Several studies have indicated that the generic pronoun “he” tends to trigger images of:

The three steps in memory information processing are:

encoding, storage, retrieval

Visual sensory memory is referred to as:

Echoic memories fade after approximately:

Which of the following is NOT a measure of retention?

Our short-term memory span is approximately __ items:

Memory techniques such as acronyms and the peg-word system are called:

One way to increase the amount of information in memory is to group it into larger, familiar units. This process is referred to as:

Kandel and Schwartz have found that when learning occurs, more of the neurotransmitter ____ is released into synapses.

Research on memory construction reveals that memories

reflect a person's biases and assumptions

In a study on context cues, people learned words while on land or when they were underwater. In a later test of recall, those with the best retention had __

learned the words and been tested on them in the same context. 

The spacing effect means that

distributed study yields better retention than cramming

Studies demonstrate that learning causes permanent neural changes in the ____ of animals' neurons.

In Sperling's memory experiment, research participants were shown three rows of three letters, followed immediately by a low, medium, or high tone. The participants were able to report....

any one of the three rows of letters

Studies of amnesia victims suggest that

there are two distinct types of memory

Memory for skills is called

The eerie feeling of having been somewhere before is an example of:

When Gordon Bower presented words grouped by category or in random order, recall was 

better for the categorized words

The three-stage processing model of memory was proposed by 

Hypnotically "refreshed" memories may prove inaccurate- especially if the hypnotist asks leading questions- because of

Which area of the brain is most important in the processing of implicit memories?

Which of the following terms does NOT belong with the others?

- misattribution, suggestibility, bias

Which of the following best describes the typical forgetting curve?

a rapid initial decline in retention becoming stable thereafter. 

Jenkins and Dallenbach found that memory was better in people who were

asleep during the retention interval, presumably because interference was reduced.

Which of the following measures of retention is the least sensitive in triggering revival?

Amnesia victims typically have experienced damage to the ___ of the brain.

According to the serial position effect, when recalling a list of words you should have the greatest difficulty with those...

in the middle of the list

Experimenters gave people a list of words to be recalled. When the participants were tested after a delay, the items that were best recalled were those

at the beginning of the list

Which type of word processing- visual, acoustic, or semantic- results in greater retention?

Lashley's studies, in which rates learned a maze and then had various parts of their brains surgically removed, showed that the memory

remained no matter which area of the brain was tampered with.

The disruption of memory that occurs when football players have been knocked out provides evidence for the importance of

consolidation in the formation of new memories

Long-term potentiation refers to

the increased efficiency of synaptic transmission between certain neurons following learning.

Repression is an example of

Studies by Loftus and Palmer, in which people were quizzed about a film of an accident indicate that

people's recall may easily be affected by misleading information

Which of the following was NOT recommended as a strategy for improving memory?

The process of getting information out of memory storage is called

Amnesia patients typically experience disruption of

Information is maintained in short-term memory only briefly unless it is

Textbook chapters are often organized into ___ to facilitate information processing.

Memory researchers are suspicious of long-repressed memories of traumatic events that are "recovered" with the aid of drugs of hypnosis because

-such experiences usually are vividly remembered - such memories are unreliable and easily influenced by misinformation - memories of events happening before about age 3 are especially unreliable.

It is easier to recall information that has just been presented when the information

is heard rather than seen

The misinformation effect provides evidence that memory

may be reconstructed during recall according to how questions are framed

According to memory researcher Daniel Schacter, blocking occurs when

information is on the tip of our tongue, but we can't get it out. 

The test defines cognition as

the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating information

A mental grouping of similar things, events, or people is called a(n)

When forming a concept, people often develop a best example, or ______, of a category.

Confirmation bias refers to the tendency to

look for information that is consistent with one's beliefs

The English language has approximately ____ phonemes.

Which of the following is NOT true of babling

it is imitation of adult speech

Mental set and functional fixedness are two types of 

Which of the following has been argued by critics of ape language research?

-ape language is merely imitation of the trainers behavior - There is little evidence that apes can equal even a 3-year old's ability to order words with proper syntax - by seeing what they wish to see, trainers attribute greater linguistic ability to apes than actually exists

Whorf's linguistic determinism hypothesis states that

our language shapes our thinking

Which of the following best describes Chomsky's view of language development?

Humans have a biological predisposition to acquire language

Failing to solve a problem that requires using an object in an unusual way illustrates the phenomenon of 

Which of the following is an example of the use of heuristics?

playing chess using a defensive strategy that has often been successful for you

The chimpanzee Sultan used a short stick to pull a longer stick that was out of reach into his cage. He then used the longer stick to reach a piece of fruit. Researchers hypothesized that Sultan's discovery of the solution to his problem was the result of:

You hear that one of the Smith children is an outstanding little league player and immediately conclude it;s their some rather than any of their four daughters. You reached your quite possibly erroneous conclusion as the result of

the representativeness heuristic

Researchers who are convinced that animals can think point to evidence that

- chimps demonstrate the ability to "count" by learning to touch pictures of objects in ascending numerical order - chimps regularly use sticks as tools in their natural habitats - chimps invent grooming and courtship customs and pass them on to their peers

Deaf children who are not exposed to sign language until they are teenagers

never become as fluent as those who learned to sign at a younger age

According to the text, language acquisition is best described as

an interaction between biology and experience

Infants as young as 6 months old display a remarkable ability to learn statistical aspects of speech. Specifically, research studies have shown that they

are quickly able to recognize syllable sequences that appear repeatedly

The linguistic determinism hypothesis is challenged by the finding that

people with no word for a certain color can still perceive that color accurately

Several studies have indicated that the generic pronoun "he"

tends for both children and adults to trigger images of males but not females

Damage to ____ will usually cause a person to lose the ability to comprehend language.

A common problem in everyday reasoning is our tendency to

accept as logical those conclusions that agree with our own opinions

Phonemes are the basic units of ____ in language.

rules for grouping words into sentences.

Skinner and other behaviorists have argued that language development is the result of

-imitation - reinforcement - association

Many psychologists are skeptical of claims that chimpanzees can acquire language because the chimps have not shown the ability to

use syntax in communicating

Representativeness and availability are examples of

The basic units of cognition are

Researchers who believe that some primates can read intent point to evidence that

chimps have recognized themselves in a mirror

Assume that congress is considering revising its approach to welfare and to this end is hearing a range of testimony. A member of Congress who uses the availability heuristic would be most likely to

base his or her ideas on the most vivid, memorable testimony given, even though many of the statistics presented run counter to this testimony

If you want to be absolutely certain that you will find the solution to a problem you know is solvable, you should use

Complete the following: -ed is to sh as ___ is to ___.

Which of the following is NOT cited by Chomsky as evidence that language acquisition cannot be explained by learning alone?

Children raised in isolation from language spontaneously begin speaking words

Telegraphic speech is typical of the _____ stage.

The study in which people who immigrated to the United States at various ages were compared in terms of their ability to understand English grammar found that

those who immigrated as children understood grammar as well as native speakers

Researchers taught the chimpanzee Washoe and the gorilla Koko to communicate by using

Regarding the relationship between thinking and language, which of the following most accurately reflects the position taken in the text?

Thinking affects our language, which them affects our thought

The rules most directly involved in permitting a person to derive meaning from words and sentences are rules of

Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between thinking and language?

People sometimes think in images rather than in words

One reason an English-speaking adult may have difficulty pronouncing Russian words is that

after the babbling stage, a child who hears only English stops uttering other phonemes.

Studies of adopted children and their biological and adoptive families demonstrate that with age, genetic influences on intelligence

a 6 year old child has a mental age of 9. The child's IQ is 

Which of the following is NOT true?

the gender gap in math and science scores is increasing

Most psychologists believe that racial gaps in test scores

are in large measure caused by environmental factors

Standardization refers to the process of

defining meaningful scores relative to a representative pretested group

Down syndrome is normally caused by

an extra chromosome in the person's genetic makeup

Which of the following is NOT a requirement of a good test?

First-time parents Geena and Brad want to give their baby's intellectual abilities a jump start by providing a super enriched learning environment. Experts would suggest that the new parents should

relax, since there is no surefire environmental recipe for giving a child a superior intellect.

Which of the following statements is true?

The predictive validity of intelligence tests is not as high as their reliability

Before about age ___, intelligence tests generally do not predict future scores

Sorting children into gifted and nongifted educational groups

-creates self-fulfilling prophecy -increases social isolation between the groups -promotes racial segregation and prejudics

Which of the following best describes the relation between creativity and intelligence?

A certain level of intelligence is necessary but not sufficient for creativity

Studies of infants show that babies who quickly become bored with a picture 

score higher on intelligence tests many years later

The existence of ____ reinforces the generally accepted notion that intelligence is a multidimensional quality.

Which of the following provides the strongest evidence of the role of heredity in determining intelligence?

The IQ scores of identical twins raised separately are more similar than those of fraternal twins raised together

Current estimates are that __ percent of the total variation among intelligence scores can be attributed to genetic factors.

Over the past 80 years, college aptitude test scores have _____ and WAIS scores have _____.

Reported racial gaps in average intelligence scores are most likely attributed to

The bell-shaped distribution of intelligence scores in the general population is called a 

Research on the effectiveness of Head Start suggests that enrichment programs

improve school readiness and may provide a small boost to emotional intelligence

The test created by Alfred Binet was designed specifically to

predict school performance in children

Which of the following provides the strongest evidence of environment's role in intelligence?

Children moved from a deprived environment to an intellectually enriched on show gains in intellectual development.

If a test is designed to indicate which applicants are likely to perform best on the job fails to do so, the test has

By creating a label such as "gifted", we begin to act as if all children are naturally divided into two categories, gifted and nongifted. This logical error is referred to as

The formula for the intelligence quotient was devised by

Current intelligence tests compute an individual's score as

the amount by which the test-takers performance deviates from the average performance of others the same age. 

J. McVicker Hunt found that institutionalized children give "tutored human enrichment"

thrived intellectually and socially on the benefits of positive caregiving. 

The concept of a g factor implies that intelligence 

is a single overall ability

Gerardeen has superb social skills, manages conflicts well, has great empathy for her friends and co-workers. John Mayer, Peter Salovey, and David Caruso would probably say that Gerardeen posesses a high degree of

By what age does a child's performance on an intelligence test stabilize?

The Flynn effect refers to the fact that

The IQ scores of today's better-fed and educated population exceed that of the 1930s population

In his study of children with high intelligence scores, Terman found that

the children were healthy and well-adjusted, and did well academically

When highly skilled people are performing a task, their brains

-retrieve information from memory more quickly -register simple stimuli more quickly -demonstrate a more complex brain-wave response to stimuli

Most experts view intelligence as a person's 

ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and adapt to new situations.

Which of the following situations is true?

-about 1 percent of the population is mentally retarded -more makes than females are mentally retarded -a majority of the mentally retarded can learn academic skills

Prenatal hormones have an influence on

Which if the following is NOT cited as evidence of the reciprocal relationship between schooling and intelligence?

Neither education level nor intelligence scores accurately predict income

Originally, IQ was defined as

mental age divided by chronological age multiplied by 100

Tests of ___ measure what an individual can do now, whereas tests of ___ predict what an individual will be able to do later.

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the text's position regarding the relative contribution of genes and environment in determining intelligence?

Both genes and life experiences significantly influence performance on intelligence tests 

Researchers Friedman and Rosenman refer to individuals who are very time-conscious, super motivated, verbally aggressive, and easily angered as

Which division of the nervous system is especially involved in bringing about emotional arousal?

sympathetic nervous system

Concerning emotions and their accompanying body responses, which of the following appears to be true?

Many emotions involve similar body responses but have different underlying brain circuits

The Cannon-Bard theory of emotion states that

the conscious experience of an emotion occurs at the same time as the body's physical reaction

During which stage of the general adaptation syndrome is a person especially vulnerable to disease?

The leading cause of death in North America is 

Which of the following was NOT raised as a criticism of the James-Lange theory of emotion

People with spinal cord injuries at the neck typically experience less emotion.

Current estimates are that the polygraph is inaccurate approximately _____ of the time.

In Schachter-Singer experiment, which college men reported feeling an emotional change in the presence of the experimenter's highly emotional confederate?

those receiving epinephrine but not expecting to feel physical arousal

Which of the following is true regarding happiness?

People who are socially outgoing or who exercise regularly tend to be happier

Catharsis will be most effective in reducing anger toward another person if

your anger is directed specifically toward the person who angered you

Emotions consist of which of the following components?

-physiological reactions -behavioral expressions -conscious feelings

Law enforcement officials sometimes use a lie detector to assess a suspect's responses to details of the crime believed to be known only to the perpetrator. This is known as the

Research on nonverbal communication has revealed that

facial expressions tend to be the same the world over, while gestures vary from culture to culture

In laboratory experiments, fear and joy

increase heart rate and stimulate different facial muscles

Research suggests that people generally experience the greatest well-being when they strive for

intimacy and personal growth

Research indicates that a person is most likely to be helpful to others if he or she 

With regard to emotions, Darwin believed that

-the expression of emotions helped our ancestors survive -all humans express basic emotions using similar facial expressions -human facial expressions of emotion retain elements of animals' emotional displays

A graph depicting the course of positive emotions over the hours of the day since waking would

rise over the early hours and fall during the day's last several hours

Research with subliminally flashed stimuli supports Robert Zajonc's view that

cognition is not necessary for emotion

Genuine illnesses that are caused by stress are called _____ illnesses.

Stress has been demonstrated to place a person at increased risk of 

-cancer -progressing from HIV infection to AIDS -bacterial infections

the process by which we perceive and respond to challenging or threatening events.

Attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing a stressor or how we interact with it is an example of

A study in which people were asked to confide troubling feelings to an experimenter found that participants typically 

became physiologically more relaxed after confiding their problem

Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the text as a potential health benefit of exercise?

Exercise improves functioning of the immune system.

Research studies demonstrate that after a catastrophe rates of _____ often increase.

-depression -anxiety -sleeplessness

Social support ____ our ability to cope with stressful events.


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