How many degrees is the central ray angle for a PA oblique projection of the wrist?

In the PA projection of the second digit, the CR is directed to the

In a lateral projection of the second through fifth digits, the central ray is directed?

The most common oblique projection of the second through fifth digits is a

For a PA oblique projection of the first digit the is in what position?

How many degrees should the CR be angled for the PA projection of the hand?

For a PA projection of the hand, the central ray is directed what joint?

For a lateral projection of the hand, the central ray is directed to what joint?

What projection is best to demonstate the carpal interspaces?

What is the degree of angulation used for a lateral projection of the wrist?

For a lateral projection of the wrist how many degrees must the elbow be flexed?

What is the primary projection used to demonstrate anterior or posterior placement of fractures of the hand and wrist?

PA oblique projection of the wrist in lateral rotation requires a wrist angulation of ?

The central ray angulation for a PA oblique projection of the wrist is how many degrees?

What two bones of the wrist are well demonstrated on a PA oblique projection of the wrist?

What two projections of the wrist clearly demonstrate the scaphoid?

PA in ulnar flexion and PA axial (Stecher method)

The PA projection of the wrist in ulnar deviation clearly demonstrates what carpal bone?

What projection of the wrist foreshortens the scaphoid?

How many degrees should the CR be angles for a PA projection of the wrist in ulnar deviation?

For the PA projection of the wrist in ulnar deviation, the CR is directed what carpal bone?

What projection of the wrist clearly demonstrates the scaphoid?

PA axial (Stecher method)

How many degrees must the IR be elevated for the PA axial (Stecher method) ?

The position recommended to increase patient comfort when performing an AP projection of the humerus is:

For the lateral projection of the forearm, the elbow should be flexed:

For the PA projection of the wrist in ulnar deviation, the central ray is angled:

For the AP projection of the elbow, the hand is:

What is the result of flexing the fingers for a PA projection of the wrist?

For the AP projection of the elbow, the humeral epicondyles are

The lateral projection of the forearm should clearly demonstrate which of the following?

elbow joint, radius and ulna, proximal row of carpal bones

For exact positioning of the PA oblique wrist, and to ensure duplication in follow-up examinations, which of the following is required?

Which of the following would be projected free of superimposition for an AP oblique projection of the elbow with medial rotation?

The central-ray angulation for both of the axiolateral projections (Coyle Method) of the elbow is

The central-ray angulation for the tangential projection (inferosuperior) of demonstrating the carpal canal is:

Which of the following projections corrects foreshortening of the scaphoid?

A fracture of the distal radius with posterior displacement is known as a ____ fracture.

The posterior fat pad lies in the:

The IR must be elevated how many degrees for the PA axial projection of the wrist (Stecher method)?

How far above the humeral head should the upper margin of the IR be placed for an AP humerus?

If a patient is unable to extend the forearm for an AP projection of the elbow, how many projections are necessary to avoid distortion of the joint?

The 10 joints of the upper limb are all: (1) hinge (2) synovial tissue (3) freely moveable

The central-ray angle for a PA oblique projection of the wrist is:

Where is the central ray directed for an AP projection of the humerus?

Which of the following breathing techniques should be used for an AP projection of the humerus?

which of the following must be clearly demonstrated on a lateral projection of the humerus?

elbow joint and shoulder joint

89.Rotating the arm medially for a lateral projection of the humerus will place the epicondyles:

perpendicular with the plane of the IR

What is the central-ray angulation for the AP elbow when the forearm is partially flexed?

How many degrees should the elbow be angled for an AP oblique projection in medial rotation?

90.Which of the following is shown in profile on a lateral projection of the humerus?

Which of the following projections clearly demonstrates the scaphoid?
1.) PA in ulnar flexion
2.) PA oblique in lateral rotation
3.) PA axial (Stecher method)

How far above the humeral head should the upper margin of the IR be placed for a lateral projection of the humerus?

87.What position should the hand be placed in for the AP projection of the humerus?

which fat pad lies parallel with the anterior aspect of the proximal radius

which of the following is shown "in profile" on an AP projection of the humerus?

If the IR and wrist are placed flat on the table for the PA axial projection of the wrist (Stecher method), the central ray must be angled:

Which of the following are well demonstrated on a PA oblique projection of the wrist? (1) capitate (2) trapezium (3) scaphoid

How much should the elbow joint be flexed for the lateral projection of the elbow?

How is the hand positioned for the axiolateral projection of the elbow (Coyle Method)?

Which of the following is demonstrated free of superimposition on an AP oblique projection of the elbow in lateral rotation?

The primary structures shown when demonstrating the elbow using the Coyle method are the: (1) coracoid process (2) coronoid process (3) radial head

77.The PA projection of the wrist in ulnar deviation clearly demonstrates the:

Where is the only saddle joint in the human body?

1st Digit carpometacarpal

82.How many degrees should the elbow be angled for an AP oblique projection in lateral rotation?

describe how and where the central ray should be directed for the PA projection of the wrist

How many degrees is the central ray angled for the AP forearm?

The central-ray angulation for the PA axial projection of the wrist (Stecher method) is

92.To demonstrate the radial head in the axiolateral projection of the elbow (Coyle method), the elbow is flexed:

A fracture of the metacarpal neck is known as a ____ fracture.

To demonstrate the coronoid process in the axiolateral projection of the elbow (Coyle Method), the elbow is flexed:

For the PA projection of the wrist in ulnar deviation, the central ray is directed to the:

The central area of the long cylindrical shaft of the radius, ulna, and humerus is called the

Which of the following must be clearly demonstrated on an AP projection of the humerus?
1.) elbow joint
2.) glenoid cavity
3.) shoulder joint

Which of the following projections of the elbow will demonstrate the olecranon process within the olecranon fossa?

AP oblique, medial rotation

Which of the following is the primary projection used to demonstrate anterior or posterior displacement of fractures of the hand or wrist?

Where is the central ray directed for a lateral projection of the humerus?

Which of the following breathing techniques should be used for a lateral projection of the humerus?

The correct positioning of the hand for an AP projection of the forearm is?

Which of the following projections of the elbow will demonstrate the radial head and neck free of superimposition?

AP oblique projection, lateral rotation

Which of the following should be on the same plane for a lateral projection of the elbow?
1.) wrist joint
2.) elbow joint
3.) shoulder joint

Which of the following methods is used to demonstrate the carpal canal?

What degree of obliquity is required for the PA oblique projection of the wrist in lateral rotation?

Which of the following should be in contact with the tabletop for a PA projection of the wrist?
1.) arm
2.) axilla
3.) forearm

Which of the following central-ray angles is used for the lateral projection of the wrist?

91.The head of the radius fits into a depression on the lateral aspect of the coronoid process of the ulna., This depression is called the:

Which of the following tangential projections is used to demonstrate the carpal canal?

Which of the following is shown "in profile" on a lateral projection of the elbow?

Which fat pads are seen on a negative lateral elbow radiograph? (1) anterior (2) posterior (3) supinator

Which of the following projections would be used to better demonstrate the carpal interspaces:

The PA axial projection of the wrist (Stecher method) clearly demonstrates the

Which of the following positions of the hand will place the epicondyles parallel with the plane of the IR?

AP oblique, lateral rotation

ap oblique, medial rotation

coronoid process of the ulna

Where is the central ray centered for a PA projection of the hand?

Position of part: Hand centered palm down flat, fingers separated. The central ray should be perpendicular to the image receptor at 3rd MCP joint. Central ray: Perpendicular to the image receptor at 3rd MCP joint.

What is the proper angle of the wrist for oblique position?

Positioning for PA oblique projection of wrist Adjust the cassette so that its center point is under the scaphoid when the wrist is rotated from the pronated position. From the pronated position, rotate the wrist laterally (externally) until it forms an angle of approximately 45° with the plane of the cassette.

How much obliquity is required for a PA oblique projection of the hand?

Chapter 5.

How much should the wrist be rotated for the PA oblique projection?

The oblique view is obtained with the wrist rotated 45 degrees so that the ulnar aspect of the wrist is resting on the image receptor while the radial side is elevated.

Where is the central ray centered for a PA projection of the second digit?

Chapter 5-Upper Limb-Positioning Workbook.


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