Integration of all project processes and practices to improve project management is due to Quizlet

Question 1.1. Integration of all project processes and practices to improve Project Management is due to (Points : 1)

       Environmental analysis
       Customer Expectations
       Project management system
       The organization's environment and culture

Question 2.2. Project management integration necessitates combining all of the major dimensions of project management under one umbrella. (Points : 1)


Question 3.3. In which of the following stages are you more likely to find status reports, many changes, and the creation of forecasts? (Points : 1)


Question 4.4. Creating teams using the project form of project management structure results in the maximum technological expertise being brought to bear on project problems. (Points : 1)


Question 5.5. Which of these is not part of the "sociocultural dimension" of project management? (Points : 1)

       Resource allocation
       Customer expectations

Question 6.6. Which of the following is an advantage of a functional project management organization? (Points : 1)

       Maximum flexibility in the use of staff
       Good integration across functional units
       Shorter project duration
       Strong motivation of project team members
       All of these are advantages

Question 7.7. The relationship between the Apple II and Mac teams at Apple Computer is a good example of projectitis. (Points : 1)


Question 8.8. In today's business environment, project managers find it valuable to have a keen understanding of (Points : 1)

       Strategic management
       Technical issues
       Project selection process
       Both A and C are correct
       A, B, and C are all correct

Question 9.9. All are negotiated issues except: (Points : 1)

       Who will do the task?
       Where will the task be done?
       Why will the task be done?
       Is the task satisfactorily completed?
       The total cost of the project

Question 10.10. Which of the following is not one of the traditional components found in mission statements? (Points : 1)

       Major products and services
       Target customers and markets
       Geographic domain
       Contribution to society

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