Drama queen bedeutung

Mutteralsein7erBMW) Linsemann: "Ach ja? Du kannst das allein entscheiden, ob du dir die HaareGesichtmussmanwaschen) färbst? Du wirst dich noch mal umschauen, wenn ich nicht mehr da bin!" Sohn Lars: "Oh, Mudder! Sei doch nicht so eine Drama Queen!"

Klein-Lisa im Garten: "WÄÄÄÄÄH PAAA-PAAAA!" Papa kommt angelaufen. "Was ist denn?" Klein-Lisa: "WAAAAAH! Mach das WÄÄÄÄÄG!", deutet auf eine Ameise, die auf ihrem Knie sitzt. Papa: "Mensch, Kind, ich dachte schon, ein böser Mann will dich wegschleppen. Du bist aber auch eine kleine Drama Queen!" (entfernt Ameise)

Sibylle: "Du, der Klaus hat neulich wieder einen Aufriss gemacht! Er hat rausgefunden, dass Janina einen Freund hat." Elke: "Ja, und? die ist 15, die kann das selbst entscheiden. Benimmt sich ja auch sonst wie eine Erwachsene." Sibylle: "Weißt doch, was Klaus für eine Drama Queen ist. Der würde die am liebsten im Keller einsperren."

Sigurd: "Hach, du hättest den Jens sehen sollen! Der ist ja sowas von um die Lampe gekreist, nur weil er sich den Fingernagel abgebrochen hat!" Björn: "Oh mein Gott ja, das IST doch SO eine Drama Queen!"

Speaking about the play, CEO, Drama Queen Productions, Sarah Saif, said: 'We wanted to bring something new to the Karachi Theatre Scene because right now there are two extremes: one is Independent theatre and the other is extremely commercial theatre: and nothing in the middle.

Some say committed romantic relationships tame ladies who are tagged 'drama queens'.

Liberace was the ultimate drama queen and you can have your own theatrical moment every day with this cheeky candelabra - with or without the grand piano.

Their show opened with their "Drama Queen" import line.

The precocious little girl Gabby returns in Gabby: Drama Queen, a children's picturebook that encourages young people to experiment with words, or even play a simple word game.

New Delhi, Feb 4 ( ANI ): Parineeti Chopra, who plays a mental scientist in her upcoming film 'Hasee Toh Phasee,' has revealed that she is not just a drama queen in the movie but also in real life.

"This laundromat really has me wanting to be a drama queen tonight, so excuse my theatrics," she laughed, then tore down the house.

Actress Bipasi sha Basu, who will soon be seen in horror flick tma, says as a kid, she was a big "dramebz" (drama queen).

(And the band's off-the-wall cover of the Beatles' "Eleanor Rigby" is kind of fascinating.) Others, such as Drama Queen for 600, display a sort of grandeur (and some serious guitar chops) with songs such as "Dead Memory." All told, it's a great smorgasbord of up-and-coming metal bands.

Andy Murray has hit back at former Wimbledon singles champion Virginia Wade after she describe him as a drama queen following his injury-plagued win over Jarrko Nieminen.

Drama queen Sean Maguire, billed as a 'Hollywood actor', clashed with hairdresser Nicky Clarke and sobbed: "Being called a cheat broke my heart a little bit".

Our Drama Queen 4.45 Chepstow SP forecast 13-8 Looked ahead of the handicapper when overcoming trouble in running to score in handicap company at Newbury two starts ago.

More than 20 million people tuned in to a broadcast network drama and saw two gay men have explicit sex.

  • The reigning queen of hip-hop treads the boards in her teen years.

    • The last time there was a raid of this scale was in 2001, when 52 men were arrested on Queen Boat, a floating disco on the Nile.

    • All along the highways and by-paths of our literature we encounter much that pertains to this "queen of plants."

    • A fancy came into my head that I would entertain the king and queen with an English tune upon this instrument.

    • Q was a Queen, who wore a silk slip; R was a Robber, and wanted a whip.

    • One of her humours was to unite the son of her minister, with a niece of the widowed Queen of Saint Germain's.

      Bedeutung von drama queen im Englisch

      drama queen

      noun [ C ]

        informal disapprovinguk

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      /ˈdrɑː.mə ˌkwiːn/

      Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio

      /ˈdræm.ə ˌkwiːn/

      someone who gets too upset or angry over small problems:

      You're such a drama queen! It's no big deal.

      SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

      Exaggerating & playing down

      • bloviate
      • blow something out of proportion idiom
      • cartoonish
      • catastrophize
      • dramatization
      • dramatize
      • exaggerate
      • OTT
      • over-egg
      • overboard
      • overdramatic
      • overdramatize
      • overembellish
      • overplay
      • overstatement
      • pile
      • proportion
      • protest too much idiom
      • stretch the truth idiom
      • understate
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      Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge.
      Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence.

      (Definition von drama queen aus dem Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

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      drama documentary

      drama queen


      dramatic irony

      dramatic monologue



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