Is a kind of qualitative research that is the live experience of a phenomenon?

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Qualitative research examines life experiences (ie, the lived experience) in an effort to understand and give them meaning. This usually is done by systematically collecting and analyzing narrative materials using methods that ensure credibility of both the data and the results. Phenomenology is one of many types of qualitative research that examines the lived experiences of humans.(1) Phenomenological researchers hope to gain understanding of the essential "truths" (ie, essences) of the lived experience. Examples of phenomenological research include exploring the lived experiences of women undergoing breast biopsy or the lived experiences of family members waiting for a loved one undergoing major surgery.

The term phenomenology often is used without a clear understanding of its meaning. Phenomenology has been described as a philosophy, methodology, and method.(2) Furthering confusion, the term phenomenology has been used interchangeably with the term hermeneutics (ie, analyses of the written word).(3) This column will provide a brief overview of phenomenological philosophy, methodology, and method.


Phenomenologists believe that knowledge and understanding are embedded in our everyday world. In other words, they do not believe knowledge can be quantified or reduced to numbers or statistics.(4) Phenomonologists believe that truth and understanding of life can emerge from people's life experiences. Although phenomenologists share this belief, they have developed more than one approach to gain understanding of human knowledge.

Before the seventeenth century, religion or nature often provided the basis for man's understanding of the world. Rene Descartes, however, articulated a split between man's mental being and his physical being. This viewpoint served as an impetus to link all knowledge to the realm of science. Scientists of that time heralded the scientific method, objectivity, and a fixed, orderly reality as the sole approach to knowledge discovery. Many early philosophers, however, found the scientific method too reductionistic, objective, and mechanistic; therefore, they advanced phenomenology as a preferred method to discover the meaning of life experiences.(5)

The father of phenomenology frequently is cited as Edmund Husserl.(6) Husserl was a German philosopher as well as a mathematician.(7) The works of Husserl, as well as those of Martin Heidegger, are cited in many nursing studies as the framework for the research approach and methods.(8) Even though both philosophers are considered phenomenologists, their approaches to research and understanding life experiences differ.


Methodology links a particular philosophy to the appropriate research methods and bridges philosophical notions to practical and applicable research strategies. Husserl, for example, purported that essences serve as the ultimate structure of consciousness.(9) He contended that bracketing (ie, setting aside preconceived notions) enables one to objectively describe the...

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Gale Document Number: GALE|A73308177

Grounded theory, ethnographic, narrative research, historical, case studies, and phenomenology are several types of qualitative research designs.  The proceeding paragraphs give a brief over view several of these qualitative methods.

Grounded theory is a systematic procedure of data analysis, typically associated with qualitative research, that allows researchers to develop a theory that explains a specific phenomenon.  Grounded theory was developed by Glaser and Strauss and is used to conceptualize phenomenon using research; grounded theory is not seen as a descriptive method and originates from sociology.  The unit of analysis in grounded theory is a specific phenomenon or incident, not individual behaviors.   The primary data collection method is through interviews of approximately 20 – 30 participants or until data achieves saturation.

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Ethnographic studies are qualitative procedures utilized to describe, analyze and interpret a culture’s characteristics.  Ethnography was developed in the 19thand 20th centuries and used by anthropologists to explore primitive cultures different from their own; it originated from Anthropology.  Ethnography is used when a researcher wants to study a group of people to gain a larger understanding of their lives or specific aspects of their lives.  The primary data collection method is through observation over an extended period of time.  It would also be appropriate to interview others who have studied the same cultures.

Phenomenology is used to identify phenomena and focus on subjective experiences and understanding the structure of those lived experiences.  It was founded in the early 20th century by Edmund Husserl and Martin Heideggar and originated from philosophy.  Phenomenology is used to describe, in depth, the common characteristics of the phenomena that has occurred.   The primary data collection method is through in-depth interviews.

Case studies are believed to have originated in 1829 by Frederic Le Play.  Case studies are rooted in several disciplines, including science, education, medicine, and law.  Case studies are to be used when (1) the researcher wants to focus on how and why, (2) the behavior is to be observed, not manipulated, (3) to further understand a given phenomenon, and (4) if the boundaries between the context and phenomena are not clear.  Multiple methods can be used to gather data, including interviews, observation, and historical documentation.

What type of qualitative research is lived experience?

Phenomenology is a form of qualitative research that focuses on the study of an individual's lived experiences within the world.

What is a phenomenon in qualitative research?

A phenomenon (plural, phenomena) is a general result that has been observed reliably in systematic empirical research. In essence, it is an established answer to a research question.

What type of research is lived experience?

Lived experience research in mental health is research that illuminates the perspectives and experiences of people who live with mental health issues and is conducted either by researchers with their own lived experience or in collaborative research teams that include people with lived experience [1, 2].

What type of qualitative research design where the meaning of lived experience is interpreted from the participants stories?

An interpretive phenomenological study aims to explore the lived experience of a phenomenon, representing an individual level of analysis with an understanding that social contexts are embedded within an individual's being (i.e., being-with-others).


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