Online instruction is more effective than face-to-face classroom instruction for teaching

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  • Employee Training

  • September 23, 2021

Online learning has never been more popular. With flexible self-paced learning tools providing information at one’s fingertips, online learning has become the go-to classroom and employee training method option. 

But can online learning be as effective and efficient as traditional, face-to-face learning?

In this article, we explore key differences between these two learning methods to find which one may be a more effective method for organizations and learners.

What Is Online Learning?

Any type of learning that occurs on the internet could be considered online learning, also known as eLearning. Today, virtual learning is most often used to refer to asynchronous learning material, which allows for learners to engage with instructional material at their own pace, from anywhere, available at any time. 

An online learning program encourages self-study and could refer to anything from a digital employee training seminar such as a LinkedIn Learning course to a full-fledged, virtual college degree program. For both classroom and corporate learning settings, learning management systems are utilized to create and publish courses, connect learners and learning materials, monitor progression, and more.

What Is Face-to-Face Learning?

Face-to-face learning refers to the traditional, classroom-based method of learning. This style of learning involves in-person sessions with an instructor. The pace of learning is set by the instructor and students in this setting are passive learners. Face-to-face learning is considered effective due to the benefits of live interaction between the instructor and the learner.

What Is Blended Learning?

Blended learning is the concept of implementing both face-to-face learning and online learning together into a hybrid approach, allowing learners to benefit from both methods of learning.

This style of learning is also popular in corporate settings, where learning and development leaders will use data to create an adaptive learning style that is personalized to the needs of different roles and departments.

What Are the Key Differences Between eLearning and Face-to-Face Learning?

Both types of learning can be beneficial, depending on the goal of the lesson plan. Here are a few of the most crucial differences between online learning and face-to-face learning.

1. The Learning Environment

In a traditional face-to-face learning scenario, classes are planned and structured according to a fixed schedule. This system of learning is thus more disciplined. Classroom learning also happens in a group setting and may spur more discussion, interaction, and involvement. 

Online learning is more spontaneous when compared to a planned, in-person session. Learners may choose to take up a course or a learning module online whenever inspiration or curiosity strikes. Best of all, they can do it at their own pace – whenever they choose. Since this kind of learning doesn’t involve a live instructor, the learner is by themselves in this setting.

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2. Type of Learning Content

Face-to-face learning methods usually only involve traditional learning materials such as textbooks and lecture notes. An online learning session is more interactive in comparison, with many different types of training.

With the advancement of technology, elearning modules are supported via digital textbooks, live chat support, community forums, online discussion boards, video and audio materials, interactive quizzes, virtual announcements, and much more.

For example, below you can see how enterprise organizations now embed a self-help learning module direct into their digital apps and processes – allowing employees to learn in the flow of work.

3. Pace of Learning

The instructor leads the learning pace in a traditional classroom setting, and students are likely to learn passively. There is little scope for the learner to slow down and re-learn difficult concepts in a live, instructor-led scenario – as this hinders the entire group.

On the other hand, the learner is free to move at their own pace in an eLearning setting. They can pause whenever needed and revisit modules for better clarity before proceeding with the rest of the course. With the addition of assessments and interactive tools at various points in the learning module, the learner is no longer passive but is active in the learning process.

4. Types of Assessments

In a traditional learning scenario, the instructor often tests students after delivering a fixed set of learning modules. This is most likely an in-person test that is closely monitored and occurs at a specific date, time, and place. 

Assessments in eLearning contexts are generally more flexible when compared to traditional methods. Today, eLearning modules have frequent knowledge checks and short assessments in place to ensure that the content has been well received. Exams in an eLearning scenario might be timed and may use screen recorders to ensure integrity.

Above: Example of L&D professional building a quiz assessment after an online learning course.

5. Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Interaction

In an online learning scenario, learner-instructor interaction is often asynchronous. With asynchronous learning, the learner is able to study at their own pace, but queries are usually posted on an online forum to be answered by an instructor. This leads to some delay in interaction, which can be minimized via timely virtual support.  

Traditional classroom-led teaching involves live interaction between an instructor and a student, thus facilitating instant discussions and query clarification.

Is Online Learning or Face-to-Face Learning Better?

Both online and face-to-face learning methods have their own set of unique advantages and disadvantages.

While a lot of learners may still prefer the discipline and familiarity that face-to-face learning brings, there is no denying the immense benefits of online learning. The self-paced nature of eLearning content may be highly favorable to the modern learner – as well as organizations searching for new ways of managing employee development and training in a post-COVID world.

This type of learning is more flexible than traditional learning and is generally more practical for learners. However, a lot of learners still prefer the presence of a live instructor to assimilate content better because of the unique advantages of instructor-led training. Both learning methods are highly effective in their own ways. Choosing one type of training over another is purely dependent on an individual’s learning style and preference – as well as the course material at hand.

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Is online learning as effective as face to face classroom instruction?

In many ways, online learning is more effective than face to face learning. As research shows 80% of organizations believe their use of digital learning will remain the same, increase or decrease only slightly as restrictions on live training ease.

Why is online learning more effective than face to face learning?

According to IBM, students in online learning courses incorporating multimedia content learn five times more material than students in traditional face-to-face classes. Because online courses provide students with full control over their studies, they can work at their own pace.

Is it better online learning or face to face with teachers?

Face-to-face learning methods usually only involve traditional learning materials such as textbooks and lecture notes. An online learning session is more interactive in comparison, with many different types of training.

Is online learning more effective than classroom learning critique?

A: Online learning can be as good or even better than in-person classroom learning. Research has shown that students in online learning performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction, but it has to be done right.


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