display: self-actualization.
Students in an individualistic culture like the United States tend to attribute their academic success to: personal traits, such as talent and creativity.
Kayden had to take a Rorschach inkblot test for his new job. He is worried because he has heard that the Rorschach is not a very good test. Critics would agree and suggest that the Rorschach is: not very reliable and has limited validity
Lately, Harold and Grant cannot get along. Harold often expects the worst of people, and yesterday he thought Grant was mad at him. As a result, Harold ignored Grant's phone calls and other attempts at conversation, angering Grant. However, in truth, Haro reciprocal determinism
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a(n): objective test.
Critics complain that the humanistic perspective fails to appreciate: the human capacity for evil
Albert Bandura's social-cognitive perspective highlights the importance of: reciprocal determinism
Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory includes ideas about: an unconscious region of the mind, psychosexual stages, and defense mechanisms.
Carl learns that he failed an exam. His self-esteem is temporarily lowered, and he may be MORE likely to do all of these EXCEPT: avoid comments showing his own brilliance.
Katrina is a worrier. She worries about her family, her friends, and herself. She is particularly aware of potential hazards in the environment, and she sees the world as a dangerous place. Her personality is shaped by how she interprets and reacts to eve reciprocal determinism
Starke Hathaway is to _____ as Alfred Binet is to _____. personality measurement; intelligence measurement
In European and American psychology, the _____ is thought to be the organizer of a person's thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well as the pivotal center of the personality. self
In 1921, Hermann Rorschach introduced what has become the most widely used _____ test. projective
Children who have witnessed a parent's murder report memories that MOST clearly challenge Sigmund Freud's concept of: repression
The _____ includes a "lie scale" that can assess the extent to which a person is "faking" to make a good impression. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Sigmund Freud suggested that adults with a passive and submissive personality, marked by a childlike dependence, demonstrate signs of: an oral fixation
The stability of personality during adulthood is BEST evaluated by: the trait perspective
Most of Dakota's friends look at him with respect. He is self-aware, self-accepting, and open. He is spontaneous and caring, and does not worry about other people's opinions. According to Abraham Maslow, it is likely that Dakota is motivated by: the need for self-actualization
Sigmund Freud suggested that three interacting systems can explain the dynamics of the human mind. These three systems refer to: the id, the ego, and the superego
Anxious people tend to be on the lookout for potentially threatening events; they perceive the world as threatening. Their personalities shape how they interpret and react to events. This is known as: reciprocal determinism
Gene has always had trouble with her weight. She was not breast-fed when she was an infant and seems to overcompensate now. According to Sigmund Freud, which psychosexual stage is Gene fixated in? oral
In a psychology class debate on the social-cognitive perspective, the students are asked to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which criticism of the social-cognitive perspective can they cite? This perspective focuses too much on the situation and fails to appreciate a person's inner traits
According to Sigmund Freud, this part of the personality represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment and for future aspirations. the supergo
When Kevin noticed that he had spilled coffee on his new shirt, he overestimated that other people at the meeting would notice. His reaction BEST illustrates: the spotlight effect
An attitude of total acceptance toward another person is known as: unconditional positive regard.
Dr. Burns sees his own therapist in order for him to be at his emotional best for seeing patients. He is open with his feelings and self-disclosing in his own therapy. Rogers refers to this attitude as: genuineness
In a psychology class debate on the trait perspective, the students are asked to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which criticism of the trait perspective can they cite? People do not act with predictable consistency; behavior varies from one situation to the next.
The _____ perspective emphasizes the role of repressed childhood conflicts in personality disorders. psychoanalytic
When Vanessa noticed she was wearing mismatched socks, she overestimated the extent to which others would also notice. Her reaction BEST illustrates: the spotlight effect.
When people display their own feelings and drop their facades, they are displaying: genuineness
A principal is looking for advice on how to improve his relationships with the teachers in his school. Carl Rogers might suggest which of these? Be genuine with them and show them unconditional positive regard.
This psychologist proposed the social-cognitive perspective. Albert Bandura
Some psychologists believe that human _____ is influenced by people's biology, social experiences, and cognition and personality. behavior
Geneva has an extremely clean dorm room. She keeps no clutter on her desk, she awakens very early to keep up with her schoolwork, and her car is spotless. Given this knowledge of her behavior, which “Big Five” personality traits does she MOST exhibit? conscientiousness
According to Carl Jung, humans have a reservoir of images that are derived from our universal experiences. This is known as a person's: collective unconscious
Psychology's concern with people's sense of self dates back to William James
Bruce has been smoking since he was 15-years-old. His doctor tells him that he needs to quit for his health. Bruce tells the doctor, "Look, smoking is the only bad thing I do, and besides, you have to die from something." This BEST illustrates the use of rationalization
In a study, researchers temporarily deflated the self-image of participants by telling them they did poorly on a test. The participants were MORE likely to: express heightened racial prejudice.
Jorge was reprimanded for an accounting error by his boss in front of his coworkers. Jorge gets home from his job and yells at his wife for not having dinner ready. His wife then yells at the children for leaving their toys all over the house. This BEST i displacement
The humanistic perspective has been criticized for promoting an excessive degree of: individualism
Some psychologists believe self-actualization is the ultimate psychological need. It only arises after basic psychological and physiological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved. Self-actualization refers to: the motivation to fulfill one's potential
Kate comes home with three "A's" and two "B's," to which her mother replies, "Is that the best you could do?" and walks away. Rogers refers to this attitude as the opposite of: unconditional positive regard.
People's acceptance of stock, positive descriptions of themselves from psychics and from palm readers is known as: the Barnum effect
Defensive self-esteem is to _____ as secure self-esteem is to _____. fragility; sturdiness
Keesha's friend is giving a speech tomorrow and is worried because she just got an unflattering haircut. She is convinced everyone will stare at her bangs and will discuss her unattractive hair. Her overestimation of people's reactions is known as: the spotlight effect.
Genuineness, acceptance, and empathy are to _____ as water, sun, and nutrients are to _____. positive growth in humans; the growth of healthy trees
Raul is a guest in the home of his best friend while he is visiting. Psychologists would suggest that: Raul's traits will remain hidden as he attends carefully to social cues.
Psychologists would use _____ to assess whether a single personality trait is reflected in a cluster of characteristics. factor analysis
Defining one's identity in terms of one's extended family or work group is MOST closely associated with: collectivism.
Sarah's optimism is both a contributor to and a product of her successful career accomplishments. This BEST illustrates: reciprocal determinism.
A person with very high self-esteem is likely to _____ than a person with low self-esteem. have fewer sleepless nights
There is evidence that behavior is the result of the interplay between external and internal influences; that behavior is the product of biology, social experience, and unconscious thought processes. This evidence suggests that personality should be studi biopsychosocial approach.
_____ is a statistical procedure that can be used to identify clusters of behaviors that are related to a trait. Factor analysis
_____ is an attitude of total acceptance toward another person. Humanistic theorists believe this attitude nurtures growth in others. Unconditional positive regard
In promoting personality growth, the person-centered perspective emphasizes everything EXCEPT: altruism.
People's behavior can be described in terms of the spotlight effect. This means that they: overestimate the extent to which other people are noticing them.
Lately, five-year-old Liam has been acting strangely. He clings to his mother and expresses jealous feelings towards his father, almost as if his father is a rival for his mother's love. Sigmund Freud would suggest that Liam is experiencing: the Oedipus complex
Niles' girlfriend asks him to see the tarot card reader at the carnival. The "psychic" tells him that he has many abilities, he has much to offer others, and he enjoys the company of his girlfriend. His girlfriend is amazed, but Niles is not because this the Barnum effect.
Veda is sociable, fun-loving, and affectionate. She would likely score very highly on a personality test that measures: extraversion.

What are the criticisms of the humanistic perspective?

One major criticism of humanistic psychology is that its concepts are too vague. Critics argue that subjective ideas such as authentic and real experiences are difficult to objectify; an experience that is real for one individual may not be real for another person.

What are 3 criticisms of the humanistic perspective?

A) Its concepts are vague and subjective. B) The emphasis on the self encourages selfishness in individuals. C) Humanism fails to appreciate the reality of evil in human behavior. D) All of these are common criticisms.

What are the criticisms of humanistic psychology quizlet?

Three criticisms that have been made of humanistic psychology are its subjectivity (non-scientific descriptions such as spontaneity of self-actualized people, that those descriptions are based on the theorist's ideals), importance of individualism (some researchers claim that by focusing too much on reaching our own ...

What have humanistic theorists been criticized for quizlet?

Humanistic theorists have been criticized for: underestimating the inherent human capacity for destructive and evil behaviors.


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