Mia julia brückner mallorca da bin ich daheim

You are the hottest1 spot in the world,

you're our life and all that matters,

here on the beach we are never alone,

Majorca, there I'm at home.

You are the coolest2 spot in the world,

you're our life and all that matters,

here on the beach we are never alone,

Majorca, there I'm at home.

Majorca, there I'm at home.

You are the best3 spot in the world,

you're our life and all that matters,

here on the beach we are never alone,

Majorca, there I'm at home.

At night we have a party,

by day we're by the sea,

we're holidaying endlessly

as if that were the end.

We don't think of the past,

we don't think about the furture:

one, two, beer;

three, four, schnapps4

Born to live and to celebrate and to be

as we are, never sober and we never celebrate alone,

we are super sexy and we are really cool5

because we live this life in Majorcan style.

You are the coolest spot in the world,

you're our life and all that matters,

here on the beach we are never alone,

Majorca, there I'm at home.

We set the time to "begin" and then we first start out

on the chairs and the tables, anything goes because we can,

we're unstoppable right at the top of the super-cool

because we live this life in Majorcan style.

You are the coolest spot in the world,

you're our life and all that matters,

here on the beach we are never alone,

Majorca, there I'm at home.

You are the coolest spot in the world,

you're our life and all that matters,

here on the beach we are never alone,

Majorca, there I'm at home.

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