According to jacobs et al., which of the following can be a mistake with regard to group rules?

1.“Big picture” planning involves

deciding upon member screening procedures.

thinking about all the topics to be covered in the group.

choosing the time of day for meetings.

determining which group rules are most relevant.

  • Most roles fit into one of two broad categories: _____ roles and _____ roles.
  • Which of the following is TRUEabout member screening?
  • When a group is formally organized in a hierarchical structure,

leader; follower

open; closed

relationship; task

centralized; decentralized

Screening must be completed prior to the first group session.

How prospective members are likely to influence other members and interact with them is not a consideration when screening.

Screening should always be done, regardless of the type of group.

It is best if the leader screens prospective group members himself/herself.

the informal structure will always be hierarchical as well.

there will be more high status persons than low status persons.

some individuals in the group have more status than others.

the informal structure will probably be egalitarian.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding ethical group practices? The leader should

practice within his/her own skill limits.

inform members that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in group.

make sure members continue with an exercise once it has been started.

avoid engaging in business relationships with group members.

Liking for a group is _____ cohesion, whereas goal-focused team work is _____ cohesion.

emotional; structural

social; structural

social; task

emotional; social

Group formation is influenced significantly by all these factors EXCEPT

the personality characteristics of individuals who may become members.

situational forces that promote affiliation among individuals.

interpersonal forces that promote attraction among individuals.

the gender of those seeking group membership.

According to Jacobs et al., which of the following can be a MISTAKE with regard to group rules?

Spending a short amount of time explaining the rules

Making up the rules as a group decision activity

Discussing the rules as they become relevant in the group

Deciding on the rules and informing the members of what they are

Which statement describes a group at the orientation, or forming, stage of development?

Members tend to be guarded while gathering information about the leader and other members.

Members challenge the leader’s ideas.

Members rely on each other.

Members identify duties and responsibilities.

To set a positive tone in the first session of the group, the leader should NOT

cut members off or be firm.

start by reviewing group rules.

get everyone to share something.

be enthusiastic about the group beginning.

This theory assumes that how secure and comfortable you were with your primary caregiver influences your relationships, including group memberships, throughout your entire life.

Social Motivation

Social Comparison

Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation


In a social skills group for children, the leader uses exercises to help members learn skills to improve peer relationships. Which leadership style is being utilized?

Group directed and interpersonal

Group directed and intrapersonal

Leader directed and interpersonal

Leader directed and intrapersonal

Which one is NOT an important group dynamic for a support group?

The leader creating a safe environment

All members having an opportunity to share

Members caring about others in the group

The group encountering diversity by including members with varied experiences.

Sherif’s study of the autokinetic effect indicated that group norms

emerge as members reach a consensus through reciprocal influence.

describe how members act, feel, and think.

emerge from personal, idiosyncratic beliefs.

identify behaviors that should not be performed.

Audiences, bystanders and crowds are ______ while coworkers, sports teams, and study groups are ______.

primary groups; collectives

collectives; categories

collectives; social groups

social groups; primary groups

The most important concept of group leadership is having

a plan.

a good attitude.

clarity of purpose.

knowledge of each member’s issues.

Which of the following is NOT one of Jacobs et al.’s perspectives on the relationship between content and process in a group meeting?

Content refers to the dynamics and therapeutic forces in the group whereas process refers to the purpose and task of the group.

The leader may emphasize one or the other depending on the type of group and the stage it is in.

A group that focuses too much on process may never reach any meaningful depth.

A group that focuses too much on content may miss out on the benefits of interacting with and learning from each other.

Donald decides that he wants to do more for the group. He starts helping other members by taking on some of their work and organizing fund raisers. Donald is providing _____ support.





Which of the following distinguishes a group from a network?





While other models typically include four or more group stages, Jacobs et al. propose three stages. In which stage do members benefit the most from being in the group?

Beginning or Forming

Transition or Storming

Middle or Working

Closing or Ending

Which one is task-focused rather than relationship-focused?

Feeling anger toward a coworker

Complimenting a group member after a presentation

Asking the group members if they are happy with the decision

Offering a good solution to a problem the group faces

Introduction exercises serve all of the following purposes EXCEPT:

Setting a positive tone for the group

Focusing in on the content of the group

Getting members acquainted with one another

Determining how successful the first session is going to be


1.When planning a session, a mistake would be

varying the format of activities across the session.

Spending most of the session warming-up the members.

planning to conduct a deep feedback exercise in the beginning stage of group.

having the session’s purpose discussed at the very beginning of a group session.


1.Which of the following is FALSE about the purpose of a group?

Each session must have a purpose

A group may have more than one purpose

The purpose of a group may change over time

When the leader is clear about the purpose, the members will also be


1.Interdependence, a key quality of groups, requires

all members of the group influence each other equally.

members’ outcomes depend, in part, on the actions of others in the group.

influence is reciprocal, in the sense that if A influences B, then B influences A.

group members share a common goal.


1.A number of experts who study group development believe that

conflict is destructive to groups and must be avoided.

conflict always yields positive effects.

conflict is an unavoidable aspect of group interaction and necessary for achieving group cohesion.

absence of conflict is usually a sign that group members are highly involved and motivated.

1.Which of the following is NOT associated with “second session let down?”

Less excitement than in the initial session

Disagreement about the group norms

Anxiety about participating in the group

Different energy within and between members


1.Which exercise is NOT appropriate to use in the first session of a group?




Sentence completion


1.If there are group members who are not clear about the group’s purpose, the following is recommended, EXCEPT

discussing the problem openly in group.

asking those members to leave the group.

meeting with confused members separately.

reiterating the purpose whenever necessary.


1.To become an effective group leader, Jacobs et al. recommend

setting counseling theory aside and focusing on process.

organizing sessions so that the intended topics are covered.

leading difficult groups first to quickly gain experience.

using the group he or she is leading to work on his/her unresolved issues.


1.In a therapy group, members expect everyone to communicate and share their thoughts and feelings. All members agree on informal rules regarding who should talk and for how long. This group has high levels of _____ compatibility.






1._____ norms articulate what people typically do; _____ norms articulate what people should avoid doing.

Descriptive; proscriptive

Prescriptive; proscriptive

Descriptive; injunctive

Injunctive; prescriptive


1.All of the following are appropriate ways to begin a session EXCEPT:

Reviewing the previous session

Using a round to quickly check-in with members

Having a new member introduce himself/herself to the group

Conducting a 20-25 minute warm-up activity


1.If the leader sees that a change of purpose is needed, he or she should

make the change without informing the members.

discuss with the group why the change might be helpful.

make sure the new direction is established within a single session.

cutting off members who are frustrated or confused about the change.


1.Which one is NOT a characteristic of norms?

They are shared among group members.

They set the standards for expected behaviors.

They are often taken for granted by members.

They are flexible and change rapidly over time as new members join the group.

1.According to Jacobs et al., the single most important therapeutic force of a group is the

leader’s attitude.

clarity of purpose.

adequacy of the setting.

members’ level of commitment.


1.In the middle stage of a support group for step-parents, the members decided to focus on their individual concerns in a written exercise. Which leadership style is being utilized?

Group directed and interpersonal

Group directed and intrapersonal

Leader directed and interpersonal

Leader directed and intrapersonal


1.Explaining how the group will be conducted and the role of the group leader will accomplish the following, EXCEPT

help the group to function more smoothly.

ease the tension members feel about participating.

allow the members to form expectations about the leader.

guarantee no member feels left out.

1.A multicomponent approach to cohesion assumes

there are many different factors that contribute to group cohesion.

a group where members no longer feel emotionally connected to one another but are still
proud to be members does not qualify as being cohesive.

a group is only considered cohesive if it is simultaneously socially, task, emotionally, and structurally cohesive.

group cohesion is based primarily on interpersonal attraction.

1.Which of the following does NOT characterize an advantage of group work?

Learning from others by listening to them

Receiving feedback from multiple sources

Feeling a sense of belonging with others who share similar concerns

Making those reluctant to self-disclose doing so by applying group pressure

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