Provisions of the every student succeeds act include all of the following except this:

A majority of students receiving special education services in public schools have...

Detailed and frequent assessment of students' progress, made to determine if student learning is accelerating and the gap between the student's functioning and that considered typical is becoming smaller, is 

A student whose behavior is characterized in part by a lack of appropriate social responsiveness from a very early age is likely to be diagnosed with 

Because of the unique learning, especially in the domain of communication, these students are likely to receive special education services beginning at birth.

Least restrictive environment is a student's right to be educated in the environment 

That bests supports his/her special physical, emotional, cognitive needs

In the first half of the 20th century, a student with a relatively mild learning disability was most likely to receive instruction...

In a general education classroom

One of the outcomes of the civil rights movement of 1960's directly led to the passage of...

Section 504 of Vocational Rehabilitation Act

Students who have difficulty in social interactions and communication are referred to as having...

The category is only used when a student's disabilities are so serious and interrelated that none can be identified as the as a primary disability.

When students display problematic behavior, professionals implement increasingly intensive interventions to try to clearly identify the reason for the behavior and to help students to learn alternative behaviors that are acceptable in a school setting, an approach termed...

Positive behaviors supports

When a student has extraordinary difficulties communicating for reasons other than maturation, they are typically diagnosed with ...

Speech or language impairments

When schools refer to students with disabilities they mean students who...

receive special education services according to federal/state guidelines

What category protected under IDEA includes students with characteristics that may include short term memory loss, developmental delays, and vision loss, and needs that may change over time

Which of the following introduced the concept of integration into public education

Brown v. Board of Education

Which of the following is a high incidence disability 

Which of the following is true about mainstreaming

students should be placed in general education setting only when they meet traditional academic expectations with minimal assistance 

Which of the following students receive services under IDEA

Children who exhibit significant developmental delays

Which of the following legal cases was crucial in establishing principles of inclusive practices

Oberti v. Board of Education of Clementon School District

Which of the following is a provision of section 504 of Vocational Rehabilitation Act

Some students not eligible for special education services may be entitled to receive specific types of of assistance to be academically successful

What of the following is true about evidence-based practice

All interventions, strategies, techniques, policies, and programs should be grounded in research with demonstrated effectiveness 

All means to enable students to succeed in general education setting is/are...

Supplementary aids and services 

Behavioral intervention plans are required in thew IEP of...

All students with significant behavior problems

IDEA requires the procedure to ensure that student progress is monitored

The IEP will be reviewed annually and reevaluated every three years

Often assist in the delivery of special services for many students 

In describing the extent of the student's participation in general education, the IEP must include all of the following EXCEPT...

A justification for placement in a general education classroom

Mr. Lester has been told by his building principal that he will have three students in his class this semester who have behavioral problems and two who have learning disabilities. Mr. Lester is expected to...

participate in determining appropriate goals included in the IEP for students with disabilities.

The specialist who focuses on developing a student's fine motor skills

The specialist most likely to help a student with special needs develop vocabulary, pronounce words or combine words into sentences

Speech/language therapist  

The special education teacher that typically helps students prepare for employment or postsecondary education is the...

The set of procedures outlined in the law for resolving disagreements between school district personnel and parents regarding students with disabilities is...

The person who typically has the most detailed, day to day knowledge of student's academic, social, and physical needs within the classroom...

General education teacher

The person who is responsible for managing and coordinating the services a student receives is the...

Special Education teacher

The estimate of what a multidisciplinary team believes that the student should be able to accomplish within a year is outlined in the ..... component of the IEP

The component of IEP that clarifies how to measure student progress toward achieving goals is the ...

Throughout the assessment process, it is critical that school personnel...

Have adequate training to administer and evaluate the tools that are used

Tiffany's IEP indicates the use of assistive technology listed under supplementary aids and services. Her teacher is expected to...

Provide the opportunity for the use of assistive technology in her class as indicated in the IEP

The role of school nurse in educating a student with disabilities is often to...

Assist in interpreting information from physicians and other medical personnel

Transition plans are written into IEP's to ensure students are prepared for...

When the multidisciplinary team makes placement decisions, they must...

provide justification for placement decisions outside the general education classroom 

Which of the following is true about observing behavior to analyze unmet needs...

behavior that is markedly different from that of others warrants further investigation

After a parent-teacher conference, it is important for teachers to complete each of the following EXCEPT...

Schedule a meeting with your principal

Because of the nature of the teacher-paraprofessional partnership, collaboration...

may sometimes occur in shared problem solving

Collaboration is best described as a group of people...

Working in a team that feel their contributions are valid 

Compared to a professional requesting help, the consultant should always be 

more knowledgeable about the area of concern

During initial parent-teacher conference, the teacher should focus on the goal of...

establishing a two way exchange of information with the parent 

In order for co teaching to be most effective, teachers must...

Let the curriculum guide the choice of approach

In consultation, teachers seek the help of another professional with specific expertise so that the professional is able to...

Assist the teacher needing the benefit of their expertise 

In understanding a parent's perspective on their child disabilities, a teachers experience can prepare him/her

to listen to the parent's discussion of the child's strength 

In order for collaborative effects to work effectively, members of an collaborative team must...

Develop tolerance of other member's beliefs 

One example of work environment that supports collaboration is...

arranged shared planning time

One fundamental problem teachers face in their working relationships with paraprofessionals is that 

teachers often lack experience supervising others

Planning specifics with engaged in shared problem solving requires collaborative team participants to do all of the following EXCEPT...

Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem

Positive ongoing collaboration between a teacher and paraprofessional is dependent upon

Success of teams ultimately depends upon the...

Commitment of its members 

The co-teaching approach in which two teachers take turns, with one leading the lesson and the other gathering data to improve institutional decisions is called...

the co-teaching method that increases the student's opportunity for participation in responses to teacher questions is...

The most critical step of the shared problem solving process is...

The step of the shared problem solving process in which the collaborative team considers whether an idea is feasible and will resolve the problem is

to be an effective member of a collaborative team, a teacher must have excellent communication skills, which includes all of the following except...

To view a situation from another person's perspective is...

A method for measuring the level of achievement of student's in terms of what they are taught in the classroom is...

curriculum based assessment 

Accurate assessment of diverse students can be difficult because...

They may lack exposure to test content 

Curriculum based assessment measures student's level of achievement related to...

what is taught in the classroom

Darrell's scores on his group's administered standardized achievement test indicate he is two years below his grade level in reading. However Darrell's teacher is having difficulty using the achievement test data to help Darrell learn because the test contains too few items to determine Darrell's area of difficulty....

the results of standardized tests provide little data to guide instruction

Decisions in instructional evaluation involve

whether to continue or change instructional procedures

Decisions that involve the initial instructional level of student's are...

Jacob wants to take calculus during his sophomore high school year. His guidance counselor looks at the math courses Jacob has completed to see if he has the necessary academic background. Jacob's guidance counselor understands that in order for Jacob to be successful in calculus...

He must have the necessary prerequisite skills 

How quickly a student is able to perform a skill or recall academic material is called a student...

Mr. Boggs reads aloud the spelling words for his fourth-grade class and his students spell out the words on their papers. This is an example of...

Ms. Littlefield is wondering if her 3rd grade student, Laura, meets established federal guidelines for being classified as having a disability and if so what the nature and extent. This questions closely concerns....

Scottie's IEP has decided that his special education will take place full time in a general education classroom. The decision mainly only concerns Scottie's...

Probes of basic academic skills...

consist of timed samples of academic behaviors

The average score on most psychological tests is...

Teachers should assess student accuracy and rate on basic academic skills because...

Students who are proficient in a basic skill are better able to master advanced skills

Charmaine's teacher sampled her reading passage at fifth-grade level and found that she read at a correct level of 43 words per minute with no errors.What is Charmaine's teacher most likely to conclude based on this information

Charmaine has a problem with reading rate

Many students with disabilities are able to participate in district & statewide assessments when provided with appropriate accommodations. However some students are not required to meet the same standards and are allowed to use ... to provide evidence that they meet the same broad standards as other students 

The peer comparison method screening thought probes uses the ... to summarize the score because it affected less by extreme scores

The assessment determines whether a particular students performance is different enough from peers to require further, more in depth assessments.....

Which of the following is true regarding group administered standardized and high stakes achievement tests

Group administered and high stakes are often used in making administrative decisions at the school district level 

Two common methods of assessment used in making educational decisions for students with special needs are....

standardized and high stakes 

"Instructional methods" includes which of the following 

ways in which teachers present content 

Classroom climate is influenced by this component...

the teacher's positive attitude toward individual differences 

Direct instruction involves...

Effective classroom rules...

should be accommodate all student's cultures.

Effectively using classroom time includes ...

meaningful engagement in academic activities 

Equipment used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of child with a disability is...

Immediate feedback on practice items is important so that students

can make meaningful corrections of their work

In order to support student comprehension, textbook content should be 

organized with meaningful hearings and subheadings 

Manipulatives and models can benefit students with special needs in each of the following ways EXCEPT... 

Focusing their attention throughout lessons

In order for independent student practice rate to be more effective in promoting student growth & achievement, most students need to complete practice items at an accuracy rate of...

The highest level of thought in Bloom's taxonomy... 

When using manipulatives to enhance student learning, it is important to remember that...

Students should be encouraged to verbalize their use of manipulatives to clarify their conceptual understanding. 

When assigned independent student practice, students are most likely to be successful if they...

Have a desire to learn what they are practicing

The type of grouping that provides students with the special needs a range of positive models for academic and social behavior 

The primary purpose of student evaluation is to...

Determine the level of student mastery

Which guideline for selecting manipulative and models helps students who that may have trouble with transference from one concept to another

use a range of manipulative materials 

Which type of grouping works best when some, but not all students have trouble mastering a skill

Which of the following represents an accommodation within the physical organization of a classroom to improve the instructional environment

the teacher arranges a work or reading area with soft light instead of fluorescent 

Which of the following is a guideline for selecting effective textbooks

support is provided for student comprehension

Which of the following is an aspect of classroom management 

Accommodations for individuals with multiple disabilities differ from individuals with intellectual disabilities in....

Accommodations for individuals with "orthopedic impairments" take into consideration each of the following EXCEPT the ...

Autism spectrum disorder...

can exist in many forms, mild to severe

Children with autism spectrum disorder often...

find making and maintaining eye contact difficult 

Each of the following falls into federal disability category of "other health impairments" EXCEPT...

Children with ...comprise the largest group of chronically ill students in the United States

In addition to significant difficulty with adaptive behaviors, students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities generally have IQ scores of 

Interactions of individuals with autism spectrum disorder are characterized by...

significant disability with social relationships 

Most students with multiple disabilities have an

intellectual disability and physical impairment or sensory impairment

Noticeable characteristics of students with moderate or severe intellectual disabilities include difficulty with all of the following EXCEPT...

learning basic skills of semi-independent living

Students with autism spectrum disorder are likely to need...

Opportunities during the day to work and be alone 

Students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities often are...

Dependent upon ongoing support throughout and beyond their school years 

Students with traumatic brain injury typically...

experience social difficulties 

Teachers may need to modify their teaching to accommodate the student with visual impairment by...

Reciting what is written on boards and overheads

Teachers need to remember that students with hearing loss who use amplification devices

may be distracted by amplified background noise

Teachers should use classmates to assist with individuals with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities in all the following ways EXCEPT...

monitoring physiological needs

The IDEA category "other health impairments" includes...

The largest group of students orthopedic impairments in public schools is...

While trying to modify the learning environment to support the needs of students with hearing loss, teachers should...

support instruction with visual aids

When accommodating students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, teachers should remember to...

establish collaborative efforts with student's family

What are the six major components of PL 94 142?

Key to the legislation are six pillars that ensure a child's education needs and progress are met with:.
Individualized Education Program (IEP). ... .
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). ... .
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). ... .
Appropriate Evaluation. ... .
Parent and Teacher Participation. ... .
Procedural Safeguards..

Which of the following is an example of intraindividual differences?

Good examples of inter-individual differences are gender, age, ethnic background, anxiety levels or attachment style. Attention or effort are good examples of intra-individual differences.

Which is not a disability category served under IDEA?

The term does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities; of intellectual disability; of emotional disturbance; or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.

Which two of the following are federal requirements for education of ELLs quizlet?

Which 2 of the following are federal requirements for the education of ELLs? - ELLs must have access to the core curriculum. An ELL in an elementary school volunteers to read a story in the general education classroom.


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