The concept of ________ emphasizes that our words can influence our thinking.

Explain what psychology is and how it developed. Describe six contemporary approaches to psychology. Describe two movements that reflect a positive approach to psychology. Evaluate careers and areas of specialization in psychology. Apply some strategies that will help you succeed in psychology.

After studying Chapter 1, you will be able to:         

Define psychology. Describe the influence that philosophy, biology, and physiology had on the beginnings of psychology as a science. Compare the two early scientific approaches in psychology: structuralism and functionalism. Describe the focus of each of the six contemporary approaches to psychology. Describe the positive psychology movement, and discuss why this movement recently emerged in psychology. Discuss career opportunities in psychology. Profile the main areas of specialization in psychology. Say how studying habits may be optimized. Understand how to be a critical thinker.


Psychology is a science dedicated to the study of behavior and mental processes. In this chapter you are introduced to the history of this science, a variety of contemporary perspectives in psychology, the positive psychology movement, and an overview of psychology-related careers. At the end of the chapter, the reader learns about the most effective methods of studying and learning.

There are three concepts important to the definition of psychology: science, behavior, and mental processes. Psychologists use scientific methods to observe, describe, predict, and explain behaviors and mental processes. Behaviors are actions that can be directly observed, while mental processes are experiences that cannot be observed directly, such as thoughts and feelings.

The history of psychology is rooted in philosophy, biology, and physiology. Rene Descartes and Charles Darwin strongly influenced the origins of psychology. Descartes contributed with his view of a separate mind and body, thus opening the door for studies focusing exclusively on the mind. Darwin proposed that humans are part of an evolutionary process he termed natural selection. This view led psychologists to consider the role of the environment and adaptation in psychology.

In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt developed the first psychology laboratory. Wundt’s approach, which emphasized the importance of conscious thought and classification of the mind’s structures, was called structuralism. While structuralism focused inside the mind, William James emphasized the functions of the mind in adapting to the environment. James’s approach was called functionalism.


Structuralism and functionalism were the first two schools of thought in psychology; however, they are no longer followed. Contemporary psychologists approach the scientific study of behaviors and mental processes from a variety of perspectives, and each perspective offers an important piece of the psychology puzzle. As we study these perspectives, we should keep in mind that all the approaches are valid and each has advantages and disadvantages.

Contemporary psychology perspectives can be classified into six approaches: 1. Behavioral Approach: a. Behaviorism. The leaders of this perspective, which dominated psychology during the first half of the 20th century, were John Watson and B. F. Skinner. The focus is on observable responses and environmental determinants. b. Social Cognitive Theory. A more recent development of the behaviorist approach, researched by Albert Bandura, integrates the role of environmental factors and mental processes in understanding behaviors. 2. Psychodynamic Approach. Sigmund Freud developed this perspective that focuses on the role of unconscious influences on how we think and act. Early life experiences are considered important determinants of adult psychology in this approach. 3. Cognitive Approach. The focus here is on mental processes with an emphasis on attention, perception, memory, thinking, and solving problems. 4. Behavioral Neuroscience Approach. This approach studies the biological basis of behavior and mental process, specifically focusing on the role of the nervous system. 5. Evolutionary Psychology Approach. This perspective focuses on the adaptive aspects of our psychology, how adapting to the demands of our environment has shaped our repertoire of behaviors and mental processes. 6. Sociocultural Approach. This perspective recognizes that social and cultural contexts influence our psychology—how we act, think, and feel.

During the 20th century, psychology focused mostly on solving psychological problems, such as mental disorders and social disturbances. Most people associate psychologists with the changing of bad behaviors and problematic mental processes; however, psychologists also study and work with psychologically healthy people. The following two movements focus on the study of healthy psychology: 1. Humanistic Psychology. An approach proposed in the middle of the 20th century. This movement was led by Maslow and Rogers. They emphasized the free will of people and their capacity for understanding and solving their own challenges. 2. Positive Psychology. This movement emerged at the beginning of the 21st century, and it attempts to promote the study of positive psychological phenomena such as creativity, optimism, and effective social relations.


A person with an undergraduate degree in psychology will be able to apply the knowledge of behaviors and mental processes to a variety of job possibilities in business, service areas, and research. However, having a graduate degree in psychology expands job opportunities and options.

A student considering graduate studies in psychology has many areas of specialization from which to choose. Clinical and counseling psychologists are the areas we most commonly associate with psychology; they specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems.

An experimental psychologist uses the experiment research method to study basic psychology issues such as perception and thinking.

Chapter 1

Behavioral neuroscience and comparative psychology focuses on the biological basis of psychology, such as the role of the brain in behaviors.

A developmental psychologist studies the process of human development across the lifespan, from childhood to late adulthood.

Social psychology is dedicated to the study of social pressure, how we influence one another’s behaviors and mental processes.

Personality psychology explores the role of stable personality characteristics in our psychology.

Health psychologists study the relationship between our psychological experience and our physical well-being or health; for example, they study how the psychological experience of stress is related to health problems.

Community psychologists study the relationship between psychological well-being and the community. One of their areas of focus is the issue of proper access to psychological care services for the people in the community who need them.

School and educational psychology are two separate areas, but they have in common the interest on the psychological experience of people in educational institutions. School psychologists are often found in schools working with behaviors and mental processes that interfere with a successful academic experience.

Educational psychologists generally do research on the psychological factors involved in the academic experience.

Industrial and organizational (I/O) psychologists study and deal with psychology in the workplace. An I/O Psychologist may help an organization design an optimal process for hiring new employees or may work inside a company, advising employees on how to improve their work environment and productivity.

Environmental psychology studies the relationship between people and their physical environment. For example, an environmental psychologist might study the effect of the color of walls on the emotions of a person.

Cross-cultural psychology explores the variations of behaviors and mental processes across cultures.

The psychology of women focuses on the experiences of women and other factors that may explain gender differences in behaviors and mental processes.

Forensic psychologists study the role of psychology in the legal system and may serve as consultants and expert witnesses in the courtroom.

Sport psychologists explore the behaviors and mental processes involved in optimizing performance in sport events; they often advise athletes and develop strategies to enhance their performance.

Getting the most out of this course will strongly depend on the studying strategies that you use. Based on psychological research, here are some strategies that make studying more effective. Chart monthly, weekly, and daily the class-related tasks, such as tests, and schedule the time that will be dedicated to studying. Distribute your study sessions across time—learning takes time. Minimize distractions while studying. Get an overall idea of the content of a chapter before you start reading the specifics. (It would be a good idea to read this section, The Big Picture: Chapter Overview in the Study Guide, before you start reading each chapter in the textbook.) Make an effort to apply the reading material to your personal experience, because these associations will increase the chances that you

What is Psychology?


will remember the material in the future. Finally, review! Use alternative methods to revisit the material, such as doing the exercises at the end of the chapter, visiting the online resources that accompany the textbook, and testing yourself with the Study Guide exercises.

Building Blocks of Chapter 1 Clarifying some of the tricky points in Chapter 1 and In Your Own Words To respond to the questions and exercises presented in the “In Your Own Words” section, please write your thoughts, perspectives, and reactions on a separate piece of paper.

Exploring Psychology Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes. Behaviors are everything that we do that can be directly observed. Mental processes refer to the thoughts, feelings, and motives that are not directly observable. Because psychology is a science, it uses systematic methods to observe, describe, predict, and explain behavior. In Your Own Words Please write your thoughts, perspectives, and reactions on a separate piece of paper.

 Mention five examples of behaviors and five examples of mental processes. Helpful Hints for Understanding Psychology Helpful Hint: When we refer to a field as being “scientific” it simply means this profession adheres to the “scientific method” to collect and interpret its data. There are many scientific professions, such as biology, physics, and economics to name a few. Psychology is also a scientific profession. In Your Own Words Please write your thoughts, perspectives, and reactions on a separate piece of paper.

 Put the definition of psychology into your own words.  A friend of yours is talking with you about psychology. She claims that psychology is not a real science, at least not like biology. What’s is your reasoned response to her? Psychology emerged as a science in the 19th century, and it was influenced by three fields: philosophy, biology, and physiology. Two influential figures on the origins of psychology were Rene Descartes and Charles Darwin. Descartes proposed that the body and the mind are separate entities. Darwin developed the concept of natural selection. In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt developed the first scientific laboratory in psychology. His approach, which emphasized the importance of conscious thoughts and a classification of the mind’s structure, became known as structuralism. William James, meanwhile, examined the mind’s ability to adapt to the environment in an approach called functionalism. Contemporary Approaches to Psychology There are seven contemporary approaches in psychology: behavioral, psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral neuroscience, evolutionary, sociocultural, and the humanistic movement and positive psychology.


Chapter 1

Two important figures in the behavioral approach were Watson and Skinner, who emphasized measuring overt behavior and rejected inferences about the conscious mind. In this approach, behavior is influenced by environmental determinants. Social cognitive theory, a further development of the behavioral perspective, stresses that thoughts or cognitions modify the effect of the environment on behavior. According to this perspective, imitation is an important process by which we learn about the world. Freud believed that the key to understanding mind and behavior rested in the unconscious part of the mind; this perspective is known as the psychoanalytic approach. Freud argued that instincts, especially sexual and aggressive impulses, influence our psychology, that is, how we behave, think, and feel. Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic should not be confused. Psychoanalytic refers to Freud’s theory; theorists who used Freud’s idea of an unconscious and built on his theory are referred to as psychodynamic. In the cognitive approach, there is an emphasis on mental processes involved in knowing. Within this approach, there is a perspective that studies how individuals process information. Generally, when you see the word cognition, think of “thinking” or “thoughts.” An approach that gives the brain the central nervous system primary roles in understanding behavior, thoughts, and emotions is called behavioral neuroscience, or neuropsychology. The evolutionary approach examines the adaptive role of our psychology. According to this approach, natural selection favors behaviors and mental processes that increase the chances that we may reproduce and contribute to our genes passed on to future generations. The sociocultural approach to psychology stresses the importance of culture, ethnicity, and gender in observing, describing, predicting, and explaining behaviors and mental processes. It has been argued that in the 20th century psychology focused too much on negative aspects of life, such as aggression and psychological problems. Two movements define the current emphasis on a more positive psychology: the humanistic approach and positive psychology. The humanistic approach or movement emerged in the middle of the 20th century and stresses a person’s capacity for personal growth, freedom of choice, and the positive qualities of people. At the beginning of the 21st century, psychologists Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi proposed a positive movement, one that would place stronger emphasis on positive psychological experiences, such as hope and optimism, creativity, and social responsibility. Humanistic approaches, such as the work of Carl Rogers, has added a great deal to our understanding of what constitutes effective therapy. In Your Own Words Please write your thoughts, perspectives, and reactions on a separate piece of paper.

 Consider the following questions and determine which psychological perspective(s) presented in Chapter 1 would be the most appropriate to address each issue. Explain in your own words why the perspective(s) you chose would be the best match for the question.  How can I improve my memory and remember more of what I read?  How can a person stop a nail-biting behavior?  Can the personality of an individual be changed by a brain injury?

What is Psychology?



Are all humans, regardless where in the world they live, able to experience happiness? In the long run, does it really make a difference how your parents treat you when you are a baby?

Correcting the Incorrect Carefully read each statement. Determine if the statement is correct or incorrect. If the statement is incorrect, make the necessary changes to correct it. Then check the answer key at the end of the chapter for the correct statement and page reference in the textbook. 1. All psychologists work with people with psychological problems. 2. The three main terms contained in the definition of psychology are common sense, behaviors, and unconscious. 3. Psychology is the scientific study of people’s psychological problems and how to help those people. 4. Mental processes include thoughts, feelings, and motives that cannot be observed directly. 5. Since mental processes are not directly observable, they are actually not real. 6. As a philosophy, psychology uses systematic methods to observe, describe, predict, and explain behavior. 7. Aristotle argued that the mind and the body are completely separate and contributed to psychology by focusing the attention on the study of the mind. 8. Sigmund Freud proposed the principle of natural selection. 9. Charles Darwin established the first psychological laboratory 1879. 10. Wundt and Titchener developed an approach called functionalism. 11. The most common method used in the functionalism approach was introspection. 12. Behaviorists, such as Freud and Rogers, would say that the environment determines behavior. 13. Social cognitive theory focuses on unconscious motives. 14. B. F. Skinner suggested psychology should study the mind. 15. Behaviorism emphasizes the scientific study of behavior and its environmental determinants. 16. The humanistic approach emphasizes the role that the unconscious mind plays in behavior, thought, and emotion. 17. Freud developed the psychodynamic approach. 18. The psychodynamic approach stresses how people have free will and can choose their own destiny. 19. The behavioral neuroscience perspective focuses on behaviors that increase organisms’ reproductive success. 20. Natural selection states that organisms best adapted to their environment are likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on their characteristics to their offspring. 21. Behavioral neuroscientists study the memory of sea slugs. 22. Since psychology is a science, it readily accepts simple explanations of behavior. 23. Physiological psychology and neuroscience focus on providing accessible care for people with psychological problems. 24. Forensic psychology is the field of psychology that studies changes through the lifespan. 25. Psychology in the 20th century largely focused on the positive aspects of psychology. 26. The positive psychology movement is associated with an emphasis on psychological experiences such as hope, optimism, and happiness. 27. A person with an undergraduate degree in psychology can work as a psychotherapist.


Chapter 1

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Clinical psychologists can prescribe medication for a person with a psychological disorder because they also have a doctorate in medicine. Experimental psychology focuses on basic research in sensation and perception, learning, and emotion. One good studying strategy and a way to improve your memory is to study for many hours the day before the test. Studying is more effective when distractions are minimized. Reading is the process of thinking reflectively and productively, and evaluating the evidence. There is significant scientific evidence that proves that telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychic healing exist.

Practice Test 1 1.

Psychology is best defined as the a. study of perception and memory. b. investigation of the human psyche. c. scientific study of conscious and unconscious processes. d. scientific study of behavior and mental processes.


As you read the definition of psychology you begin to think about examples. Of the following, which one is the best example of behavior? a. planning your weekend activities b. adding two numbers in your head c. a two-year-old boy coloring a picture d. thinking about this question


The definition of psychology is made up of three main concepts. Which concept refers to thoughts, feelings, and motives? a. scientific study b. behavior c. contexts d. mental processes


What is the main difference between philosophers and psychologists? a. the types of questions they ask about human behavior b. the causes they presume for human behavior c. the debate of the question how people acquire knowledge d. the methods they use for obtaining evidence


The British naturalist Charles Darwin is best known for his suggestion that a. organisms that are best adapted to their environment survive and pass on their characteristics to their offspring. b. conscious experience is made up of structure. c. psychology should focus only on observable behavior, not the mind. d. people have freedom to choose their own destiny.


A structuralist would have been most interested in studying a. the unconscious. b. dreams. c. conscious thought. d. behavior.

What is Psychology?



The mind’s content is to Titchener as the mind’s function is to a. Wundt. b. James. c. Watson. d. Darwin.


Structuralism is to ________ as functionalism is to ________. a. Wundt; Titchener b. Skinner; Wundt c. James; Bandura d. Wundt; James


You believe that the environment determines behavior. What approach would you be most likely to side with? a. psychodynamic b. humanistic c. behavioral neuroscience d. behavioral


What is the main difference between Bandura’s approach and other behavioral theories? a. Bandura emphasizes the influence of the environment on behavior. b. Bandura acknowledges the importance of cognitive processes. c. Bandura insists that behavior has to be measurable. d. Bandura rejects the notion that behavior should be observed.


The ________ approach sees behavior as being influenced by the unconscious mind. a. cognitive b. humanistic c. psychodynamic d. evolutionary


Of the following, which best summarizes the humanistic approach? a. People are influenced by their unconscious mind and the conflict between their biological instincts and society’s demands. b. Consciousness is understood by examining its basic elements. c. Ethnicity, gender, and culture are the primary determinants of behavior. d. People have the freedom to choose their own destiny.


Which of the following would make the best title for a presentation on humanistic psychology? a. Be all that you can be. b. The psychology of dancing tango. c. Explore your unconscious and you will find yourself. d. People are pawns of their environment.


Your professor says that memory, attention, problem-solving, and perception are key components of the ________ approach. a. cognitive b. sociocultural c. evolutionary d. functional


Chapter 1


Which a. b. c. d.

of the following approaches emphasizes the brain and nervous system? cognitive behavioral neuroscience information processing behavioral


Chemical changes in the brain associated with anxiety would be of most interest to a(n) a. evolutionary psychologist. b. cognitive psychologist. c. sociocultural psychologist. d. behavioral neuroscientist.


According to the evolutionary psychology approach, why does the mind have the capacity to achieve specific goals? a. the mind has evolved b. one’s environment has shaped the mind c. the unconscious mind tends to create these goals d. because the person has so decided to achieve specific goals


Critical a. b. c. d.


What is the main difference between a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist? a. their education b. their theoretical approach c. their research interests d. their number of publications


Dr. Chen is a community psychologist. What does he do? a. conducts basic research in the area of motivation b. provides accessible care for people with psychological problems c. prescribes medications to depressed patients d. helps companies select the best workers for the job


The most widely practiced specialization in psychology is a. experimental psychology. b. physiological psychology. c. forensic psychology. d. clinical and counseling psychology.

thinking involves all the following except which one? thinking reflectively thinking productively thinking impulsively evaluating evidence

Practice Test 2 1.

There are three key terms in the definition of psychology. Which of the three terms is the one defined as everything that we do that can be directly observed? a. thoughts b. science c. mental processes d. behaviors

What is Psychology?



Which of the following statements is consistent with the theories and arguments of Rene Descartes? a. Contemporary humans are part of an evolutionary process that has shaped their psychology. b. Sensations and perceptions combine to form our thoughts. c. The body and the mind are separate entities. d. How we think and behave is determined by our body type.


Which of the following fields is NOT historically associated with the origins of the science of psychology? a. philosophy b. physiology c. biology d. mathematics


The conscious mental structures discovered by using the introspection method would be of most interest to a psychologist from the ___________ perspective. a. structuralism b. functionalism c. behavioral d. psychodynamic


“What we do is the ultimate test of who we are.” This statement is consistent with the _________ perspective. a. behavioral b. cognitive c. humanistic d. psychodynamic


Which of the following statements is consistent with social cognitive theory? a. Our early life experiences are the major determinants of our behaviors and mental processes. b. Imitation is one of the main ways we learn about the world. c. Psychology should only focus on behaviors. d. Unconscious influences are the most important factor in understanding psychology.


Which a. b. c. d.


Robert Esposito is a cognitive psychologist. Which of the following questions is more likely to be the focus of Dr. Esposito’s research? a. Which parts of the brain are activated when we run? b. How effective is punishment in deterring behavior? c. How can we improve our memory? d. Does ethnicity influence social skills?


of the following factors is NOT addressed is the psychodynamic perspective? instincts culture parenting unconscious

Chapter 1


Which of the contemporary approaches in psychology is more likely to be associated with the statement: “Memory is written in a chemical code”? a. behavioral neuroscience b. sociocultural c. behavioral d. evolutionary


Donna Hashmi is an evolutionary psychologist studying prejudice. Which of the following is more likely to be one of Dr. Hashmi’s explanations? a. Prejudice is learned. b. Prejudice is more prevalent is some cultures than in others. c. Prejudice is experienced by all humans because in some ways it help people adapt to the demands of their environments. d. Prejudice happens unconsciously.


Latinos in the United States are facing a variety of challenges that are resulting in higher numbers of high school dropouts than other ethnic groups. Which contemporary perspective in psychology would be appropriate to study this tendency? a. behavioral b. cognitive c. evolutionary d. sociocultural


The humanistic perspective emerged in the middle of the 20th century and emphasized a. the role of the psychotherapist in figuring out the psychological problems of others. b. free will and the ability people have for self-understanding. c. how external rewards determine what people do. d. the role of unconscious determinants of our personality.


Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, in an article published in the year 2000, proposed that in the 21st century psychology ought to focus more on positive psychological experiences. Which of the following questions is more likely to be studied under this movement? a. What personality characteristics contributed to Picasso’s lifelong creativity? b. What is the relationship between self-esteem and eating disorders? c. What is the psychological profile of a terrorist? d. Are women more likely to experience depression than men?


The majority of psychologists have specialized in a. personality psychology. b. clinical and counseling psychology. c. health psychology. d. sport psychology.


Which a. b. c. d.

of the following areas of specialization is more likely to use animals for research? social psychology industrial/organizational psychology developmental psychology behavioral neuroscience psychology

What is Psychology?



Lorna Durant did a study on the effect of family visits on the emotions of senior citizens residing in a nursing home. Dr. Durant is probably a a. developmental psychologist. b. personality psychologist. c. evolutionary psychologist. d. forensic psychologist.


A psychologist that develops an after school program to prevent kids from spending time alone at home in the afternoons is probably a(n) a. industrial/organizational psychologist. b. community psychologist. c. environmental psychologist. d. clinical psychologist.


If you a. b. c. d.


You are a psychologist and you study self-concept, aggression, and inner directedness. You most likely specialize in a. school and educational psychology. b. cross-cultural psychology. c. personality psychology. d. clinical psychology.


The specialist who works at a secondary school and consults with teachers about children’s school achievement problems is most likely in which field of specialization? a. learning and memory b. motivation and emotion c. school psychology d. biological psychology

want to be a forensic psychologist, you will probably take some classes on law. medicine. language. engineering.

Practice Test 3 1.

“A preference for physically attractive females has been favored by natural selection on heterosexual males.” This statement is an argument likely to be made from the evolutionary psychology perspective, and it basically means that a. men who have mated with physically attractive women have been more likely to reproduce. b. physically attractive women are more likely to adapt. c. women would rather not be classified into attractive or not attractive. d. men mate only with attractive women.


Compared to other sciences, psychology is relatively young, because it is considered that modern psychology started approximately a. 50 years ago. b. 200 years ago. c. 100 years ago. d. 300 years ago.


Chapter 1


Using the research method of introspection, structuralists claimed to have uncovered the structure of the experience of emotions, referring to them as the three dimensions of feelings. Which of the following is NOT one of those three dimensions? a. pleasure/displeasure b. happiness/sadness c. excitement/depression d. tension/relaxation


Which of the following contemporary approaches in psychology is reminiscent of the functionalist approach? a. behavioral b. cognitive c. humanistic d. evolutionary


Which of the following approaches should we use if we want to learn about the meaning of dreams and other psychological experiences that occur when we are not conscious and aware? a. psychodynamic b. behavioral c. sociocutural d. evolutionary


Structuralism is to __________ as functionalism is to __________. a. purpose; parts b. parts; purpose c. unconscious; conscious d. behaviors; mental processes


Which of the following was the aspect of psychology most often studied during the first half of the 20th century? a. thoughts b. emotions c. behaviors d. motives


Based a. b. c. d.


The psychodynamic approach is to ___________ as the cognitive approach is to ____________. a. mental processes; unconscious experience b. Freud; Skinner c. unconscious experience; mental processes d. Rogers; Freud

on Bandura’s social cognitive theory, we may wonder if watching professional wrestling on TV could make children behave aggressively. how we think about others influences how we think about ourselves. the brain plays a role in learning. a professional boxer has an aggression instinct that is stronger or more dominant than it is in the average person.

What is Psychology?



The behavioral approach is to __________ as the psychodynamic approach is to ____________. a. external factors; internal factors b. internal factors; external factors c. 20th century; 21st century d. 21st century; 20th century


Based on the studies performed by cognitive psychologists on eyewitness identification, we may predict that a. when a person is asked to pay attention, he or she will remember most things about the event accurately and in great detail. b. when a person is not asked to pay attention, he or she will remember most things about the event accurately and in great detail. c. even when a person is asked to pay attention, his or her memory of the event can be fairly inaccurate. d. even when a person is not asked to pay attention, his or her memory tends to be fairly accurate.


Which of the following statements is NOT consistent with Pinker’s evolutionary explanation of the way the mind works? a. The mind computes. b. The mind was designed to compute by evolution. c. The computations of the mind are performed by brain systems favored by natural selection. d. The mind works differently depending on the culture of the person.


The behaviorist approach is to ___________ as the humanistic approach is to ___________. a. external control; environment b. environment; external control c. external control; free will d. free will; external control


When psychology was focusing too much on the psychological problems that are associated with traumatic and abusive early life experiences, the __________ approach emerged to emphasize that adults do not need to be victims and can choose to live a positive life. a. psychodynamic b. behavioral c. sociocultural d. humanistic


A forensic psychologist may be the best professional to consult if a. you are trying to figure out the psychology of a dead person. b. you are an M.D. specializing in forensic medicine. c. you are a defense attorney who needs to select a jury that will favor your client. d. you are a judge who needs psychological help.


Chapter 1


“Does crowding have an effect on how people think and the decisions they make?” Which two areas of specialization in psychology could be combined to better address this question? a. personality and behavioral neuroscience b. social and environmental c. health and social d. community and environmental


Which area of psychology is more likely to be interested in the effects of eliminating driving tests in languages other than English (in the United States)? a. community psychology b. health psychology c. social psychology d. experimental psychology


Which of the following is NOT true about effective studying strategies? a. Having music in the background while studying helps memory. b. Studying many times for shorter periods is better than studying one time for a longer period. c. Reading a summary of a chapter before reading the chapter enhances the reading and improves memory. d. Critical thinking contributes to memory.


Which a. b. c.



of the following questions will require critical thinking? Define psychology. Mention four of the contemporary approaches to psychology. Compare the behavioral, psychodynamic, and humanistic approaches to psychology. Describe Freud’s approach to psychology.

Which a. b. c. d.

of the following is NOT consistent with critical thinking? figuring out what “the real problem is” sticking to one approach to psychology being open-minded being skeptical

Connections Take advantage of all the other study tools available for this chapter! NAME OF CLIP


Freud’s Contribution to Psychology

Video clip places Freud’s contribution to psychology in a historical context. The origins of his perspective in the study of hysteria as well as his view of the brain are discussed.

KEY CONCEPTS AND IDEAS Exploring Psychology Contemporary Approaches to Psychology History of psychology Hysteria Dream analysis Manifest content of dreams Repression

What is Psychology?


When Eyes Deceive

Evolutionary Psychology

Identifying Psychological Perspectives



Chapter 1

Video clip presents a classroom demonstration of an eyewitness identification experiment. Students at Brooklyn Law School witness a purse snatching, and the vulnerability of their memories is illustrated. “Evolutionary psychology” is an audio clip that offers an introduction to research on the universality of facial expressions. The work of Ekman on this subject is discussed. Jeff Cohn discussed how computers may be used in the future to determine if a person is depressed. This interactivity allows users to apply and assess their knowledge of the different psychological perspectives. The interactivity involves the association of proverbs with the different perspectives. Video clip explores the relationship between biology and culture in determining mating preferences, including a discussion of the role of hormones in animal mating. Clip includes interviews with Alice Eagly and Davis Buss presenting the sociocultural and evolutionary perspectives on interpersonal attraction and mating.

Eye witness identification Memory

Universality of seven facial expressions Emotions Facial expressions

Behavioral perspective Psychodynamic perspective Cognitive perspective Behavioral neuroscience perspective Evolutionary psychology perspective Sociocultural perspective

Evolutionary perspective Sociocultural perspective


Positive Psychology

Adventure racers in the grueling Eco-Challenge are showcased. Participants share their motivations for engaging in this extreme sport. This audio clip is narrated by David Myers and presents a discussion of factors associated with happiness. The relationship between wealth and happiness is discussed.

A Positive Approach to Psychology Self-actualization Motivation

Positive psychology Happiness

Psychology’s Careers and Areas of Specialization Culture and Self

This video clip starts with insights into what people in a conversation are thinking about themselves. The effect of culture on selfconcept and how that definition of the self influences individual psychology are discussed. Experts Markus and Kitayama are interviewed and present their perspective on the role of culture in the definition of self, comparing American and Asian cultures. They discuss how we pass our cultural understandings through interactions. The video clip also presents a discussion of the relationship between the motivation for achievement and the definition of the self. The topics of conformity and persuasion and their relationship with definition of self are discussed.

Self-concept Culture Social psychology Cross-cultural psychology Independent vs. interdependent self Achievement motivation

What is Psychology?


Mnemonic Strategies in Memory

U.S. Memoriad contest is showcased in this video clip. Champions share their extraordinary memory training tactics.

How to Get the Most Out of Psychology Memory Mnemonic

Online Learning Center ( • Interact and make learning fun! o Interactive Exercise  Psychological Perspectives o Interactive Review  The Evolution of Psychological Theory • Brush up on the Key Terms for this chapter by first reviewing the electronic Glossary (in English or Spanish) and then testing your retention using the Flashcard feature. • “Notes”—This feature allows you to use the website as you would your text, inserting your own study notes and highlighting areas of particular importance. • Career Appendix—Learn more about career opportunities in the field of psychology. In Your Text • Found throughout each chapter, the Review and Sharpen Your Thinking feature breaks the text into logical chunks, allowing you to process, review, and reflect thoughtfully on the information that you’ve just read. When going back to study the chapter, try reading the feature before the section of text to which it relates. In doing so, you will be able to focus your attention on important concepts as you encounter them. In this chapter, this feature can be found on the following pages: pp. 9, 16, 17, 25, and 33. Practice Quizzes • Test your knowledge of this chapter’s material by taking the different practice quizzes found on your text’s Online Learning Center and on the In-Psych Plus CD-ROM packaged with your text.

ANSWER KEY In Your Own Words  Put the definition of psychology into your own words. This definition should include the following concepts: science, behavior, and mental processes.  Mention five examples of behaviors and five examples of mental processes. Examples of behaviors should be actions that are directly observable, while examples of mental processes should be psychological experiences that involve thoughts, emotions, and motives, which cannot be directly observed.  Think about the characteristics that men prefer in women and the characteristics that women prefer in men. What does a heterosexual man look for in a potential mate? What does a heterosexual woman look for in a potential mate? Use the Evolutionary Psychology approach to explain these preferences. Students are asked to consider their own experiences and ideas to answer the first part of this question. For example, one view is that men look for physical attractiveness in women and women look for resourcefulness (“can get things done”) in men. The question then is how do these


Chapter 1

preferences contribute to adaptation to the challenges of the environment. If the pattern of preferences is universal (found around the world) it may be argued that the preferences have been favored by natural selection.  Consider the following questions and determine which psychological perspective(s) presented in Chapter 1 would be the most appropriate to address each issue. Explain in your own words why the perspective(s) you chose would be the most appropriate to address each issue. • How can I improve my memory and remember more of what I read? o Cognitive approach. This would be a question of interest to school and educational psychologists. • How can a person stop a nail-biting behavior? o Behavioral approach. Nail biting is an observable behavior and may be modified by manipulating aspects of the environment. A method commonly used it to “punish” the nail bitter by putting a bad tasting polish on the nails. • Can the personality of an individual be changed by a brain injury? o Behavioral neuroscience • Are all humans, regardless of where in the world they live, able to experience happiness? o This question can be addressed by various approaches, specifically sociocultural, evolutionary, humanistic, and positive psychology. The sociocultural psychologists could explore the role of culture in the experience of happiness and address the part of the question that reads “regardless of where in the world they live.” If it is found that this is a universal experience, the evolutionary psychologists can address the question of why? What is the adaptation purpose of happiness? Finally, the positive psychological experience of happiness is of interest to both the humanistic approach and the positive movement. • In the long run, does it really make a difference how your parents treat you when you are a baby? o At least two of the contemporary approaches to psychology and one area of specialty in psychology could address this question. First, the psychodynamic perspective emphasizes the importance of the first few years of life on the psychology of the adult. Second, the behavioral perspective, including the social cognitive theory, emphasizes the role of external factors on our behaviors and mental process. The way in which parents treat their children is an external factor. Finally, developmental psychology is the area of specialization associated with this question.  Why is there a positive psychology movement? Describe two aspects of your life that would be of interest to a psychologist pursuing this focus on positive psychology. Positive psychology emerged as a response to the overwhelming focus on negative aspects of psychology that took place in the 20th century. Here the student is asked to consider positive aspects of his or her psychology, such as their experience of positive emotions, creativity, free will, and optimism, among many other positive aspects.  Chapter 1 discusses several specializations of psychology. Which one sounds most appealing to you? While you have learned about separate specializations in psychology, in practice psychologists may overlap, participate in, and contribute to more than one area. If you could create a new specialization in psychology, what would it be? One way of understanding psychology is realizing that our questions of interest are more important than fitting into any particular category of perspective or specialization. To a certain extent, a graduate degree in psychology prepares students to find their questions and find the best way to answer them. If a person is interested in the difference in brain activity between people who live near the equator and people who live near the North Pole, this person will have to virtually create his or her own specialization, a combination of behavioral neuroscience, with sociocultural, evolutionary, and experimental psychology.

What is Psychology?


 Considering the studying strategies recommended in Chapter 1, describe five behaviors and/or mental processes that you could change in order to enhance your learning and improve your memory. This list should include reference to improved time management skills, improved reading skills, improved studying environment, and improved critical thinking skills.

Correcting the Incorrect 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.


Clinical psychologists work with people with psychological problems. (p. 20) The three main terms contained in the definition of psychology are science, behaviors, and mental processes. (p. 6) Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. (p. 5) Mental processes include thoughts, feelings, and motives that cannot be observed directly. (p. 6) Mental processes are not directly observable, but they are nonetheless real. (p. 6) As a science, psychology uses systematic methods to observe, describe, predict, and explain behavior. (p. 6) Rene Descartes argued that the mind and the body are completely separate and contributed to psychology by focusing the attention on the study of the mind. (p. 7) Charles Darwin proposed the principle of natural selection. (p. 7) Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychological laboratory in 1879. (p. 8) Wundt and Titchener developed an approach called structuralism. (p. 8) The most common method used in the structuralism approach was introspection. (p. 8) Behaviorists, such as Watson and Skinner, would say that the environment determines behavior. (p. 10) Social cognitive theory focuses on how thoughts modify the effect of environment on behavior. (p. 11) B. F. Skinner suggested psychology should not study the mind. (p. 11) Behaviorism emphasizes the scientific study of behavior and its environmental determinants. (p. 10) The psychodynamic approach emphasizes the role that the unconscious mind plays in behavior, thought, and emotion. (p. 11) Freud developed the psychodynamic approach. (p. 11) The humanistic approach stresses how people have free will and can choose their own destiny. (p. 16) The evolutionary perspective focuses on behaviors that increase organisms’ reproductive success. (p. 13) Natural selection states that organisms best adapted to their environment are likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on their characteristics to their offspring. (p. 13) Behavioral neuroscientists study the memory of sea slugs. (p. 13) Since psychology is a science, it does not readily accept simple explanations of behavior. (p. 6) Community psychology focuses on providing accessible care for people with psychological problems. (p. 22) Developmental psychology is the field of psychology that studies changes through the lifespan. (p. 21) Psychology in the 20th century largely focused on the negative aspects of psychology. (p. 17)

Chapter 1

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

The positive psychology movement is associated with an emphasis on psychological experiences such as hope, optimism, and happiness. (p. 16) A person with a graduate degree in psychology can work as a psychotherapist. (p. 19) Psychiatrists can prescribe medication for a person with a psychological disorder because they also have a doctorate in medicine. (p. 19) Experimental psychology focuses on basic research in sensation and perception, learning, and emotion. (p. 21) One good studying strategy and a way to improve your memory is to distribute your studying sessions across time instead of cramming just before a test. (p. 26) Studying is more effective when distractions are minimized. (p. 26) Critical thinking is the process of thinking reflectively and productively, and evaluating the evidence. (p. 29) There is no significant scientific evidence to prove that telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychic healing exist. (p. 31)

Practice Test 1 1. a. b. c. d.

no; psychology is more than the study of just perception and memory sorry, this is not the best definition even though psychology does study conscious and unconscious processes, this is not the best answer THAT’S CORRECT; psychology is best defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

p. 5 2. a. b. c. d. p. 6

planning is an example of a mental process since it cannot be directly observed adding is an example of a mental process since it cannot be directly observed CORRECT; coloring a picture is behavior since it can be directly observed thinking is an example of a mental process since it cannot be directly observed

3. a. b. c. d. p. 6

scientific study refers to using systematic methods behavior is anything you do that is directly observable “contexts” is not a component of the definition YES; thoughts, feelings, and motives are examples of mental processes

4. a. b. c. d.

philosophers and psychologists often ask the same questions no; both may acknowledge the same causes of behavior no; both debate YES; philosophers think to obtain evidence; psychologists use the scientific method

p. 6 5. a. b. c. d. p. 7

YES; this is the idea of natural selection this describes structuralism, not Darwinism focusing on observable behavior was Skinner’s suggestion freedom to choose is a basic tenet of the humanistic approach

What is Psychology?


6. a. b. c. d. p. 8

no; structuralism focused on conscious thought no YES; structuralism attempted to examine the structure of conscious thought no; the emphasis of structuralism was on conscious thought, not behavior

7. a. b. c. d. p. 8

Wundt is associated with structuralism, as is Titchener THAT’S RIGHT; William James studied how the mind adapted to the environment Watson is related to behaviorism, which discounted the role of the mind Darwin is best known for the theory of evolution

8. a. b. c. d.

both Wundt and Titchener are associated with structuralism Skinner is associated with the behavioral approach; Wundt is associated with structuralism James is associated with functionalism; Bandura is associated with social cognitive theory THAT’S RIGHT; Wundt is associated with structuralism and James is associated with functionalism

p. 8 9. a. b. c. d. p. 10 10. a. b. c. d. p. 11 11. a. b. c. d. p. 11

the psychodynamic approach focuses on unconscious influences the humanistic approach says that people control their own lives, not the environment the behavioral neuroscience approach argues that the brain and nervous system determine behavior YES; environmental conditions determine behavior no; that is the main notion in the behavioral theories THAT’S RIGHT; Bandura recognizes that thoughts influence the way the environment affects behavior no; that’s not a difference no; in fact Bandura would argue that behavior should be observed the cognitive approach looks for the role of mental processes such as perception the humanistic approach asserts that people, not the unconscious mind, choose who they are RIGHT; the psychodynamicanalytic approach also focuses on biological instincts the evolutionary approach focuses on the survival of the fittest

12. a. b. c. d. p. 16

this summary describes the psychodynamic approach this summary describes structuralism the sociocultural approach emphasizes ethnicity, gender, and culture YES; this view sees people as having the freedom and the capacity for self-understanding

13. a. b. c. d. p. 16

GOOD; the humanistic perspective stresses growth and self-actualization this sounds more like the sociocultural approach the unconscious mind is the focus of the psychodynamic approach this title would be best for the behavioral approach


Chapter 1

14. a. b. c. d. p. 12

THAT’S CORRECT; the cognitive approach focuses on mental processes the sociocultural view examines the role of ethnicity, culture, and gender this approach stresses natural selection the functional view examines how the mind adapts to the environment

15. a. b.

the cognitive approach emphasizes mental processes YES; those in this approach examine how the physical structures of the brain and nervous system influence behavior, thoughts, and emotion the information-processing approach focuses on attention, perception, and memory this approach examines the relationship between the environment and behavior

c. d. p. 12 16. a. b. c. d.

probably not, because evolutionary psychologists are more interested in how behavior allows organisms to adapt to the environment a cognitive psychologist examines the role of mental processes this psychologist would study the roles that culture, ethnicity, and gender play SOUNDS GOOD; behavioral neuroscience studies how the brain and nervous system are important to behavior, thought, and emotion

p. 12 17. a. b. c. d. p. 13

THAT’S RIGHT; it is theorized that the mind has evolved in ways that would have benefited hunters and gatherers this option is best associated with the behavioral approach the psychodynamic approach would suggest this role of the unconscious mind this best describes the humanistic approach

18. a. b. c. d. p. 29

this is a component of critical thinking critical thinking involves thinking productively THAT’S RIGHT; critical thinking requires that we be reflective and not impulsive critical thinking requires that we evaluate evidence

19. a. b. c. d. p. 20

YES; a psychiatrist holds a degree in medicine; a clinical psychologist does not both are interested in helping people both professionals help improve the lives of people, and their research reflects this no; this is not important

20. a. b. c. d. p. 22

this describes an experimental psychologist YES; that is the focus of community psychology this sounds like a psychiatrist this describes the focus on an industrial/organizational psychologist

21. a. b. c. d. p. 20

no no no YES; clinical and counseling psychology is the most widely practiced specialization

What is Psychology?


Practice Test 2 1. a. b. c. d.

thoughts are mental processes science is one of the key terms, but it refers to the systematic methods of research used in psychology mental processes cannot be directly observed YES; behaviors can be directly observed and are an essential component in the definition of psychology.

p. 6 2. a. b. c. d.

this statement is consistent with the arguments of Charles Darwin this statement is consistent with the beliefs of Buddha YES; Descartes argued that the body and the mind are separate entities this statement is more consistent with ancient thinkers who sought to find links between the body and the mind

p. 7 3. a. b. c. d.

philosophy did contribute to the origins of psychology; for example, consider the influence of Rene Descartes physiology did contribute to the origins of psychology; for example, physiologists such as Muller were asking questions regarding the relationship between the brain and behaviors biology did contribute to the origins of psychology; for example, Darwin’s principle of natural selection opened the door for a new way of understanding the questions of psychology. CORRECT; the field of mathematics is not associated with the origins of psychology; . however, in contemporary psychology, mathematics play a very important role

p. 7 4. a. b. c. d. p. 8 5. a. b. c. d.

YES; this was the focus of the work of Wundt and Titchner no; functionalists were more interested in why we had a consciousness and how it helped us adapt to the demands of the environment than in the parts of the consciousness no; behaviorists would even oppose the study of consciousness, as it is not observable no; the psychodynamic perspective focused in the unconscious YES; Skinner emphasized this point no; cognitive psychology actually focuses on how we think and how that influences who we are no; humanistic psychologists would not limit who a person is to their observable behaviors no; the psychodynamic perspective would argue that in order to really understand a person we have to go beyond what is observable and particularly explore their unconscious

p. 11 6. a. b. c. d. p. 11


no; this statement is consistent with the psychodynamic perspective;. social cognitive theory and in general the behavioral approach consider life-long learning experiences YES; Bandura argued that modeling and imitation are important ways of learning no; this statement is more consistent with the traditional behavioristic perspective no; this statement is consistent with the psychodynamic approach

Chapter 1

7. a. b. c. d. p. 11 8. a. b. c. d. p. 12 9. a. b. c. d. p. 12 10. a. b. c. d. p. 13 11. a. b. c. d.

instincts are important in the psychodynamic perspective YES; the psychodynamic perspective has been criticized for not properly addressing the role of culture in psychology parenting, particularly in the first few years of life, was one of the factors addressed in Freud’s original theories the unconscious is a concept central to the psychodynamic approach to psychology this question may be of interest to a behavioral neuroscientist this question may be of interest to a behavioral psychologist YES; this question addresses memory, one of the psychological factors of interest to cognitive psychologists this question may be of interest to a sociocultural psychologist YES; behavioral neuroscience considers the biological basis of psychology; one of the areas of study is the nervous system and its chemical components no; the sociocultural approach is more interested on broader social and cultural questions no; memory is a mental process and thus is not likely to be studied by the behavioral no; the evolutionary perspective focuses on the adaptive role of behaviors this explanation is more consistent with the behavioral approach this explanation is more consistent with the sociocultural approach YES; while a controversial argument, the evolutionary psychologist would try to uncover the relationship between prejudice and adaptation and survival this explanation is more consistent with the psychodynamic approach no; the behavioral perspective is not associated with the study of ethnicity no; the cognitive perspective is not associated with the study of ethnicity no; the evolutionary perspective is not associated with the study of ethnicity; one of the main criticisms of this perspective is precisely that it does not account appropriately for cultural differences YES; the sociocultural approach is dedicated to questions just like this, in which the relationship between culture, ethnicity, and a behavior (in this case, dropping out of high school) is studied

p. 15 12. a. b. c. d. p. 16

no; this is more consistent with the psychodynamic perspective YES; this is what distinguished the humanistic approach from other approaches such as the behavioral and the psychodynamic, which were dominating psychology during the first half of the 20th century no; this issue is addressed by the behavioral perspective no; this issue is addressed by the psychodynamic perspective

What is Psychology?


13. a. b. c. d. p. 16

YES; creativity should be one of the areas of study according to the positive psychology movement this question focuses on the abnormal psychology of eating disorders, thus considered negative this question focuses on terrorism, a phenomenon that involves negative behaviors such as aggression and violence this question focuses on depression, a psychological disorder, thus considered negative

14. a. b. c. d. p. 20

no YES no no; this is one of the most recent areas of specialization in psychology

15. a. b. c. d.

no; this area focuses on humans no; this area focuses on humans in the workplace no; this area focuses on the development, growth, and aging of humans YES; this area focuses on the biological basis of psychology and many times research involves the systematic study of the nervous systems of animals

p. 21 16. a. b. c. d.

YES; while we usually associate developmental psychology with children, this area of specialization considers psychological experiences of people across the lifespan, including the late adulthood years a personality psychologist focuses on stable personality characteristics and not on specific age groups an evolutionary psychologist would not be as interested on any specific age group a forensic psychologist studies the psychology factors that play a role in the legal system, and the study of Dr. Durant does not address any legal issues

p. 21 17. a. b. c. d. p. 22

no; I/O psychologists do not work with school and or children; they focus on adults in the workplace YES; this is a job for a community psychologist, someone who has been trained to explore community services and how they relate to the psychological well-being of all members of the community, including children no; an environmental psychologist studies the relationship between psychology and the physical environment no; a clinical psychologist works with individuals who have psychological problems

18. a. b. c. d. p. 24

CORRECT; forensic psychology applies psychological principles to the legal system no no no

19. a. b. c. d. p. 22

no; children’s learning and adjustment in school take center stage in this specialization no; cross-cultural psychology examines the role of culture YES; these are examples of areas that a personality psychologist would study no; a clinical psychologist studies and treats psychological problems


Chapter 1

20. a. b. c. d.

learning and memory are important in school, but this is not a field of specialization while important in school, “motivation and emotion” is not the name of a specialization CORRECT; school psychology is concerned about learning and adjustment in school biological psychology focuses on the relationships between brain and nervous and behavior, thought, and emotion

p. 22

Practice Test 3 1. a. b. c. d. p. 7 2. a. b. c. d.

YES; arguing that a certain behavior is favored by natural selection is basically arguing that the particular behavior contributes to the reproductive success of the people who do the behavior no; the statement is making reference to the behavior of males, not females while this might be true, this statement is irrelevant to the issue of natural selection this statement is false no; by the 1950s there was already a great body of research in psychology no; modern psychology started later, in 1879, with the establishment of the first psychology laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt YES; about 120 years ago the first set of scientific studies in psychology were performed at the Leipzig, Germany laboratory founded by Wundt no; 300 years ago and even before then, the questions of psychology were being asked, but scientific methods were not being used in the process of answering the questions

p. 8 3. a. b. c. d. p. 8

this is one of the dimensions CORRECT; this is NOT one of the dimensions of emotions proposed by structuralists this is another one of the dimensions of emotions that structuralists proposed this is another one of the dimensions of emotions that structuralists proposed

4. a. b. c. d.

no no no YES; the evolutionary approach, like functionalism, explores the question of the role of adaptation in psychology

p. 13 5. a. b. c. d.

YES; the psychodynamic approach focuses on the unconscious (“when we are not conscious and aware”) no; the behavioral perspective focuses on what can be observed, and dreams and other unconscious experiences cannot be directly observed no; this approach focuses on social and cultural factors of psychology no; in general, evolutionary psychology focuses on behaviors and mental processes that are common to most if not all humans, and the meaning of dreams is a very personal psychological experience

p. 11 6. a. b. c. d. p. 8

no YES; structuralism focuses on the structure, dimensions, or “parts” of the mind, while functionalism asks what is the adaptive purpose of the mind and behaviors no no

What is Psychology?


7. a. b. c. d. p. 10 8. a. b. c. d. p. 11

no; the behavioral perspective dominated psychology during the first half of the 20th century, and this perspective ignored the role of thoughts in psychology because they could not be directly observed no; for the same reason as item a YES; behaviors, which are everything that we do that is directly observable, were the main focus of behaviorists, who dominated psychology during the first half of the 20th century no; for the same reason as items a and b YES; this question addresses the role of imitation, which is an important way of learning according to social cognitive theory no; this pertains to the domain of the cognitive approach no; this pertains to the domain of behavioral neuroscience no; this pertains to the domain of the psychodynamic approach

9. a.

no; mental processes are the focus of cognitive psychology, while the unconscious is the focus of the psychodynamic approach b. no; Freud is associated with the psychodynamic perspective, but Skinner is associated with the behavioral perspective, not the cognitive approach c. YES; unconscious experiences are the focus of the psychodynamic perspective and mental process the focus of the cognitive approach d. no; Rogers is associated with the humanistic perspective and Freud with the psychodynamic pp. 11, 12

10. a.

YES; the behavioral approach focuses on the environmental or external factors that shape our behaviors, while the psychodynamic approach focuses on internal factors such as instincts and the unconscious b. it is the opposite, as explained in the previous item c. actually, both the behavioral and the psychodynamic approach were developed and were widely popular during the first half of the 20th century d. incorrect, as both approaches were developed in the 20th century pp. 10, 11

11. a. b. c. d. p. 12 12. a. b. c. d.

no; in the study reported in Chapter 1, the participants were asked to pay attention, but their memory was not always accurate no; this statement is inconsistent with the study reported on Chapter 1 YES; in the study reported in Chapter 1, even when the participants were asked to pay attention their memory was not completely accurate no; this statement is inconsistent with the study reported on Chapter 1 no; this is one of the principles proposed by Pinker no; this is the second principle proposed by Pinker no; this is the third principle proposed by Pinker CORRECT; this statement addresses the issue of culture; Pinker’s evolutionary approach has been criticized for not properly addressing cultural differences

p. 14


Chapter 1

13. a.

no; while the behavioral approach is associated with the study of external factors that control behaviors and mental processes, the humanistic approach focuses more on internal factors, such as self-control, than on environmental or external explanations b. no; this item is similar to item a but the order has been reversed; therefore, the explanation for item a also applies to item b c. YES; the behavioral approach is associated with external or environmental controls on our psychology, whereas the humanistic approach emphasizes our free will and ability to control our behaviors and mental processes d. no; this item presents the same concepts as in item c but in a reversed order; therefore, the item is incorrect; behaviorists do not focus on free will, humanists do pp. 10, 16

14. a. b. c. d.

no; the psychodynamic approach is associated with negative psychological experiences and psychological problems no; the behavioral approach focuses on environmental factors and does not emphasize a person’s free will and control over their life no; the sociocultural approach studies cultural factors that shape how we act, think, and feel YES; the humanistic approach emphasizes how people can overcome negative experiences because they have free will and the power to choose how to act, think, and feel

p. 16 15. a. b. c. d.

while a doctor who has specialized in forensic medicine does work with dead bodies, for example, performing autopsies, forensic psychology has nothing to do with people who have passed away no; forensic psychology and forensic medicine are not related fields YES; in this case a forensic psychologist, someone who has specialized on the psychological factors involved in the legal system, would be a great resource in the process of selecting a jury no; a judge with psychological problems would have to seek the assistance of a clinical psychologist

p. 24 16. a.

no; in this example neither the individual’s personality nor the role of the brain and nervous system is being studied b. YES; social psychologists study how people make decisions when other people are present, and the environmental psychologist could offer insights on the issue of crowding as an environmental factor. c. no; the question makes no direct reference to topics of health psychology d. no; the question makes no direct reference to topics of community psychology pp. 21, 23

17. a. b. c. d.

YES; community psychologists are interested in the access that people have to important resources in their community; eliminating driving tests in languages other than English could potentially limit the access to driving privileges to one sector of the population no; the question makes no direct reference to topics of health psychology no; the question makes no direct reference to topics of social psychology no; a study on this community-based topic is beyond the scope of the basic psychology of experimental psychology

p. 22

What is Psychology?


18. a. b. c. d. p. 27 19. a. b. c. d. p. 29 20. a. b. c. d.

CORRECT; music may serve as a distraction, and distractions should be minimized when studying, thus this is not an effective strategy distributing studying sessions across time contributes to the consolidation of the knowledge and enhances memory having an idea of the order of the material and being aware of the goals of the chapter before reading it does make the reading and studying more effective reflecting, being thoughtful and open-minded, does contribute to memory no; this just requires recollection of memorized material no; this just requires recollection of memorized material YES; comparing two perspectives requires understanding each perspective and a thoughtful consideration of comparable aspects of each approach no; this just requires paraphrasing of memorized material finding “the real problem” requires thoughtfulness and attention; requires critical thinking CORRECT; sticking to one approach is similar to being close-minded and therefore inconsistent with critical thinking this is part of the definition of critical thinking being skeptical sometimes requires questioning what other people don’t question, and this is possible when the person is thinking critically

Which perspective focuses on how our thinking influences our behavior?

The Cognitive Perspective This approach focuses on how internal thoughts and feelings influence one's behavior. The cognitive approach emphasizes the importance of memory, perception and attention, language, decision-making and problem-solving. This approach often compares the human mind to that of a computer.

What is the psychological perspective that emphasizes the influence of biology on behavior?

The biological perspective of psychology emphasizes the influence of biology on our behavior. The evolutionary perspective focuses on the evolution of behavior and mental processes.

Which type of theory emphasizes work in the areas of unconscious thoughts and past experiences?

Originating in the work of Sigmund Freud, the psychodynamic perspective emphasizes unconscious psychological processes (for example, wishes and fears of which we're not fully aware), and contends that childhood experiences are crucial in shaping adult personality.

What field of psychology emphasizes the unconscious mind?

Psychoanalysis is a school of psychology founded by Sigmund Freud. This school of thought emphasized the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior.


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