Explain the historical circumstances that led to the situation shown in this cartoon 1

Presentation on theme: "Which statement best explains the situation shown in the cartoon?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Which statement best explains the situation shown in the cartoon?
The world generally supports China’s government. Many countries are attempting to expand their colonial empires. Westerners are promoting Chinese investment in South America. China represents a way to expand Western imports.


4 The main idea of this cartoon is that Japan:
practices free trade restricts foreign imports has a policy of balanced trade imports most of its ships


6 Which conclusion is best supported by this cartoon?
Imprisonment of political dissidents rarely ends opposition to the government. The United Nations supports punishment for acts of civil disobedience. Better media coverage would prevent the imprisonment of protesters. Mistreatment of political prisoners often results in their acceptance of government policies.


8 The concern expressed in this cartoon is most closely related to the consequences of
further exploration of the Arctic Ocean industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels rapid migration of animals to the Northern Hemisphere slow economic growth in developing nations


10 Which statement best describes the main point of the cartoon?
Most governments are critical of Indiaユs nuclear tests. Actions of one nation often affect other nations. Nuclear technology should be limited to the global superpowers. Nuclear proliferation occurs in all societies.


12 This cartoon raises the question as to whether the United Nations is able to
separate political issues from economic issues unite opposing forces and differing ideologies (3) deliver aid to people in need (4) administer former colonial areas


14 This 1995 cartoon is suggesting that communism
has no appeal in Russia (2) still dominates the Russian government (3) may return if democracy fails in Russia (4) is the best system for the Russian people


16 This 1998 cartoon depicts religious tensions in which nation?
Israel Iran Ireland India


18 What is the main idea of this 1991 political cartoon?
The unification of Germany has been hurt by poor leadership in the country The economic differences between East and West Germany have limited the growth of the total German economy East Germany's strong economy has strengthened a united Germany Both East Germany and West Germany have contributed equally to the new economy of a reunified Germany.


20 The main idea of the cartoon was that in South Africa
the fall of apartheid ended racial tensions (2) Nelson Mandela was unable to bring about political reform (3) another communist government lost power (4) a significant step was taken toward racial equality


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