Is it acceptable to use food as a reward for good behavior as long as it is not associated with meal times?


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Need urgent help?

If you, your child, or someone you care about is having a mental health or substance use crisis:

  • Call 911 or go to your local hospital’s emergency room if you are in need of immediate help
  • Call 1-800- SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) anytime if you are concerned about someone who may be considering suicide

These are a few examples of situations when you should seek immediate help:

  • The child or youth is thinking about or trying to end their life
  • The child or youth is experiencing sensations that aren’t real and/or beliefs that can’t possibly be true
  • The child or youth is unable to care for themselves, and it’s putting them at risk of serious harm
  • The child or youth is experiencing an alcohol or drug overdose
  • The child or youth is taking a dangerous combination of substances (like medications and alcohol)

For non-urgent support options, explore our Ask Kelty Mental Health tool. You’ll find answers to common questions families have about accessing mental health supports and services in BC for their child or youth. 

The Risks Of Food Rewards

ALISON TONSMEIRE / January 18, 2018

Have you ever been frustrated and wondered how to convince your preschooler to behave? A sweet or dessert may seem like a powerful motivator in the
moment but could backfire later.

As a long-term reward

Preschool children have not developed the sense of time we have as adults (any surprises there?). If you are rewarding a child for a whole day of
good behavior or taking away a treat for misbehavior that happened hours earlier, he or she is likely missing the point altogether and only focused
on the end result of having been rewarded or punished.

As a short-term reward.

Food incentives might seem like a good idea because they can work short term, are inexpensive and easy, but from a health perspective, using food as a
reward or punishment can have negative consequences. Using food as motivation for good behavior teaches children to ignore important body signals.
Children, more so than most adults are very in tune with their bodies’ hunger and fullness cues. Ever noticed how small children will stop eating when
they are full, whereas an adult may finish his or her plate if the food is especially delicious, or even if it isn’t? Being able to easily stop when
satiated is a wonderful skill that children possess. When children are enticed with food, they can begin to ignore their hunger cues. Plus, whether
or not you use the word “treat,” children get the message that reward foods are “special” or “exciting”. It teaches children to eat (as much as possible
of) these foods when given the chance, even if they are not actually hungry or craving that specific food.

Setting the stage for a healthy relationship with food.

Another risk of using food as a reward is that it can lead the child to associate food with love. As the child grows up and is sad or wants to reward him
or herself, seeking out specific food that was used as a reward, such as chocolate bars, might be second nature. As an adult, indulging in these snacks
could become a way to self-soothe, and could contribute to distorted eating behaviors.

This is not to say that children should never be allowed candy or sweets, rather it is the emphasis that is placed on these foods and the association between
a specific food and good behavior that should be avoided. Your child will have many happy memories growing up, and milk and cookies with you should
be one of them – but have the snack just because you’re happy to be together!

Looking for ways to reward without food?  Check out 51 Reward Ideas to Motivate Your Child.

Article by Laura Fuller, BSC MSC ANUTR

With the endless amounts of rules and recommendations around parental feeding practices, it can be difficult to know when innocent behaviours may negatively impact a child’s relationship with food. 

The use of food as a reward:

The use of food as a reward occurs when good behaviour has been performed and a child is rewarded with an item of food, which more often than not has little to no nutritional value, for instance, sweets and chocolate. Once a child is rewarded for their good behaviour, they then associate the action with the reward, and this motivates them to do it more often, which is also known as positive reinforcement [1]. Although this behaviour is fairly common, the long-term implications that it may have on a child’s relationship with food are yet to be fully understood [2]. Literature has, however, suggested that it may negatively impact a child’s learning, physical health, and subsequent eating behaviours [2, 3].

Which foods are commonly used as a reward?

The foods that are commonly given as rewards are treats, which are high in added sugar, trans and saturated fats, such as crisps, sweets, chocolate, and fizzy drinks. These types of foods are often referred to as ‘bad’ or ‘unhealthy’ foods, as they lack nutritional value, and are associated with an increased risk of heart disease [4].

Why should we avoid using food as a reward?

Parental feeding practices play a critical role in establishing a child’s food preferences, eating patterns, and nutrition, in early life [2,5]. Consistently rewarding a child with certain foods for good behaviour, can lead to them overeating foods with little to no nutritional value, and increase their risk of weight gain and its associated diseases (e.g., type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular disease) [4].

Along with the negative health effects that are associated with over-consuming these foods, there several other reasons why we should avoid this behaviour. For instance, when certain foods are seen as off-limits and are only given as a reward, they can become more appealing and a child or adult may begin to prefer these ‘off-limit’ or ‘bad’ foods, to healthier ‘good’ foods with more nutritional value. Food as a reward can also disrupt a a person's ability to understand their internal hunger cues and regulate their eating, which can lead to weight gain. Along with this, this behaviour may have long-term implications, for example offering a child a treat to calm their emotions, may lead to them developing an unhealthy dependency on food as a fix in adulthood [3].

What is meant by ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods?

‘Good’ Foods

Healthy foods are often referred to as ‘good’ foods, and these are whole foods that are packed with nutrients, such as fruit, vegetables, beans, and lean meats. They have a wide range of health benefits, such as reducing the risk of certain diseases and supporting our digestive and immune systems. Due to the positive health benefits that are associated with consuming these foods, they should make up the majority of our diet. Despite their number of health benefits, these foods are rarely given as a reward for good behaviour, and more commonly used as a punishment instead, for example: if a child doesn’t finish all of their vegetables they will not get a dessert [2].

• ‘Bad’ Foods

Alternatively, unhealthy foods are often labelled as ‘bad’ foods, and these are foods that are highly processed and also, high in sugar and fat. Often 'bad' foods are used as a reward to encourage a child to perform the desired behaviour. Due to the negative health effects that are associated with consuming these foods in excessive amounts, it is recommended that they should be enjoyed mindfully and in moderation as part of a healthy balanced diet [4].

Why should we avoid labelling foods as good or bad?

Labelling foods as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ can be confusing for children, especially if they are being rewarded something described as ‘bad’ for performing good behaviour. Once certain foods are categorised as ‘bad’, a child may develop a fear of them, and when this food is eaten not as a reward, feelings of guilt, shame, or embarrassment may arise, which can also result in long-term complications, such as disordered eating in adulthood [3]. Along with this, if these foods feel off-limits, it may lead a child to desire or crave them even more, and over-indulge when they do have them. Ultimately, placing foods into these two categories should be avoided as, if a child is given a treat for eating a vegetable, this can reinforce the idea that ‘good’ foods aren’t as appealing as ‘bad’ foods.

Tips of what we can do instead:

Rather than labelling foods as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, we can consider speaking about them for how nourishing they are. We eat nourishing foods because they are packed with nutrients and because of the positive health benefits that are associated with this. For all food though aim to eat mindfully and in moderation, because we enjoy them, rather than purely as a reward.

Many other things can be used as a reward for good behaviour, and literature has suggested positive outcomes when parents use non-food-based incentives (e.g., a trip to the beach or playing a game with the family) [5]. These rewards still offer praise and encouragement for good behaviour; however, they can also support a child’s learning and encourage physical activity too.

5 non-food-based incentives for good behaviour:

1. Reading a book together

2. Playing their favourite game

3. Building a den outside in the garden

4. New craft supplies i.e. painting or colouring books

5. A trip outside to the beach, woods, park, or another favourite outing

Take home message:

Non-food-based incentives can be just as, if not more, rewarding than certain foods, and they can also encourage learning, bonding as a family, and physical activity too. Giving and withdrawing food for certain behaviour can be confusing for anyone and especially for a children, as if certain foods are only given for good behaviour and are off-limits the rest of the time, they may become more appealing and increase a child’s risk of further implications, such as weight gain. Along with reducing the use of food as a reward, we should also avoid demonising certain foods, and rather than labelling them as either 'good' or 'bad', instead think of them as nourishing or not-as-nourishing, and enjoy a variety of these as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

This blog post was written by Laura Fuller who studied BSc (Hons) Psychology, and MSc Human Nutrition. Laura recently gained her title as a Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) from the AfN. Currently, she is working in Child Weight Management and through a non-diet nutrition approach, supporting families and young people to sustain a happy and healthy lifestyle. In the future, she is interested in specialising in eating disorders. You can find Laura on Instagram at @nutrition.lf


1. Meule A, Kübler A. Food cravings in food addiction: The distinct role of positive reinforcement. Eating Behaviors. 2012;13(3):252-255.

2. Roberts L, Marx J, Musher-Eizenman D. Using food as a reward: An examination of parental reward practices. Appetite. 2018;120(1):318-326.

3. Fedewa A, Davis M. How Food as a Reward Is Detrimental to Children's Health, Learning, and Behavior. Journal of School Health. 2015;85(9):648-658.

4. //

5. Gerards S, Kremers S. The Role of Food Parenting Skills and the Home Food Environment in Children’s Weight Gain and Obesity. Current Obesity Reports. 2015;4(1):30-36.

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